Thursday, November 29, 2012 Tacoma City Council Meeting - November 27, 2012

By Exit133 at 28. November 2012, 15:00 :



Resolution No. 38573 Approving the final plat of ?La Terra?, a 51-lot and five-tract single-family residential subdivision located at 4001, 4007, and 4025 49th Avenue Northeast. (CES NW, Inc.; File No. PLT2012-40000186527) [Cheri Gibbons, Associate Planner; Ricardo Noguera, Director, Community and Economic Development]

The consent agenda passed without comment.


  • Mayor Strickland proclaimed December 2012 to be Zoolights Month in the City of Tacoma, in honor of the 25th year of Zoolights as a holiday institution in the city.
  • City Manager Broadnax recognized Linda Bremmer for her recent years of service to the City as head of the Human Rights and Human Services Department. Bremmer will be retiring after leading the department through significant changes over the last two years.

Despite the lengthy agenda, there was no comment this week.



Resolution No. 38574 Authorizing the execution of a Multi-Family Housing 12-Year Limited Property Tax Exemption Agreement with SNR Northwest Properties, LLC, for the development of six market-rate multi-family rental housing units, located at 4549 South Puget Sound Avenue in the Tacoma Mall Mixed-Use Center. [James Colburn, Associate Planner; Ricardo Noguera, Director, Community and Economic Development]

The resolution passed without comment.

Resolution No. 38575 Designating the Every-Other-Week Garbage Collection Project as a special project of limited duration; and designating general salary classifications and benefits for persons employed on the project. [Michael P. Slevin III, P.E., Interim Director, Environmental Services]

This resolution designates the every-other week transition as a special project of a limited duration. The changeover will require a large logistical effort, and rather than contracting out, the City has decided to use City employees or temporary employees. This decision will reduce turnover during the period of the project and allows those employees to get benefits like regular employees, which they would not get without the special project designation. Employees who are on the layoff list for this round of budget cuts will be the first to be contacted if they are eligible for the positions created for this project. All positions have been budgeted for in the 2013-2014 budget.


Ordinance No. 28100 Authorizing a zero percent increase in the 2013 general property tax revenue collection, in terms of both dollars and percentage, for the general property tax levy. [Steve Call, Interim Director, Finance]

The ordinance passed without comment.

Ordinance No. 28101 Fixing the amount of the 2013 Ad Valorem property tax levies. [Steve Call, Interim Director, Finance]

The ordinance passed without comment.

Ordinance No. 28102 Authorizing a decrease in the 2013 general property tax revenue collection, in terms of both dollars and percentage, for the Emergency Medical Services property tax levy. [Steve Call, Interim Director, Finance]

The ordinance passed without comment.

Ordinance No. 28103 Fixing the amount of the 2013 Emergency Medical Services tax levies. [Steve Call, Interim Director, Finance]

The amount of this revenue source will be going down in the next biennium due to declining property values. The State caps the percent at which the City can levy this tax.

Ordinance No. 28104 Amending Chapter 1.30 of the Municipal Code, relating to the joint City-County Law Enforcement Support Agency, to update the reference of Law Enforcement Support Agency to South Sound 9-1-1 Agency. [Tansy Hayward, Assistant City Manager; T.C. Broadnax, City Manager]

The ordinance passed without comment.

Ordinance No. 28105 Amending Chapter 8.109 of the Municipal Code, relating to public safety and juvenile curfew, to renew the Curfew Ordinance to make it non-expiring with a biennial review by the Public Safety, Human Services, and Education Committee. [Kelly Crouch, Contracting and Planning Auditor; Linda Villegas Bremer, Director, Human Rights and Human Services]

The ordinance passed without comment.

Ordinance No. 28106 Amending Chapter 6A.30 of the Municipal Code, relating to business and occupation tax, to revise the definition of engaging in business to clarify the nexus of board meetings; adopt changes which amend apportionment for digital goods; and update the deduction to refer to state-required tax treatment. [Danielle Larson, Tax and License Division Manager; Steve Call, Interim Director, Finance]

The ordinance passed without comment.

Ordinance No. 28107 Amending Chapter 6A.30, relating to business and occupation tax, to add a new deduction for gross income received from public entities for health or social welfare services; and eliminate the partial exemption and deduction provided to non-profit healthcare providers whose annual gross income exceeds $30 million for gross income received from health care services. [Danielle Larson, Tax and License Division Manager; Steve Call, Interim Director, Finance]

The infamous ordinance repealing the B&O tax exemption for large healthcare service providers passed without the sunset provision proposed at last week?s City Council meeting. As Councilmember Fey clarified, however, the lack of a sunset provision does not mean that the Council can not revisit the issue at a future date. In fact, we heard several comments from council members vowing to review Tacoma?s tax structure as a whole, including the way B&O taxes work.


