Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Three Things I Learned From Running My Own Company ...

Running a business is a never-ending learning experience.??As much as I?d love to say that I never made any mistakes, this is far from the truth.??I have made more than my share, and will continue to in the future.

But if there is one thing I do have under control, it is the ability to reflect upon my failures so that I don?t make the same mistakes twice.??As someone who runs an Internet business that sells E-Books, the following three discussion points were my three biggest mistakes since launching a company.

Hopefully passing on this knowledge can help others out there from making the same mistakes I did as a novice!

1. Be extremely weary of hiring overseas help.

If there is one mistake I wish more than anything I could take back, it would be hiring help overseas to perform SEO tasks.

The idea of cheap help is appealing to anyone.??Workers overseas will charge us fractions of what we would pay for U.S. based help.

The problem is, how much can we really trust a complete stranger from another country?

I learned this the hard way.

In one situation, I not only received a penalty from Google due to a man I hired to work for me, but when I confronted him about it he threatened to destroy my website if I didn?t send him one hundred dollars!??Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.???I either had to allow myself to be extorted or would have to risk my entire site being messed with!

My point is, hiring someone overseas can be effective for certain tasks in which not much trust is involved.??But be careful whom you hire.??The consequences may not be worth the money you are saving.

2.??Make sure your profits come from many different avenues.

One of the biggest mistakes I made early on was relying exclusively on Google search results for sales.???This was an absolutely terrible business plan.

When Google made updates in its algorithms, I saw my search results drop big time.??This was incredibly unfair, as my site was very high quality, but Google does what it wants.???Even though my website may not have deserved to drop in rankings, if I had a better business plan, it would not have been nearly as big a deal if I had different revenue streams.

Look into all means of advertising.??Whether it is PPC, seeking affiliate help, or even grass roots advertising, one should always have multiple ways of generating income.

3.??Focus on quality over quantity.

Running a business assures one thing:??that we will always have a never-ending to-do list.?The problem comes when we let our never-ending list get in the way of the quality of our work.

As my life got busier and busier, the quality of my work dropped at times.??This will only hurt the business in the long run.

Whether we are writing articles, building links, interacting with customers, or doing any one of the million tasks most of us have to do every day, never let a busy schedule get in the way of how much quality help we are providing.

This will not only lead to lower sales in the long run, but will lead to what I call, ?business burnout.?

Eventually our minds will crash and we will lose interest in our business.

Stay focused, keep the workload smaller, and focus on quality above quantity!??If you find yourself doing too much, outside help is the way to go.

Joshua Pompey currently provides online dating advice to men all over the world. ?You can find tons of great advice by visiting his new website?. ?Click?for plenty of free articles, or click here?to sign up for a free weekly newsletter, in addition to receiving two free chapters of his e-book, The REAL Online Game.

Tags: joshua pompey

Category: Personal Branding, Startup Advice


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3 Reasons Why Married Couples Argue About Money [EXPERT ...

3 Reasons Why Married Couples Argue About Money [EXPERT]
Is money an issue in your relationship?

Do you and your spouse bicker about finances?

Join "The Money Couple", Scott and Bethany Palmer, on our Facebook page Thursday, November 1 at 2 p.m. EST to ask all of your questions about money and relationships!

More from YourTango: 6 Money Matters To Discuss Before Marriage [EXPERT]

Contrary to what you might think, when it comes to relationships, more money does not equal more happiness.

It is important to look at the bigger picture. You may assume that if your budget, retirement plan and cash-flow worksheet are in order, you will have a happy relationship. However, this is not the case.

Your views on money impact every decision you make as a couple from the big stuff like houses and cars to the mundane details like the kind of coffee you drink and the brand of shoes you wear. But how does this affect our relationship? Here is an example: A husband calls his wife the "Money Nazi" because when he walks through the door, their conversation goes like this:

Wife: Where did you go out to lunch?
Husband: We went Italian today.
Wife: "What did you have?
Husband: "A Chicken Caesar Salad.
Wife: How much did it cost?
Husband: I don't know ? about 13 dollars.
Wife: Thirteen dollars for a chicken salad?!

If this argument sounds familiar, you aren't alone. Here are three culprits of financial tension in romantic relationships:

More from YourTango: Financial Infidelity: 7 Hints He's Lying About Money [EXPERT]

1. Your money DNA. While there is no money gene per se, how you look at and feel about money is as ingrained in you as the color of your eyes. You are born with it.

More marriage advice from YourTango Experts:

Find an expert near you!


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

The next 100 million iPads | asymco

Having reached 100 million iPads shipped in 2.5 years the natural question is how long will it take for the next 100 million iPads?

The ramp of cumulative units shipped is shown below.


I also added the equivalent ramp for the iPhone. [The last data point for the iPad is based on an estimate of 16.5 million units in Q3 which may need revision depending on company reporting.]

The next 100 million will depend to a large degree on the success of the new iPad mini. To make an estimate we have to realize that there are several aspects of the tablet market which differ from the phone market and that therefore the predictive power for previous data is weak.

First, the channels are different. Tablets are sold as media consumption or ?computing? products. They are not sold as communication devices. Therefore operators have few incentives to promote and subsidize them. They do participate in the distribution but not with the same level of commitment. That means less ?push? and opportunity for discovery. Apple has an advantage in this case with their stores and brand value. The lack of operator engagement and lack of points of sale might be one reason why Android tablets have not ramped as quickly.

