Thursday, October 11, 2012

Max Keeping battling colorectal cancer | Ottawa & Region | News ...

Max Keeping
Legendary Ottawa newscaster Max Keeping has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer. (Tony Caldwell/Ottawa Sun file photo)

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Ottawa celebrity and former CTV News anchor Max Keeping announced Tuesday he will battle cancer for a second time.

In an interview with CTV News, Keeping, 70, said he was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in July and will undergo major surgery on Monday which will result in the removal of his rectum, anus, prostate and bladder.

The surgery is expected to keep him off his feet for six months.

?My lifestyle will have to change. I?ll have two major incisions to get over,? Keeping told CTV. ?I go into this operation saying I?ll be back in three to four months. I don?t care what the doctors say. I want to be back being part of Ottawa.?

Keeping has spent a good portion of his life bettering Ottawa communities and has become an icon for his numerous charitable contributions.

It is estimated Keeping has raised many millions over the years for charities including CHEO, the Ottawa Senators Foundation and United Way Ottawa.

In 2003, CHEO named a wing after him and in 2005 Keeping founded the Max Keeping Foundation, which assists financially disadvantaged children and families who are overlooked by other charities because they don?t meet certain requirements.

Nine years ago, Keeping announced he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Instead of being bitter and angry, he used his battle with cancer as a forum for spreading awareness about early detection and regular screenings

Keeping survived prostate cancer and made a full recovery.

It?s no surprise that he?s decided to go public with his second battle against cancer, once again to create awareness about the importance of early detection.

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in both men and women.?

An estimated 23,300 Canadians will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2012 and 9,200 will die of it.

But with early detection the cancer is highly treatable and doesn?t have to be fatal.

During the televised interview, it was obvious that Keeping has maintained his positive attitude and has every intention of putting up a fight.

?Any day that starts with waking up is a good day to dance. This is the only day that God has guaranteed us so use it to its utmost and that?s the attitude I?ll take into the O.R. on Monday morning.?



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