Ordinance No. 28108 Amending various sections of the Municipal Code to reflect the elimination of the Human Rights and Human Services Department, align the scope of duties and authority for the new Neighborhood and Community Services Department; and repealing obsolete Chapter 5.20 in its entirety. [T.C. Broadnax, City Manager]

This ordinance and the following two reflect changes covered during the budget process in an effort to streamline processes and improve efficiency. The City Manager expects to see about $750,000 in savings come out of these adjustments.

This first ordinance would consolidate what has been the Human Rights and Human Services, merging services of Code Compliance and Community Based Services into the new Neighborhood and Community Services Department. City Manager Broadnax explained that the departments already work closely together, and their alignment in one department adds value and links critical services.

Ordinance No. 28109 Amending various sections of the Municipal Code to reflect organizational changes and align the scope of duties and authority for the Planning and Development Services and Public Works Departments. [T.C. Broadnax, City Manager]

This ordinance would address overlaps in existing departments, streamlining those services into the new Planning and Development Services and Public Works in ways Broadnax expects to provide more beneficial outcomes for customers and greater efficiencies for the City.

Ordinance No. 28110 Amending various sections of the Municipal Code to reflect organizational changes and align the scope of duties and authority for the Community and Economic Development Department, including the assignment of oversight of the Historically Underutilized Business Program and Local Employment and Apprenticeship Training Program. [T.C. Broadnax, City Manager]

This third ordinance would remove Planning and Building and Land Use Services from the Community and Economic Development Department, and add the HUB and LEAP programs to more closely align with the City?s goals of supporting small business efforts.

Ordinance No. 28111 Amending Chapter 8.20 of the Municipal Code, relating to minors and alcohol, by repealing Section 8.20.070 in its entirety and enacting a new Section 8.20.071, entitled ?Minors and Liquor ? Prohibited Acts,? to allow for effective and efficient prosecution consistent with state law. [Keith Echterling, Prosecuting City Attorney; Elizabeth Pauli, City Attorney]

These changes would bring the TMC up to date on this issue, which has not been addressed since 1988. The changes would bring Tacoma in line with the State code, allowing the City office to prosecute this kind of offense in alignment with the State law.

Ordinance No. 28112 Adopting the 2013-2018 Capital Facilities Program. [Steve Call, Interim Director, Finance]

The proposed 2013-2018 CFP was heard by the Planning Commission in October, and has been presented as a part of the budget process. The list of capital facilities projects included in Tacoma?s comprehensive plan is a planning document that complements the budget, and includes the whole range of projects for the City. New projects are identified for the list based on public input, recognized needs within the city, alignment with City goals and objectives, and availability (or potential availability) of funding. Completed projects are removed from the list. This year 18 projects have been recommended to be added, and 67 will be removed from the list. Among the projects listed are work to upgrade Puyallup Avenue with complete streets mobility improvements, upgrades to Dock Street, design work to prepare 56th Street for grant money when that becomes available, sidewalk and wetlands conservation projects, ramp improvements at 72nd and I-5, Tacoma Dome improvements, and others. The list aligns with other City planning documents like the Six-Year Transportation plan. Inclusion on the list doesn?t guarantee the project will get funding, but makes it a possibility. If the ordinance passes at its final reading next week, it will be enacted along with the budget for the next biennium.

Ordinance No. 28113 Amending the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget to appropriate funds for contractual obligations, an interfund loan, transfers, and other budget adjustments; and appropriating miscellaneous donations, contributions, and/or fees. [Steve Call, Interim Director, Finance]

This ordinance would authorize transactions within certain operating budgets, capital and grant funds to comply with generally accepted processes.

Ordinance No. 28114 Adopting the 2013-2014 Biennial Budget for the City of Tacoma; and restructuring the remaining balance of a line of credit note through December 31, 2018. [Steve Call, Interim Director, Finance]

We?ve heard a lot about the budget in recent days, weeks, and months, and it hasn?t changed much other than a few minor revisions. One new change is an additional $200,000 associated with Tacoma?s new Transportation Benefit District going into effect a month sooner than expected. We also see an additional $3.5 million associated with the elimination of the B&O tax break for nonprofit healthcare providers. That isn?t a huge number in the grand scheme of things, but it will allow the City to invest some money back into things like our libraries, improvements to Ruston Way and Old Town Dock, and a reduction of the impacts when the SAFER and COPS grants for Tacoma Fire and Police jobs expire. Most of the programs this money will go to are one-time expenditures. We also see a slight adjustment upward of the City?s reserve balance, but it still falls short of the 12% of the total budget recommended for the City to keep on hand.

Another component of this ordinance is the restructuring of a line of credit for the City. Without restructuring, the Tacoma Dome loan would come due as a lump sum in 2013. The restructuring allows the loan to be spread out over the next six years.

We also heard a couple changes that will be coming to TPU billing practices. TPU will be extending its grace period for payment of utility bills from the current 10 days to 15 days, and will be increasing the amount of assistance for low-income households at a level greater than the increase in rates. Those changes will go into effect early next year.