Second, for some competitors, the tablet itself is a loss leader and acts more as a terminal into an ecosystem rather than a product in itself. In cases where tablets are given away it?s possible that consumers might own one for each platform or ecosystem. This is similar to the game console model where the cost of the console is not a barrier to many avid gamers. This means that penetration of tablets can reach above 100% of users in some markets. Although network connections (i.e. SIM cards) can and do reach well above 100%, the number of phones in use by one person simultaneously is bounded.

Third, the lifetime of the product is as yet undetermined. Phones tend to last 2 years. This is due to evolving standards as well as high wear and tear and breakage or losses. Tablets are not as ?mobile? and are less likely to be used and the basic functionality does not evolve as rapidly. It?s possible that replacement rates for tablets will follow more that of notebook computers than phones. Perhaps between 2 and 4 years. I suspect most iPads purchased are still in use today, including the first version. There will be some obsolescence from system upgrades, but the older systems will keep going.

Some of these aspects of the product could lead to slower growth and some to faster growth. That and the fact that it?s a completely new category with business and consumer and educational and vertical applications makes it a difficult product to forecast.

Having said that, the product is extremely resonant with buyers. The growth to 100 million is testament to that. The liquidity of the product, with no carrier locking and no pricing illusions means that it reaches all parts of the world quickly. So there is no obvious upper bound on the size of population who might buy it. The new price points and form factor may lead to a wave of new adoption, similar to the impact the iPod mini had on the iPod line.

There are still many factors that can slow growth, especially production capacity, but I believe that the iPad could growth between 50% and 80% which would mean 100 million more iPads could be sold by the end of 2013.


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Agencies work to unite foster, biological parents ... - KWQC-TV6 Home

Associated Press

MIAMI (AP) - When Angela Austin-Knight's teenage son and daughter were placed in foster care in 2008, she was despondent and angry. Not only had she lost custody of her children because of her drug use, but now two strangers were raising them.

She feared she would have no contact with the foster parents or her children and no say in how the kids were raised.

"You don't know somebody. You always wonder what their ulterior motives are," said Austin-Knight, a 44-year-old Vero Beach woman who has been sober for three years.

But days after Austin-Knight's children were put in foster care, she met foster mother Krista King at a park as part of an effort in Florida to encourage more foster parents to communicate with birth parents, let them talk to their children and honor their child-rearing wishes. Similar programs are in California, Virginia and New Mexico. Several other states - including Oregon, New Hampshire and Washington - provide legal representation or mentorship for birth parents.

The programs have been developed as child welfare administrators acknowledge that more than half of foster children will eventually return home to their parents - a longstanding proportion that wasn't always addressed in innovative ways. The approaches provide an opportunity to help rehabilitate the parents, most of whom lose their children because of drugs and alcohol or neglect issues related to poverty.

Caseworkers and judges decide how much contact is appropriate, and birth parents who were abusive often aren't allowed to maintain a relationship with the foster family.

As recently as 20 years ago, social workers in most states discouraged contact between foster and biological parents because the birth parents were often seen as dangerous - regardless of the reason for the children's removal. There were also concerns that if foster and birth parents were encouraged to connect, they could interact in ways that overstepped boundaries set by caseworkers, said Carole Shauffer, executive director of Youth Law Center in California. Those attitudes have begun to change, but states vary widely on whether they encourage birth parents to stay involved.

In states and counties now encouraging the interactions, parents may keep in contact over the phone or face-to-face. Foster parents are taught to speak positively about birth parents and are encouraged to do small things like place a birth parent's picture in the child's room.

"It may not always be comfortable for the adults to navigate these relationships, but it's about the best interest of the child," said Claudia McDowell, who heads Bridging the Gap in Fairfax County, Va. The program in Northern Virginia arranges icebreaker meetings, often during the first week after a child's removal.

Encouraging more contact with birth parents helps alleviate a longtime problem of older foster youths sneaking away to see birth parents even though they weren't legally supposed to have contact, said Illinois Department of Children and Family Services spokesman Kendall Marlowe. In the last several years, the state has pushed for courts to allow birth parents to visit their children while in foster care whenever possible.

"We were prohibited by courts from helping families that we knew older youth were re-establishing contact with (biological parents) was only right that we look for ways to build a better bridge between an older youth and the family that had brought them into this world," he said.

Programs in several states are also providing better resources to help biological parents navigate the legal system or fix the problems that land their child in state custody.

An Oregon program in several counties helps birth parents who are battling substance abuse and whose children have been placed in foster care navigate the court system. The mentors, who are also recovering from substance abuse, help train new child welfare caseworkers, teaching them not to dwell on past mistakes, program director Ruth Taylor said.

In parts of New Hampshire, birth parents who have been through the child removal process serve on policy committees and help draft questionnaires when kids are being removed to make the process more sensitive for birth families. Better Together With Birth Parents is looking to expand statewide.

A Washington program in 25 counties found success offering birth parents better legal representation after their children were taken into foster care. Experts said the program sped up the legal process, allowing children to return home more quickly or cut ties with unfit biological parents so they could be eligible for adoption.

"It has been very difficult for biological parents to get information, to be treated in a way that encourages them to participate in planning for their children," said David Sanders of Seattle-based advocacy group Casey Family Programs.

Miami foster mom Maritza Moreno says the concept wasn't really addressed when she went through training four years ago and that some foster parents were wary that birth parents would resent them. Around that same time, Florida made a more formal statewide push to encourage co-parenting.

