Thursday, October 11, 2012

FREE Events on raising funds for business innovation. | Fearless ...

FREE Events? from Growth Accelerator (a Government initiative) and School for Start Ups to inform entrepreneurs, businesses and investors about the new types of money and investment opportunities.

These events in 9 locations around England will explore:

  • New sources of finance beyond traditional bank loans
  • What type of money businesses need
  • New investment opportunities for both the new and the established investor
  • The important government tax scheme encouraging early stage investment:
    the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme

Events run from 11th October to 27th November and registration can be made online at:

Innovators across all industries can learn from experts about the latest ways to fund business ideas.

Seed Enterprise Investment is worth serious consideration but there are some factors relating to R&D Tax Relief and De Minimis Aid Regulations which should be taken into account if you use the Scheme. Talk to us if you are considering use of the scheme via Ask Fearless.


tagged weather radar Heptathlon London 2012 shot put London 2012 Track And Field Jordyn Wieber michael phelps

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