Ordinance No. 28115 Amending Chapter 1.12 of the Municipal Code, relating to the Compensation Plan, to create six unclassified titles to implement the reorganization of departments; and to implement wage provisions for employees represented by the United Transportation Union, Switch Crew Unit and Yardmasters Unit, which covers approximately 32 full-time positions. [Joy St. Germain, Director, Human Resources]

This ordinance contains three items: it amends the TMC to implement 2013 wage increases for two groups of employees arrived at through represented bargaining, it corrects a clerical error that mis-states a wage step increase by three cents, and it creates the positions associated with the implementation of the departmental organizations proposed in ordinances 28108, 28109 and 28110.


This is the date set for a public hearing by the City Council on the proposed Six-Year Comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program for amended year 2012, and 2013-2018. [Jennifer Kammerzell, Associate Engineer; Dick McKinley, Director, Public Works]

The RCW requires that the Six-Year plan be updated annually. The plan lists the planned construction projects for the remainder of the six years, and guides project priorities for the City. Four additional projects were added that were not included in materials advertising the public hearing. Those projects were the Pierce Transit Authority project, McKinley Avenue Streetscape, and two bridge maintenance projects: the Union Avenue viaduct and the Schuster Parkway bridge. Those last two projects are fully funded at this point, and will require no local match. As with the CFP, inclusion in the Six-Year Program does not guarantee funding for any projects, but it does open the door. After the hearing today, staff will ask for guidance for Council, and we?ll see a finalized draft at some point in the near future.

We heard comment from one speaker on the topic of adding transit to the Six-Year plan. In light of the service cuts coming on the heels of the defeat of Pierce Transit Prop 1, the commeter asked that the Council consider providing funds to support the transit services that a significant portion of Tacoma residents rely on.


The first meeting of the governing board of Tacoma?s new Transportation Benefit District (a.k.a. Tacoma City Council) was scheduled to coincide with this week?s City Council meeting. The board will meet regularly to direct funds, and meetings will be open to the public. Citizens will have input on the actions of the TBD both through input on the Six-Year Transportation plan, and at these TBD meetings.


Public Comment

One commenter spoke to applaud the Council for the creation of the TBD and to ask for investment in public transportation.


Resolution No. TBD 001 Imposing a vehicle fee of $20 for the Tacoma Transportation Benefit District to commence in six months and identifying projects to be funded.

A citizen advisory group worked for months on assessing Tacoma?s streets and other transportation issues, and possible fixes. The report from the Mobility Stakeholder Funding Task Force found a lot of problems in need of funding ? about $800 million worth ? and made some recommendations for addressing those issues. Among those suggestions was the formation of a Transportation Benefit District for the purpose of raising funds specifically for transportation-related issues, including the levying of a license fee.

The fee proposed here would take effect six months after passage of the resolution, so beginning next May it?s going to cost an extra $20 to renew your car tabs. Campers, mopeds, and some other vehicles will be exempt. The City expects to raise just over $4 million in the next biennium.

Projects will be selected for a piece of that $4 million by the Council TBD Governing Board. Those projects will come from the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Staff will take direction from the board on which projects to pursue, and will make regular progress reports back. Projects would not be required to be funded in full by TBD dollars, which could be used in combination with other funding sources. The State Department of Licensing will collect the fee, and remit the money to the City. Mayor Strickland reminded the audience that this is only $4 million every two years ? not much compared to the cost of possible projects ? and suggested that the money be used to focus on neighborhood streets to spread the money as far as possible.

Comments of the Tacoma Transportation Benefit District Governing Board

Deputy Mayor Lonergan asked about the procedure for scheduling future meetings. Staff responded that a schedule will be forthcoming for Council input, which they will try to make consistent with resolutions that need to be adopted. Lonergan recommended that meetings happen on a regular schedule to maximize public input._




Government Performance and Finance Committee ? Deputy Mayor Lonergan reported on topics discussed by the committee:

At the next meeting the committee will hear updates on State Auditor and Moss Adams audit reports, Tacoma Power bond defeasance, Tacoma Rail Mountain Division , and other topics. Deputy Mayor Lonergan also promised that in the coming year he and other council members would be looking closely at Tacoma?s tax structure, including the administration of the B&O tax, as well as other taxes.

Councilmember Ibsen reminded us of the upcoming discussion of live/work spaces in Tacoma this Wednesday, November 28, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the New Frontier Lounge. Ibsen also suggested the Bethany Presbyterian Church?s 25th Annual fair trade market this Sunday, December 2 for your holiday shopping.

Councilmember Campbell recommended that everyone take advantage of Zoolights in its 25th year ? check out the giant octopus. Campbell also asked us all to make our holiday spending with the local economy in mind; continue to shop local at locally owned businesses.

Deputy Mayor Lonergan thanked to Mike Slevin, Principal Mary Chapman, and others (especially Al the janitor) for their work on Fawcet Elementary School?s pilot program to teach kids the about food waste recycling ? particularly the connection between the little brown bin at your house and the amount of stuff that goes into our landfills.