A few years ago, Moreno walked into court with her foster baby and froze in fear when she saw the child's father. But her heart melted when she saw how tenderly he held the baby.

"It completely changed me and my perception of biological parents," said Moreno. "They are people who have made mistakes. They're in this terrible situation and they're afraid as well. The love this man had for his son really touched me."

Northern Virginia foster parents Randy and Marisa Smith mentored Richard Williams as he sought to regain custody of his young son Moses. They invited Williams to their home in Burke for play dates, helped him pay for gas on the long commutes and showed him how to help Moses break his habit of biting others. Williams was ultimately awarded custody of his son, but said the Smiths are like family. They recently took Moses on vacation with them and helped celebrate his 5th birthday.

The Smiths have worked with about a dozen foster kids and their parents in the past five years.

"We love these kids and want them to have another life and help these parents connect with their kids and develop that bond and help their parents get their act together," said Randy Smith. "Sometimes they need that motivation because they've been beat down by the system."

In South Florida, Austin-Knight was filled with fear and questions before her first meeting with Krista King, but the two ultimately bonded.

King, who has fostered more than 70 kids in the past seven years, reassured Austin-Knight that she would always be included in her children's lives.

Over the months, the Kings took the kids to meet Austin-Knight for meals, invited her to the house for visits, made sure the kids bought her holiday cards even celebrated some holidays together. The Kings later fostered another one of Austin-Knight's sons and ultimately adopted that child, who's now 5.

Her teen son, who's now 18, has moved back home. Her daughter is also an adult and no longer living in foster care.

But there were bumps in the road.

Krista King didn't allow Austin-Knight to buy her kids presents, worrying she was trying to buy their love. She wouldn't let Austin-Knight exchange text messages with her children at first, which Austin-Knight resented.

"There was a lot of ups and down between us in the beginning," said Austin-Knight, who is pursuing an MBA. Both said they are grateful to the Kings and visit them often. "She went out of her way many times to do nice things for us."

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A look at recent tech-industry earnings

Technology companies have begun releasing their earnings reports for the latest quarter. The reports come as consumers shift their spending toward tablets and a weak global economy curbs corporate spending on computers. They also come as Microsoft prepares to release a new version of Windows on Friday. Here is a summary of recent earnings and reports for selected technology companies and what they reveal about the state of spending and the overall economy.

? Oct. 5: Samsung Electronics Co. forecast another record quarterly operating profit, likely driven by strong sales of high-end smartphones that offset weak semiconductor orders. Samsung estimated that its July-September operating income nearly doubled to 8.1 trillion won ($7.3 billion) from 4.25 trillion won a year earlier. The result was better than the market consensus of 7.6 trillion won. Full results are expected Oct. 26.

? Oct. 16: Intel Corp., the world's largest chipmaker, says net income fell 14 percent from last year in the latest quarter, and it's looking at tough conditions in the new quarter. Intel blames a difficult global economy for declining sales, but analysts believe a shift in spending from PCs to tablets and smartphones may be contributing.

IBM Corp. says revenue slipped below Wall Street's expectations in the third quarter as the technology company dealt with jittery customers and a weakening euro that undercut its results. Despite the problems posed by the wobbly economy, IBM's earnings held steady.

? Oct. 17: eBay Inc. says its third-quarter net income grew 22 percent, helped by higher revenue at its PayPal payments service and the marketplaces business that includes

? Oct. 18: Google Inc. reports earnings and revenue that fell well below analyst projections. Most of Google's third-quarter headaches were concentrated in Motorola Mobility, the troubled cellphone maker that the company bought for $12.4 billion in May.

Microsoft Corp. says net income fell 22 percent in the latest quarter as it deferred revenue from the sale of its upcoming Windows 8 operating system to PC makers ? and as PC sales in general took a dive. The economic troubles in Europe also weighed on results, which missed Wall Street expectations.

Chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices Inc. says it will cut nearly 1,800 jobs, about 15 percent of its workforce, by the end of the year in order to reduce spending in the face of dwindling sales.

Verizon Communications Inc. reports a blow-out number of new devices on its wireless network, boosted by the revolutionary Share Everything plan, which made it cheaper for households to add wireless service to non-phone devices like tablets and laptops. Verizon Wireless added a net 1.5 million devices to contract-based plans in the third quarter, more than it has in many years.

? Monday: Yahoo Inc. issued a third-quarter earnings report that topped analyst estimates. Yahoo's net revenue barely grew at a time when advertisers are spending more money marketing their products and services online. But the numbers were slightly better than analysts projected. It's the first quarter under new CEO Marissa Mayer.

? Tuesday: Facebook Inc. reports third-quarter results that inch past Wall Street's expectations, offering evidence that the company is making inroads in mobile advertising ? a longtime concern among investors.

Netflix Inc. cut its prediction of how many video streaming subscribers it would add this year after its third-quarter additions of 1.2 million came in at the low end of the company's forecasts.

Apple refreshes its lineup of Mac computers and introduces a 13-inch MacBook Pro model with a sharper, Retina display. It announces new iMacs for later this year, along with a faster, full-sized iPad tablet and a smaller one called the iPad Mini.

Coming up:

? Wednesday: Zynga Inc., AT&T Inc.

? Thursday: Apple Inc., Sprint Nextel Corp., Inc.

? Friday: Samsung Electronics Co., Comcast Corp.

? Nov. 1: Sony Corp., LinkedIn Corp.

