Friday, February 1, 2013

Apple iPad Dominates Tablets Market; But Loses Market Share

Research firm IDC has published a brand new report which talks about the worldwide tablet shipments for the fourth quarter of 2012. The report throws some interesting light on the current state of the fast moving tablets segment. According to IDC, the iPad continues to dominate the tablets segment with shipments recording a growth of 48.1 percent year-over year to 22.9 million units. Apple might be?concerned?however at the growth of the tablet?shipments?from Samsung which grew by a astonishing 263 percent to reach 7.9 million units over the same period. Of course,?Samsung?s shipments also included its Windows based tablets.


The overall shipments showed a healthy increase of 75.3 percent year-to-year increase, to hit 51.5 million overall tablets ? up from 29.9 million units during the same time last year. IDC notes that the increase in shipments were due to lower average selling prices for new devices and increased consumer spending during the holidays.

It is pertinent to note that Apple had also recently divulged in their earnings report which states sales of 22.9 million iPad over that last quarter of 2012.
?New product launches from the category?s top vendors, as well as new entrant Microsoft, led to a surge in consumer interest and very robust shipments totals during the holiday season,? said IDC Research Director of Tablets, Tom Mainelli. ?The record-breaking quarter stands in stark contrast to the PC market, which saw shipments decline during the quarter for the first time in more than five years.?

Another thing for concern for Apple is the fact that Apple?s tablets marketshare dropped for the second consecutive quarter and stood at 43.6 percent. Unsurprisingly, Samsung came in second with 15.1 percent. Amazon?s Kindle is doing pretty well as well and holds 11.5 percent of the market.

Apple iPad Dominates Tablets Market; But Loses Market Share


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