Councilmember Woodards congratulated everyone at the City who has or will take an early retirement as a part of the City?s budget cutting measures.


Commenting Is Open

Comments are allowed for two weeks from the posted date. If you have something to say, say it now!

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Asia stocks fall as talks over US budget stall

BANGKOK (AP) ? Lack of progress in negotiations for a deal to avoid a U.S. budget crisis before a January deadline sent Asian stock markets lower on Wednesday.

President Barack Obama and U.S. lawmakers have until Jan. 1 to reach a deal to trim the country's unwieldy deficit. Otherwise, a series of automatic tax increases and sharp spending cuts will take effect that could drag the world's No. 1 economy into recession.

A high-ranking member of the U.S. Senate unnerved investors and sent Wall Street lower on Tuesday after expressing frustration over the budget impasse and the looming "fiscal cliff."

Japan's Nikkei 225 index fell 0.8 percent to 9,348.55, a day after closing at a seven-month high. South Korea's Kospi shed 0.8 percent to 1,909.56 and Australia's S&P/ASX 200 lost 0.5 percent to 4,434.90. Hong Kong's Hang Seng fell 0.8 percent to 21,672.98.

Obama plans to make a public case this week for his strategy for dealing with the issue as he pressures opposing lawmakers to allow tax increases on the wealthy while extending tax cuts for families earning $250,000 or less.

On Wall Street, reports released Tuesday showing increases in U.S. consumer confidence and orders for machinery and equipment failed to boost stocks significantly.

"If one could just take politicians and the fiscal cliff out of the picture, an optimistic outlook would be far easier to cobble together. There's been depressingly little news of cliff breakthroughs, or even developments, of late," said analysts at DBS Bank Ltd. in Singapore in an email commentary.

The Dow Jones industrial average fell 0.7 percent to close at 12,878.13. The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 0.5 percent to close at 1,398.94. The Nasdaq composite fell 0.3 percent to 2,967.79.

Benchmark oil for January delivery was down 8 cents to $87.10 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell 56 cents to finish at $87.18 per barrel on the Nymex on Tuesday.

In currencies, the euro fell to $1.2936 from $1.2939 on Tuesday in New York. The dollar fell to 81.90 yen from 82.17 yen.


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Morsi's power grab a rare chance for Egypt's opposition

President Mohamed Morsi's elimination of most of the checks on his power has galvanized the fractured opposition. But they still lack a strategy for uniting.

By Kristen Chick,?Correspondent / November 27, 2012

Egyptian protesters chant slogans against President Mohamed Morsi in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Tuesday, Nov. 27. Egyptians flocked to Cairo's central Tahrir square on Tuesday for a protest against Egypt's president in a significant test of whether the opposition can rally the street behind it in a confrontation aimed at forcing the Islamist leader to rescind decrees that granted him near absolute powers.

Khalil Hamra/AP


Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's recent power grab has brought thousands of protestors to Tahrir Square, the biggest show of popular frustration against Egypt's leader and the Muslim Brotherhood that backs him since his election in June.?

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But whether they can organize themselves enough to make him back down is unclear.?

Egypt's secular and liberal opposition has been wracked by divisions since the uprising that toppled former President Hosni Mubarak 22 months ago,?allowing Islamist parties to dominate the country's democratic transition.?But last week's decision by President Morsi, an Islamist, to eliminate most of the checks on his power and protect a controversial constitutional committee from dissolution may have finally given the various opposition groups what they need most: a cause they can all rally around.

Unable to put aside personal politics and infighting and build sufficient grassroots networks to challenge the already-established Islamist groups, secular parties captured less than a quarter of the seats in the first elected parliament after the uprising.?The opposition's current disarray means it is unlikely to successfully press Morsi to reverse his decision on its own, say analysts.

Unable to put aside personal politics and infighting and build sufficient grassroots networks to challenge the already-established Islamist groups, secular parties captured less than a quarter of the seats in the first elected parliament after the uprising.?The opposition's current disarray leaves it in a weak position from which to push Morsi to reverse his decisions.?

Now, many are waiting to see whether Egypt's opposition can?work together long enough to mount a sustained challenge to Morsi and his backers, or if they will repeat the mistakes of the last year and a half.

For the moment, Morsi's decree has united most of the non-Islamist, and even some moderate Islamist, groups in Egypt and brought tens of thousands of people to Tahrir Square.?

"This is a very big test for the opposition because they have a cause that they can defend. And it's a very strong cause and a big cause and a public cause, and I think it's a very good chance for the opposition to build its base and rally the streets and rally people," says Bassem Sabry, a blogger and writer. "But the test is not 'can the opposition band together in three days?' The question is how they can band together for three months, and another three months after that."

'Uncharted territory'

Last week Morsi issued a constitutional decree declaring his decisions immune from judicial review until a new constitution is written. He also declared that the committee writing Egypt's new constitution, and the upper house of parliament, are protected from being disbanded by a court decision. A court dissolved the first constituent assembly earlier this year, and a second case due to be decided soon could lead to the same outcome for the second body.