? Nov. 8: Groupon Inc.

? Nov. 13: Cisco Systems Inc.

? Nov. 20: Hewlett-Packard Co., Dell Inc.

? Dec. 20: Research In Motion Ltd.


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Gov. Snyder signs youth sports concussion bills

Tired of four star hotels? Pull up a campfire and chill at a state park
Algonac MI??October 23, 2012??|??WGVU??Michigan?s State Park system recently crossed a milestone, recording its one millionth visitor earlier this month. As WGVU?s David Moore reports, it?s been a banner season for lovers of the great outdoors.???
Muskegon Heights City Council to revisit issue of jail relocation
??October 23, 2012??|??WGVU??It?s back to the drawing board for architects as Muskegon Heights considers what to do with the county?s jail. A well attended grassroots community forum over the weekend in the Heights also reviewed the state?s emergency manager law. ???
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WGVU-TV moderates U.S. Senate Forums featuring Stabenow and Hoekstra
??October 23, 2012??|??WGVU??Michigan voters will have an opportunity to watch U.S. Senator, Debbie Stabenow, and Republican challenger, Pete Hoekstra, discuss the key issues facing the nation. While they won?t be side-by-side debating the two will be scheduled back-to-back on your local PBS station. ???
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Task force to investigate metro Detroit shooting spate
Wixom MI??October 23, 2012??|??AP??A task force of local and state police agencies is meeting to discuss the latest in its effort to track down whoever's responsible for 22 reported shootings in a four-county region of southeastern Michigan over a three-day period. ???
3 Michigan residents sue Massachusetts firm after injection
Boston MA??October 23, 2012??|??AP??Three Michigan residents have filed suit after allegedly developing fungal meningitis following an injection of a tainted steroid produced by a Massachusetts company. ???
University of Michigan sees enrollment rise again
Ann Arbor MI??October 23, 2012??|??AP??The University of Michigan says it has its largest student body in school history for the fourth consecutive year. ???
At least 2 cougar sightings reported in SE Mich.
Milford MI??October 23, 2012??|??AP??Cougar? Bobcat? Here kitty kitty...???
Michigan community health centers get federal support
??October 23, 2012??|??AP??Nearly two dozen community health centers in Michigan are getting funding from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration. ???
Tiger Stadium lettering going on display at museum
??October 23, 2012??|??AP??The Detroit Historical Society is putting original lettering from the former Tiger Stadium on display. ???
Race track, Adrian College pair up on science work
??October 23, 2012??|??AP??The Michigan International Speedway and Adrian College have developed plans for a science center and science related field trips at the NASCAR racetrack. ???
Former McCotter aides ordered to stand trial
??October 23, 2012??|??AP??A judge has ordered two men who worked for a Detroit-area congressman to stand trial in a campaign scandal. ???
70 officers investigate Michigan roadway shootings
??October 23, 2012??|??AP??A task force of local and state police agencies has met to discuss its effort to track down whoever's responsible for 22 reported shootings in four southeastern Michigan counties over three days. ???
Michigan 69 meningitis outbreak cases include 6 dead
??October 23, 2012??|??AP??Authorities are reporting six deaths and 69 infections in Michigan as part of a national outbreak of fungal meningitis linked to contaminated steroids. ???
Gov. Snyder signs youth sports concussion bills
??October 23, 2012??|??MPRN??Michigan would boost efforts to reduce the number and severity of concussions in youth sports under bills signed today by Governor Rick Snyder. Jake Neher has more. ???
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Classic Chevrolet building gets new tenant, but not another auto dealership.
Wyoming MI??October 22, 2012??|??WGVU??Cherry Street Health Services adds Wyoming clinic to provide health care for the underserved???
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City of Wyoming continues to ponder logo cross removal request
Wyoming MI??October 22, 2012??|??WGVU??The question of the presence of a Christian symbol on the city seal of Wyoming remains a question, but the issue is still open. WGVU religion reporter David Moore has an update. ???
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Man pleads in West Michigan fire where woman died
??October 22, 2012??|??WGVU??A 62-year-old man is expected to be sentenced to at least 30 years in prison in the death of a woman whose body was found the remains of a burned-out West Michigan house. ???
Group plans protest over drivers licenses for undocumented workers
??October 22, 2012??|??WGVU??The issue of whether undocumented workers should get drivers licenses under Obama's Deferred Action program has some local residents upset with the Michigan Secretary of State?s office. ???
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U-M makes changes after kidee porn case delay
Dearborn MI??October 22, 2012??|??AP??Child porn case brings admin changes at University of Michigan???
AAA Michigan reports gas prices down 26 cents from last week
Dearborn MI??October 22, 2012??|??AP??AAA Michigan says gasoline prices have fallen roughly 26 cents during the past week to a statewide average of about $3.51 per gallon. ???
Michigan bride and groom dressed as zombies mark scary day of marriage with Halloween-themed wedding
Carleton MI??October 22, 2012??|??AP??"Unconventional" wedding marks "one of the scariest moments of our lives"???
Michigan West Nile cases reach 223 with 13 deaths
Lansing MI??October 22, 2012??|??AP??As November approaches and cooler temperatures settle in Michigan, state health officials still are keeping track of West Nile virus. ???
Zeus, the tallest dog, wags tail in Troy
Troy MI??October 22, 2012??|??AP??A Michigan dog considered to be the world's tallest canine took part in a fundraiser photo shoot Sunday in the Detroit area. ???
Pure Michigan campaign holds photo contest
??October 22, 2012??|??AP??The state's Pure Michigan tourism campaign is holding a photo contest that offers a chance to be published in a travel guide. ???
Two teens wounded during shooting near school
??October 22, 2012??|??AP??Two teenagers have been shot near a public charter school in Grand Rapids. ???
Gov. Snyder asks international business leaders to support new bridge to Canada
??October 22, 2012??|??MPRN?? Governor Rick Snyder is worried Proposal Six on the November ballot would spark a lengthy court battle if it?s passed. The initiative would require a state-wide vote before any new international crossing could be built in Michigan. Jake Neher has more. ???
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Muskegon Heights community forum to tackle jail and emergency manager law
??October 19, 2012??|??WGVU??A grassroots community forum Saturday in Muskegon Heights will gather public input on issues facing local residents, including the emergency manager law and the county jail. ???
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Tigers sweep Yanks to reach Fall Classic...Cards take 3-1 lead
Tigertown USA??October 19, 2012??|??AP??The Detroit Tigers have won the American League pennant and are going to the World Series for the 11th time in team history, and their first since 2006. ???
78 recruits graduating from Michigan trooper school
Lansing MI??October 19, 2012??|??AP??Seventy-eight recruits are set to be sworn in as Michigan State Police troopers in ceremony tonight. ???
Top Michigan judge moonlights in famous comic opera
Detroit MI??October 19, 2012??|??AP??A Michigan Supreme Court justice is trading her robe for a maid's costume, at least for a few nights. ???
Michigan senior residents create haunted apartment
Troy MI??October 19, 2012??|??AP??Residents of an active senior living community north of Detroit have done a ghastly redecorating job on one of their units. ???
Washington State apple growers to benefit from bad weather in Michigan, NY
Seattle WA??October 19, 2012??|??AP??Apple farmers in producing states like New York and Michigan are dealing with severe declines in production - as much as 90 percent in some cases. ???
Feds investigate Jeep Patriot stalling problem
??October 19, 2012??|??AP??Federal safety regulators are investigating complaints that Jeep Patriot SUV engines can stall without warning at highway speeds. ???
Fenton resident named head of Michigan Film Office
??October 19, 2012??|??AP??Secretary of state official Margaret O'Riley of Fenton has been named director of the Michigan Film Office. ???

