Thursday, January 17, 2013

How to Determine Heartburn Symptoms and Treatment - Health Guide

The incidence of heartburn commonly experienced by many people can be temporary or it slowly slipped into a more complicated medical case when neglected. According to some clinical surveys, over 60 million individuals encounter symptoms related to heartburn. Despite the heartburn symptoms, it is not considered as a serious health condition, but it can certainly worsen and lead to other health problems.

Heartburn Symptoms

Heartburn is a condition experienced from an underlying cause of abdominal health problem such as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Many individuals can identify heartburn by its symptoms. There are symptoms used in its diagnosis.

? One of the symptoms is burning sensation in the chest. The symptom primarily begins behind the sternum or also known as the breastbone, and can proceed upward to the throat. This symptom can be experienced soon after eating. The duration of the burning sensation can last from a couple of minutes to several hours. However, this kind of symptom may differ for every individual.

? Another symptom is a sour taste in the mouth. This normally happens when the content in the stomach regurgitates into the esophagus and may regurgitate back throughout the throat. The contents are accompanied by stomach acid. When this happens, an individual can normally experience a sour taste in the mouth.

? Dysphagia or difficulty swallowing can be manifested due to the burning sensation felt in the sternum up to the throat. This symptom of heartburn may cause difficulty in swallowing food. It also presents a feeling of choking especially in the area of the throat. However, this symptom does not always mean a person has heartburn; it may also be caused by other health conditions such as esophageal cancer and erosive esophagitis. A doctor must examine these symptoms to identify the root cause of the dysphagia correctly.

? Wheezing is also one of the heartburn symptoms. According to some studies, asthma and GERD are greatly connected within over 60 percent of the human population. This is because stomach acid reflux from GERD can aspirate from the esophagus into the airways of a person with asthma into their lungs. Hence, it can manifest difficulty of breathing and ultimately wheezing.

Heartburn Treatment

The appropriate medical approach by the physician is to treat heartburn to avoid further complications. Like most common health conditions, this is not suggesting any serious health threat. However, if left untreated or ignored, heartburn can progress into more serious health problems. This is the reason why medical assistance is strongly encouraged.

? Modifying a person?s diet ? This can help a person prevent heartburn because of eating too fast or over eating. This habit can trigger the heartburn in some instances. The right technique to avoid heartburn is to relax and eat the food on regular speed. Even so, there are still different kinds of food that can induce heartburn such as acid-based food, vinegar, chocolate, tomato and many more. According to health experts, prevention is better than cure. This is why; it is important to avoid food that can activate heartburn.

? Prescription Medication ? There are different medications that can ease heartburn. These medications are classified as antacid, H2 blockers, and Proton pump inhibitors. The purpose of these medicines is to decrease the production of the acid inside the stomach. This is because when acid stays too long in the stomach it can result to acid reflux. The goals of these medications are to ease and stop further episodes of heartburn.

Knowing the different heartburn symptoms and treatments of heartburn aids a person to understand the possible actions to be done when the health complication is experienced. Thus, proper medical assistance must to be considered.

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