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Autism risk for developing children exposed to air pollution: Infant brain may be affected by air quality

ScienceDaily (Nov. 26, 2012) ? Research conducted by University of Southern California (USC) and Children's Hospital Los Angeles scientists demonstrates that polluted air -- whether regional pollution or coming from local traffic sources -- is associated with autism.

The study titled "Traffic Related Air Pollution, Particulate Matter, and Autism," shows that exposure to traffic-related air pollution during pregnancy and the first year of life is associated with a more than two-fold risk of autism. In addition, exposure to regional pollution consisting of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and small particles -- particulate matter less than 2.5 and 10 microns in diameter (PM2.5 and PM10) -- is also associated with autism even if the mother did not live near a busy road. The study is published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, a sister publication of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

"This work has broad potential public health implications," said the study's principal investigator, Heather Volk, Ph.D., assistant professor of preventive medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC and investigator in the Division of Research on Children, Youth and Families at Keck School-affiliated Children's Hospital Los Angeles. "We've known for a long time that air pollution is bad for our lungs, and especially for children. We're now beginning to understand how air pollution may affect the brain."

The research is the first to look at the amount of near-roadway traffic pollution individuals were exposed to and combine that with measures of regional air quality. The study builds on previous research by Volk and colleagues that examined how close subjects lived to a freeway, said Volk, who also has appointments at the Keck School's Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute and Department of Pediatrics.

"We took into account how far away people lived from roads, meteorology such as which way the wind was blowing, how busy the road was, and other factors to study traffic-related pollution," she said. "We also examined data from air quality monitors, which measure pollution over a larger region that could come from traffic, industry, rail yards, or many other sources."

In the 2012 study, Volk and colleagues from USC and the University of California, Davis examined data on 279 autism cases and 245 control subjects enrolled in the California-based Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and the Environment (CHARGE) study. Mothers' addresses from birth certificates and addresses reported from a residential history were used to estimate exposure during each trimester of pregnancy and the first year of life. The researchers used air pollution levels derived from the Environmental Protection Agency's Air Quality System to determine exposure to NO2, PM2.5, and PM10. They also applied dispersion models to estimate the amount of traffic the mothers and children were exposed to.

Particularly interesting was the effect of mothers' and children's exposure to particles, both PM10 and PM2.5. PM10 includes both coarse and fine particles, while PM2.5 includes only the smaller (fine) particles, which are most likely to have deleterious effects on the human body.

"From studies conducted in the lab, we know that we can breathe in tiny particles and they can produce inflammation," said Volk. "Particles have varied composition, and there are many chemicals that can bind to them. The components of these particles could be hazardous to the brain."

Other researchers who participated in the study include Irva Hertz-Picciotto, University of California, Davis; Rob McConnell from USC; and Fred Lurmann and Bryan Penfold from Sonoma Technology, Inc.

The research was funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (grant 1 R21 ES019002-01).

Volk and colleagues are now at work on a study of how genes related to autism may be affected by environmental exposures to try to identify if there are factors that make people are genetically more vulnerable to particular pollutants.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Southern California - Health Sciences, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Heather E. Volk et al. Traffic-Related Air Pollution, Particulate Matter, and AutismAir Pollution, Particulate Matter, and Autism. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2012; : 1 DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2013.266

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

4 Convicted In $154M Medical Insurance Fraud Scheme ? CBS Los ...

SANTA ANA ( ? An Orange County jury Monday returned guilty verdicts for four people for their roles in a $154 million insurance fraud scheme.

KNX 1070?s Vytas Safronikas reports the defendants were accused of recruiting nearly 3,000 people nationwide to participate in unneeded medical tests in order to defraud insurance companies.

The alleged scheme revolved around employees and affiliates of Unity Outpatient Surgery Center in Buena Park, including the facility?s office manager, 66-year-old Rosalinda Rodriguez Landon; suspended attorney Roy Chester Dickson, 64; accountant Andrew Robert Harnen, 58; and administrator Dee Francis, 62.

The 24 guilty verdicts were reached last week, but Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Goethals delayed the readings until after the Thanksgiving holiday.

Deputy District Attorney Bill Overtoom said the defendants created shell corporations to avoid paying as much as $9.3 million in taxes.

Landon?s attorney, Roger Sheaks, said his client acted in good faith and did not intend to skirt any tax liability.

?There?s a provision in the law for a good faith defense in this case, and I believe the evidence supported that,? Sheaks said.

Francis is accused of failing to report $3.55 million in income, while Harnen did not report $4.97 million, according to Overtoom. Dickson was accused of not reporting $489,000.

A second phase of the case is expected to go to trial sometime next year.

(?2012 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Wire services contributed to this report.)


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Human Resources Job Titles-The Ultimate Guide

HR?s career ladder is never quite clear. So who cares? Human resources job titles mean nothing, right?