Other drugs considered in NECC meningitis outbreak
??October 18, 2012??|??WGVU??The Michigan Department of Community Health is contacting all medical providers in Michigan who may have treated patients with any medicine from the New England Compounding Center since an outbreak of meningitis from contaminated steroid injections.???
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Rebooting Muskegon's summer festival
??October 18, 2012??|??WGVU??Coming this summer to Muskegon?s Heritage Landing is a new and improved summer festival?yet to be named. ???
Feeling sick and tired? You may have the flu!
Undated??October 18, 2012??|??WGVU??Kent County Health Department offers advice on staying one step ahead of the bug. David Moore reports.???
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FTA awards 32 million dollar grant to build The Rapid's Silver Line
??October 18, 2012??|??WGVU??A 32 million dollar grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation?s Federal Transit Administration has been awarded to Grand Rapids to build the Silver Line Bus Rapid Transit System. ???
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State Senate OKs bills attacking child pornography
Lansing MI??October 18, 2012??|??AP??The Michigan Senate has unanimously passed three Republican-introduced bills that supporters say would make it easier to prosecute people for child pornography. ???
University of Phoenix to close 8 Michigan locations
Kalamazoo MI??October 18, 2012??|??AP??The University of Phoenix is closing eight of its 10 Michigan locations as part of a broader effort to phase out some of its campuses and learning centers. ???
Dead, dying loons found at Sleeping Bear Dunes
Empire, MI??October 18, 2012??|??AP??Volunteers and biologists say they've found about 300 dead or dying loons over the past few days at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. ???
Condition of rescued 500-pound woman improving
Warren MI??October 18, 2012??|??AP??The condition of a 500-pound woman who was rescued from a filthy, bug-infested apartment in suburban Detroit has improved. ???

A123 Systems in bankruptcy, Johnson Controls to acquire assets
??October 17, 2012??|??WGVU??A 1-2-3 Systems Inc.,a Massachusetts-based maker of lithium-ion batteries, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in federal court Tuesday and announced its automotive assets in Michigan are being acquired by Johnson Controls in Holland. ???
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Supernovae: Terrifying to the ancients, fascinating today
Deep Space??October 17, 2012??|??WGVU??20-12 has been THE year for celestial events---some common, some unusual, a few once in a lifetime. ???
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Whirlpool delays layoffs from Evansville center
Evansville IN??October 17, 2012??|??AP??Whirlpool Corp. says it is posponing planned job cuts at its development center in Evansville in part because some people have already quit ahead of the center's scheduled 2014 closure. ???
Police across Michigan conduct yearly sex offender sweep
Lansing MI??October 17, 2012??|??AP??Law enforcement agencies across Michigan are conducting their ninth annual statewide sex offender sweep. Operation Verify runs through October 30. ???
No deal struck in lawsuit over Birds Eye cannery waste
Fenville MI??October 17, 2012??|??AP??Mediator fails to settle lawsuit by property owners over well water cotamination by Birds Eye???
Key hearing for former West Michigan charter school director
Muskegon MI??October 17, 2012??|??AP??Court hearing will determine whether Barbara Stellard doctored student attendance records while at WayPoint Academy. ???
Michigan Senate set to take up Blue Cross measures
Lansing MI??October 17, 2012??|??AP??The Michigan Senate is set to vote on a proposed overhaul of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan after a panel approved the legislation. ???
Michigan's fungal meningitis case count up to 44
??October 17, 2012??|??AP??Authorities are reporting 44 Michigan cases of fungal meningitis in the national outbreak, along with four non meningitis infection cases related to the same contaminated steroids. ???
Michigan Senate approves overhaul of Blue Cross
??October 17, 2012??|??AP??The Michigan Senate has approved a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan overhaul that supporters say levels the playing field among health insurers and critics argue doesn't adequately protect elderly and vulnerable residents. ???
State?s jobless rate dropped by 1 point over past 12 months
??October 17, 2012??|??MPRN??Michigan?s unemployment rate dropped in September for the first time in six months. The decline was a very slight one-tenth of percentage point to 9.3 percent. ???
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Food Processor Recipes: Dishes Made In The Machine (PHOTOS)