Human Resources Job Titles

Climbing the career ladder of HR job titles?

Wrong. Even if you really don?t care about it, others will judge you for better or worse the instant they see your job title. Today we?ll look at some of the various common titles as well as some career development choices you?ll have to make as an HR pro (generalist, specialist, or recruiting tracks).

Table of Contents

  1. List of HR Job Titles and Duties
  2. Progressing Up the Ladder
  3. Specialist vs. Generalist
  4. Recruiting-HR?s Cousin
  5. Education?s Role
  6. Additional Resources on HR Job Titles and Careers

List of Human Resources Job Titles and Duties

  • HR Assistant/Intern-Performs lower level, repetitive HR tasks. Takes direction from senior HR staff. More info on this specific role in the Entry Level HR Jobs guide.
  • HR Specialist/Generalist/Administrator-Performs tasks within a range of focus areas and of varying complexity. (See chart below for different career tracks of specialist and generalist.)
  • HR Manager-Manages HR department staff and accomplishes high level HR activities reserved for senior level staff (negotiating with vendors, creating policies, etc.).
  • HR Director-In some companies this position is very similar to the HR Manager role. The key difference is that in smaller companies the HR director can report directly to the CEO.
  • VP of HR-Normally seen only in mid-size or larger companies, this is a top level HR position. Decisions are made at high levels with significant impact to the organization. Strategically focused.
  • Chief HR Officer (CHRO)-Normally seen only in mid-size or larger companies, this is a top level HR position. Decisions are made at high levels with significant impact to the organization. Strategically focused. Works with other ?C-suite? individuals to develop HR plans affecting the entire company.

Human Resources Job Titles-Progressing Up the Ladder

Check out the diagram below for a general idea of the career progression for an HR pro. The basic idea (in my opinion) is the higher up the chain you go, the less hands-on HR work you do (recruiting, employee relations, etc.) and the more strategic you get (negotiating with vendors, working to forecast staffing levels and recruiting plans, etc.). Also, the higher you go, the bigger the decision-making power and impact.

In a small company like mine as the solo HR person, I could claim just about any title, but in reality I am doing everything HR-related, so my current title of HR Generalist is actually more accurate. If I had a manager between me and the CEO, they would be the HR Director or HR Manager, then it would go up from there if there were more layers to the HR ?cake.? Once we bring in a new HR assistant (hopefully sometime in 2013), I?ll be moving into an HR manager role.

If you are moving into a higher level HR role (especially at a new, unfamiliar company), this article on questions to ask management?would be especially helpful.

Human Resources Job Titles Diagram

HR Job Title Career Progression Diagram

One thing to note is the split after the first row. There are numerous career tracks, and there are rarely two people who follow the exact same path. I talk more on those in the next few sections of this article.

Human Resources Job Titles-Specialist vs. Generalist

Do you want to be a specialist or a generalist? It depends on a number of factors, including personal preference. Some people love training and development. Others want to work in labor relations. If that?s your calling, then by all means go for it and find a job that will sustain your passion for HR in that niche. Company size can also affect the call toward either side of the spectrum.

A smaller company will want a generalist that can handle the variety of tasks that fall under the HR umbrella. It?s a big reason I targeted a small company to work for.

Larger companies need subject matter experts. As an example, they want someone who doesn?t just have a grasp on the Family Medical Leave Act-they want someone who can tell them the nuances of it, where their legal risk might be, and how to develop training to ensure managers handle it well.

There?s no right or wrong answer here. I thought for a while that I wanted to be a specialist, but I?ve come to see that being a generalist (at this point, at least) is exactly what I was made to do.

Recruiting-HR?s Cousin

This is a question I get quite a few times, so I wanted to cover it here. For a new HR pro, recruiting can be a differentiation tool. Learning to recruit and source candidates is a highly marketable skill, and it can set you apart from other candidates all other things being equal.

One word of caution-I?ve worked with people who spent years in recruiting roles who wanted to move to HR, but their extensive recruiting experience pigeonholed them as a ?recruiter,? not as an HR pro. I would say that there is a limit to how many years you can work as a recruiter and still be a viable candidate for HR positions.

I?ve seen it work out okay for a friend with ~2 years of recruiting experience to come back into the HR realm. It?s going to vary based on your own experience and resume, but just something to keep in mind.

Education?s Role

So getting a degree in HR and leaping into the marketplace is a surefire way to success, right?

Not necessarily.

HR?s a field that is strange because so many people ?fall into? it. Someone is tasked with an HR action, and soon they find themselves working through all of the HR activities without ever planning to be in that position. They may have a degree in Art Appreciation, Business, or nothing at all.That variety makes this field interesting.

If you plan to follow a traditional career path and work your way up intentionally, you can get a leg up on the competition to get into your first HR role if you do have a degree.

Once you?re in HR, an advanced degree can help you continue moving into higher roles. In some companies, an MBA or Master?s degree in a business/HR concentration may be required for advancement to the top levels mentioned in the sections above (VP, CHRO, etc.).