We admit, cooking and baking can be time-consuming -- and with every recipe there are multiple steps that need to be taken to get to the final result, a home-cooked meal on the table. What if there was a way to cut down on some of the most time-consuming tasks and get you back to cooking without excuses? There's an appliance you might already own that can help you cut down on precious time. It's the food processor.

Unlike a blender, which is best for blending liquids, a food processor can do much more. It can puree, shred, grate, mix up doughs/batters and more. A 30-minute meal (a la Jamie Oliver) can be a reality. If you don't believe us, we've got 20 recipes in the slideshow below from across the web that prove it's possible.

What's your favorite use for the food processor? Leave a comment.

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  • Hummus With Homemade Pita

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Hummus recipe from Arts and Tarts</a></strong> Making hummus at home is easy because it's made in the food processor.

  • Quick Toasted Coconut Scones

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Quick Toasted Coconut Scones recipe from From Ketchup to Chutney</a></strong> This easy recipe for scones comes together quickly in the food processor.

  • Cheesecake Cupcakes With Apricot Glaze

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Cheesecake Cupcakes with Apricot Glaze recipe from Today's Nest</a></strong> For this easy cheesecake recipe, both the wafer cookie crumb base and the cheesecake filling are prepared in the food processor -- separately of course.

  • Homemade Breakfast Sausage

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Breakfast Sausage recipe from Healthy Green Kitchen</a></strong> Grind your meat freshly at home, but instead of using a meat grinder, try the food processor. You can make sausages, patties, meatballs and hamburgers.

  • Roasted Tomatillo Salsa

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Roasted Tomatillo Salsa recipe from Turntable Kitchen</a></strong> Homemade salsas are easy to make in the food processor -- and you can create the consistency you wish, whether it's really chunky or silky smooth.

  • Homemade Pasta

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Pasta recipe from Big Girls Small Kitchen</a></strong> Don't tell your Italian nonna, but this recipe for pasta is made in the food processor.

  • Pesto-550

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Pesto recipe from Sam Tan's Kitchen</a></strong> Traditionally made in a mortar and pestle, pesto is all the more quicker when made in a food processor.

  • No-Cook Fudge

    <strong>Get the <a href="">No-Cook Fudge recipe from Cookie + Kate</a></strong> This fudge recipe requires no cooking and no stirring since it's made in the food processor.

  • Easy Thai Curry Paste

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Easy Thai Curry Paste recipe from Cooking on the Weekends</a></strong> The basis of many Thai recipes, this curry paste is easy to make in the food processor. Store it in the fridge until ready to use.

  • Morning Buns For Slackers

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Morning Buns for Slackers recipe from Ezra Pound Cake</a></strong> This recipe recreates <a href="">Tartine Bakery</a>'s famous morning buns in an easy way by using the food processor to bring together the dough.

  • Homemade Mayonnaise

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Mayonnaise recipe from Umami Girl </a></strong> Many people make homemade mayonnaise in the blender, but the food processor does the job even better.

  • Homemade Pizza Dough

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Pizza Dough recipe from Two Tarts</a></strong> Forget store-bought dough, whip up a batch of pizza dough in your food processor.

  • Homemade Butter

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Butter recipe from Whisk Away</a></strong> Homemade butter can be made at home very easily in the food processor. Once you've got the method down pat, try your hand at making some flavored butters.

  • Easy Turkey Bolognese

    Get the <a href="">Easy Turkey Bolognese recipe from Heather's Dish</a> Instead of spending all your time chopping vegetables for this recipe, use your food processor to get the job done more efficiently.

  • Santa Maria Style Tri Tip Marinade

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Santa Maria Style Tri Tip Marinade recipe from Costa Kitchen</a></strong> Forget the bottle marinade, make your own easily in the food processor.

  • Sweet Pistachio Butter

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Sweet Pistachio Butter recipe from Chocolate Chilli Mango</a></strong> Any nut butters can be made in the food processor -- just grind away.

  • Pretzel Rolls

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Pretzel Rolls recipe from ButterYum</a></strong> This recipe requires no kneading and comes together quickly in the food processor.

  • Homemade Coleslaw

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Coleslaw recipe from Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops</a></strong> Shredding cabbage for coleslaw is a breeze when you use your food processor's shredder attachment.

  • Perfect Pie Dough

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Perfect Pie Dough recipe from Little B Cooks</a></strong> Pie dough is easy to make when you use the food processor to work together the butter and flour.