Certifications can help as well. If you get your PHR or SPHR, that can help you to be a stronger candidate for jobs or promotions. Check out the article linked below for how much money you can make with an HR certification. Let?s be clear-getting an HR degree or even a certification guarantees you nothing. If you are not willing to fight for the role you want, those pieces of paper won?t do it for you.?

Additional Resources

(After I finished writing I went looking for some additional resources. I ran across the following and wanted to share since it covered some good info.)

The Generalist

HR generalists have a broad spectrum of responsibilities: staffing the organization, training and developing employees at all levels, managing a diverse workforce, maintaining a fair and equitable compensation program, developing personnel policies and procedures, planning ways to meet the human resource needs of the future, and ensuring that internal policies and programs conform to all laws that affect the workplace.

Entry-level generalist positions are often titled human resource/personnel assistant and support the work of the whole department. Examples of generalist job titles include HR business partner; HR generalist; HR department or branch manager; chief HR officer; people services specialist or manager.

The Specialist

Larger organizations require specialists with technical knowledge and skills in specific areas of human resource management. The five most common areas of specialization are described here. Entry-level positions often fall within these specialties. Opportunities in these areas are more likely to be found in larger organizations.

Workforce Planning and Employment

The typical entry-level positions are often called interviewer or recruiter. The work includes implementing the organization?s recruiting strategy, interviewing applicants, administering pre-employment tests, assisting with conducting background investigations, and processing transfers, promotions and terminations. Examples of job titles in this specialty area are chief talent manager or officer; recruiter; recruitment and retention specialist or manager; staffing specialist or manager.

HR Development

The typical entry-level position may be a training or orientation/ on-boarding specialist. The work consists of conducting training sessions, administering on-the-job training programs, evaluating training programs and maintaining necessary records of employee participation in all training and development programs. Such training responsibilities may involve specific fields such as sales techniques or safety programs. Career planning and counseling are becoming increasingly important activities in this field, as are responsibilities for human resource planning and organizational development. Examples of job titles in this specialty area are trainer; employee development specialist or manager; leadership development specialist or manager; organizational development (OD) specialist or manager.

Total Rewards

Entry-level positions are typically salary administrators, compensation analysts and benefits administrators. Responsibilities in compensation include analyzing job duties, writing job descriptions, performing job evaluations and job analysis, and conducting and analyzing compensation surveys. Benefits professionals may develop detailed data analysis of benefits programs, administer benefits plans and monitor benefits costs. They may be responsible for oversight of vendors or partners to whom these functions have been outsourced. Example job titles in this specialty area are compensation and administrative services specialist; benefits analyst; compensation specialist or manager.

Employee and Labor Relations

Entry-level positions include labor relations specialist, plan personnel assistant or employee relations specialist. In union environments, these positions involve interpreting union contracts, helping to negotiate collective bargaining agreements, resolving grievances and advising supervisors on union contract interpretation. In non-union environments, employee relations specialists perform a variety of generalist duties and may also deal with employee grievances, employee involvement or engagement programs and other employee relations work. Examples of titles in this specialty area are performance management specialist, manager or director; employee advocate; and manager of labor relations.

Risk Management

Safety specialists? responsibilities include developing and administering health and safety programs, conducting safety inspections, maintaining accident records, and preparing government reports in order to maintain compliance obligations under the law. Security specialists are responsible for maintaining a secure work facility to protect the organization?s confidential information and property, and the well-being of all employees. Employee assistance program counselors and medical program administrators also work within this function. Examples of titles in this specialty area are safety officer; risk management specialist or manager; and OSHA manager. Other specialists? responsibilities don?t fall neatly into one functional area. Human resource information systems (HRIS) specialists manage the computerized flow of information and reports about employees, their benefits and programs.

Some specialists manage global HR?a growing specialty area?while others concentrate on organizational development and meeting the organization?s needs for workers in the future. Still, others pursue HR consultancy or teaching HR in an academic setting. Many options are available, depending on the area of HR that interests you most. Changing specialties within HR can also enhance career development possibilities; at some point in your HR career, you may wish to pursue another area of interest within the field. Source

What about you? What has your career progression looked like? Did you ?fall into? HR or was it an intentional choice?

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Monday, November 26, 2012

The iPad Data Security Lawsuit ? What's Next? - Internet Law Blog

On June 9th, 2010, ran a story about Andrew Auernheimer (a.k.a., weev) and Daniel Spitler (a.k.a., JacksonBrown), two hackers from the Goatse Security team (GoatSec). Five weeks after Apple?s 3G-enabled iPad was released, Auernheimer and Spitler uncovered a gaping security hole, singular to the 3-G hardware, which exposed personally identifiable information of AT&T customers.

Last week, one of the bug hunters was convicted on one count of conspiring to access a computer without authorization ? a violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) ? and one count of fraud. To add insult to injury, his former hacking partner helped the prosecution. Auernheimer is appealing, which means this suit could eventually land in the hands of the Supreme Court.