  • Celeriac, Potato And Leek Soup

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Celeriac, Potato and Leek Soup recipe from It's Just Chicken</a></strong> Soups that require pureeing, can be pureed in the food processor, like this celeriac, potato and leek soup.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

TV, devices in kids' bedrooms linked to poor sleep, obesity

ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? Children who bask in the nighttime glow of a TV or computer don't get enough rest and suffer from poor lifestyle habits, new research from the University of Alberta has shown.

A province-wide survey of Grade 5 students in Alberta showed that as little as one hour of additional sleep decreased the odds of being overweight or obese by 28 per cent and 30 per cent, respectively. Children with one or more electronic devices in the bedroom -- TVs, computers, video games and cellphones -- were also far more likely to be overweight or obese.

"If you want your kids to sleep better and live a healthier lifestyle, get the technology out of the bedroom," said co-author Paul Veugelers, a professor in the School of Public Health, Canada Research Chair in Population Health and Alberta Innovates -- Health Solutions Health Scholar.

Veugelers, director of the Population Health Intervention Research Unit that works with the Alberta Project Promoting active Living and healthy Eating (APPLE Schools), said the research is the first to connect the dots on the relationship between sleep, diet and physical activity among kids.

Nearly 3,400 Grade 5 students were asked about their nighttime sleep habits and access to electronics through the REAL Kids Alberta survey. Half of the students had a TV, DVD player or video game console in their bedroom, 21 per cent had a computer and 17 per cent had a cellphone. Five per cent of students had all three types of devices.

Some 57 per cent of students reported using electronics after they were supposed to be asleep, with watching TV and movies being the most popular activity. Twenty-seven per cent of students engaged in three or more activities after bedtime.

Researchers found that students with access to one electronic device were 1.47 times as likely to be overweight as kids with no devices in the bedroom. That increased to 2.57 times for kids with three devices, with similar results reported among obese children.

More sleep also led to significantly more physical activity and better diet choices, researchers found.

Co-author Christina Fung noted that children today are not sleeping as much as previous generations, with two-thirds not getting the recommended hours of sleep per night. In addition to healthy lifestyle habits, a good night's sleep has been linked to better academic outcomes, fewer mood disorders and other positive health outcomes, she said.

"It's important to teach these children at an earlier age and teach them healthy habits when they are younger."

The research was published in September by the journal Pediatric Obesity, in an early online release. The REAL Kids Alberta evaluation was funded through a contract with Alberta Health.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Alberta. The original article was written by Bryan Alary.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. H. Chahal, C. Fung, S. Kuhle, P. J. Veugelers. Availability and night-time use of electronic entertainment and communication devices are associated with short sleep duration and obesity among Canadian children. Pediatric Obesity, 2012; DOI: 10.1111/j.2047-6310.2012.00085.x

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Home Improvements: Wet Sanding

Technically,if you want a definition of wet sanding, I would say it is a better alternative for sanding drywall in household repairs or renovation. This method is effective and safe first because the dry dust can not be released into the air in a time of action. Working in this way is a better choice for all those who are very allergic to excessive rubbing. And second, if there is no dust, no extra effort to clean up the mess settled in other furniture. Hopefully, by now you should have a basic idea of this concept! Wet sanding is nothing but dry sanding process posed drywall or plaster at the time repairs on your home. The main ingredients used in sanding is the right choice of sanding sponge. Yes, the sponge is a ' tool ' used to sand patch and block in the wall. This often requires flushing and cleaning though!

To repair drywall happen anywhere in your home. Just like in the living room or kitchen, bathroom possible, using the proper technique of wet sanding is needed. Below I have covered the most simple method of wet sanding wood.

Wet Sanding Wood

The main purpose of sanding, wood or other wood furniture is to reduce the burden on using liquid sandpaper. dry sanding process using sandpaper will make the blockage with the material you deleted. These are often attached to the paper and make your job all the more difficult. Wet sanding then introduced which would remove the waste material in the blink of an eye you and also keep the sandpaper all clean. When it comes to furniture just to apply varnish and paint didn't finish the job. Reached the surface perfectly updated is an important aspect. Check out the steps below to do the same thing, before you jump on just the aesthetics.

1. step: Given one of your furniture, sand the surface down to 320 grit fitfully and remove all sanding dust from the hole and the pores of the wood. You will have to use compressed air or a vacuum to do so. Also, keeping the cloth in hand tactics to clean the surface.

2. step: After you have successfully completed step 1, paste wood filler to make the surface smooth furbished in part you work. Now mix up a simple solution of water and detergent, wet sand the surface and use a rubber sanding block at the bottom center. All this procedure does not take any time to settle. In the final step, use automotive wax to Polish your article of furniture.

Sanding method is the method most recommended and significant work faster towards the improvement project. While wet sanding drywall that guarantees to keep a bucketful of water next to you. Dip a sponge in and keep rinsing frequently when it became cloudy.

Tips for Wet Sanding Drywall

Select Sponge: the Sponge's election was an important aspect of the wet sanding. They are not heavily weighted at all and its availability is easy at any store near-by. Because they are a light-weighted them larger in size, at least larger than your regular kitchen sponge. This quality sponge moistened sand and drywall simultaneously. It is recommended to go for a sponge in the tapered corners.

Clean the Sponge: now the constant use of a sponge is sure to be a sponge on which all mud sediment and particulate matter will still be absorbed. It is therefore often the cleaning will be necessary, because with more dust settling on sponges, taking the same will interfere. Be sure to keep a bucket of water to rinse and wring out the sponge often. Also, make sure you replace and fill the bucket with fresh water dirty once in a while.

Use of water: the water is not always a good solution for everything. In case of wet sanding, if you use too much water, it will have a big effect on the wall. Use plenty of water striking the wall will reduce drying time. This will extend your project work and ended up making you sick until it was all over. Another aspect of using excessive water is raised or behind the walls of plaster. Too much liquid in it will make the whole thing fall apart. So squeeze a sponge You as often as you can to avoid all the fuss.

Do not speed up your work when working on any remodeling project. Though ingenious finessing and consummation of the object takes time, it's much more a better choice if you want to get a clean process.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

'Saturday Night Live' Spoofs Brad Pitt's Chanel Ad

It was just a matter of time until Saturday Night Live parodied Brad Pitt's recently released Chanel commercial.


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Akin aide uses profanity in shot at McCaskill

FESTUS, Mo. (AP) ? An aide to Todd Akin on Monday used a profanity in a tweet to extend the GOP Senate hopeful's weekend analogy comparing Democratic incumbent Claire McCaskill to a "dog" who fetches problems from Washington. Meanwhile, McCaskill launched a campaign tour with a series of small-town stops aimed at improving her showing in rural Missouri.

"She goes to Washington, D.C., and it's a little bit like, you know, one of those dog (games), 'fetch,'" Akin said at a Saturday night fundraiser, in comments recorded by the web site.

"She goes to Washington, D.C., and gets all of these taxes and red tape and bureaucracy and executive orders and agencies and she brings all of this stuff and dumps it on us in Missouri," Akin added. "And it seems to me that she's got it just backwards. What we should be doing is taking the common sense that we see in Missouri and taking that to Washington, D.C., and blessing them with some solutions instead of more problems."

McCaskill, at a rally of supporters in Festus, Mo., didn't address the dog comment but said her campaign strategy for the final two weeks before the election is to "just keep Todd Akin talking." Afterward, she told reporters the comment was "unfortunate."

Later Monday, Akin senior campaign adviser Rick Tyler tweeted, "If Claire McCaskill were a dog, she'd be a 'Bullshitsu.' "

Tyler, reached by telephone, said, "It was a joke. Get it?" He said the focus should be on real issues such as the rising debt and stimulus money going to McCaskill's family. That was a reference to an earlier Associated Press story that found that businesses affiliated with McCaskill's husband had received almost $40 million of federal housing subsidies during her first five years in office.

After learning of the Tyler tweet, McCaskill campaign spokeswoman Caitlin Legacki said, "We'll leave it to Missouri's voters to make judgments about the language being used by Todd Akin's campaign. But I think Claire said this morning that their recent tone has certainly been disappointing."

Her campaign cited the dog comment in an email to reporters titled: "Akin continues to offend women, anyone else with a sense of decency."

Akin and McCaskill are locked in a fierce battle, with Republicans searching for the four seats the party needs to win the Senate majority on Nov. 6. That goal, once considered attainable, has grown more uncertain in part because of Akin's remark that women's bodies have ways of preventing pregnancy in cases of "legitimate rape." The comment improved McCaskill's odds, too. She was at one time considered the most vulnerable Senate Democrat up for re-election.

Akin has apologized repeatedly for the rape comment and defied calls to leave the race by leaders of his own party, from GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on down. Some Missouri Republican leaders and other senators not up for re-election this year have helped Akin raise campaign cash.

Akin also has gotten in trouble with some women voters for saying McCaskill's behavior during a recent debate was not "ladylike."

Despite Akin's gaffes the race is believed to be close. Missouri in recent years has grown increasingly conservative ? especially in rural areas of the state ? and opponents have tied McCaskill closely to President Barack Obama. She was an early supporter of the president.

McCaskill spent Monday in towns like Festus, Ironton, Eminence and Mountain Grove, trying to make inroads into the rural areas of the state where Democrats tend to do poorly.

McCaskill, a former prosecutor in Kansas City and state auditor, narrowly defeated incumbent Republican Jim Talent in 2006 thanks to overwhelming support in St. Louis and Kansas City. She carried only about 40 percent of the rural vote in that election.

She is campaigning as a moderate who has often worked with Republicans on bills such as one she co-sponsored that would make it harder to close rural post offices.

"I think it's really important that we focus on the economic security of the middle class families in rural Missouri," McCaskill said.

Akin had no public campaign events Monday but issued a written statement calling on McCaskill to disclose details of a business deal involving federal tax credits that her husband, Joseph Shepard, allegedly closed in the Senate dining room. Akin's statement referenced a report last week by the online publication, The Daily Caller, about an audio recording in which one of Shepard's former employees, Craig Woods, discusses Shepard's business deals involving low-income housing developments financed in part through tax credits.

On Monday, Akin described Woods as a "whistleblower."

"If Shepard was making business deals in the Senate dining room, that is a clear abuse of power and privilege," Akin said.

McCaskill's campaign has described Woods as a disgruntled former employee who lied to Shepard about his past criminal convictions involving fraud and embezzlement and dismissed his accusations as meritless. Legacki said the conversations described by Woods in the audio recording never occurred.

McCaskill said, "It's October and I'm running for office and two things happen: The leaves change and they unfairly attack my husband."


Reporter David Lieb in Jefferson City, Mo., contributed to this report.


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Stephen&#39;s diary: Mathematics Of Investment

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