Below is the story behind the lawsuit that could further solidify legal precedence regarding the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act.

The iPad Security Incident

Hackers have been around since the Internet existed. And while their work can sometimes cause havoc, ultimately, hackers provide a necessary service ? one that many would argue is vital to our national safety. After all, hackers are the guys and gals who shed light on digital security gaps, which then allows authorities to address the problem. That?s why it?s not outrageous to argue that?Auernheimer and?Spitler did Apple and AT&T a favor by discovering the massive security faux pas.

What was this security breech unearthed by ?Weev? and ?JacksonBrown?? Without getting too technical, the two realized there was a ?hole? in the AT&T website code ? one which was exposed when using the 3-G enabled iPad. It was so exposed that the pair didn?t have to hack into the system or crack any passwords. All they did was guess a few passwords, and voila!?Auernheimer and?Spitler then wrote a script and were able to harvest over 100,000 thousand names and addresses of early iPad adopters who were AT&T customers.

Being that early adopters are often those with the financial means to ?be the first,? the GoatSec members got their hands on the PII of NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, ABC anchor Diane Sawyer, Hollywood mogul, Harvey Weinstein and former Obama chief-of-staff and current Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel.

Illustrating that not all hackers are out for evil, Auernheimer and?Spitler made attempts to contact the affected entities (i.e., ABC News), but were essentially ignored. Then they took their data to Gawker who jumped on the opportunity to expose the story, though they did not publish any of the private information.

As you may guess, a lawsuit against?Auernheimer and?Spitler soon followed. Despite the fact that neither actually hacked into anything, nor cracked any passwords, the pair was charged criminally under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act ? the argument being that they knowingly accessed a computer to which they did not have authorization.

After being charged, Spitler took a plea and agreed to help the prosecution. Auernheimer?s trial was set to begin on November 13, 2012 in a New Jersey federal court.

Why The Trial Was Of Interest To The Hacking & Internet Law Community

What made the Auernheimer hacking lawsuit so intriguing to those in the Internet community was the fact that he did not, technically, hack into anything. Instead, he simply made a few simple guesses and then used his know-how to write a script. As such, the question arose: should he be guilty of essentially finding a webpage with no links pointing to it, and then using the information found therein?

The merits of the CFAA have been hotly debated in the wake of significant technological advancement. Primarily, pundits are concerned that the vague wording of the bill harshly punishes young kids, who are essentially committing the same level crime as toilet papering someone?s house, and useful bug hunters who don?t do anything nefarious with the data they uncover.

Under the current law, anybody who accesses ?a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access from a protected computer? can be charged with a criminal offense. Moreover, any device that ?affects interstate commerce with a microprocessor and a network connection? is considered a ?protected computer.? As many have pointed out, that definition pretty much includes all mobile devices ? clearly, the CFAA is in need of some language adjustments.

What?s Next In The Auernheimer Data Security Lawsuit?

When the trial was announced, GoatSec vowed that if ?weez? lost the case, they would release information on an encrypted ?insurance file.? He was convicted last week, so I suppose we can expect a big story soon. But Auernheimer announced that he plans to appeal the decision ? which means this one could go all the way to the Supreme Court.

I?ll be keeping an eye on this Internet law case, as the end result has the power to significantly affect future lawsuits and the direction of cyberlaw as a whole.

iPad Hacker Trial Tests Pre-Internet Law

Reading, writing and playing games may help aging brains stay healthy

ScienceDaily (Nov. 25, 2012) ? Mental activities like reading and writing can preserve structural integrity in the brains of older people, according to a new study presented November 25 at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

While previous research has shown an association between late-life cognitive activity and better mental acuity, the new study from Konstantinos Arfanakis, Ph.D., and colleagues from Rush University Medical Center and Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago studied what effect late-life cognitive activity might have on the brain's white matter, which is composed of nerve fibers, or axons, that transmit information throughout the brain.

"Reading the newspaper, writing letters, visiting a library, attending a play or playing games, such as chess or checkers, are all simple activities that can contribute to a healthier brain," Dr. Arfanakis said.

The researchers used a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method known as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to generate data on diffusion anisotropy, a measure of how water molecules move through the brain. In white matter, diffusion anisotropy exploits the fact that water moves more easily in a direction parallel to the brain's axons, and less easily perpendicular to the axons, because it is impeded by structures such as axonal membranes and myelin. "This difference in the diffusion rates along different directions increases diffusion anisotropy values," Dr. Arfanakis said. "Diffusion anisotropy is higher when more diffusion is happening in one direction compared to others."

The anisotropy values in white matter drop, however, with aging, injury and disease.

"In healthy white matter tissue, water can't move as much in directions perpendicular to the nerve fibers," Dr. Arfanakis said. "But if, for example, you have lower neuronal density or less myelin, then the water has more freedom to move perpendicular to the fibers, so you would have reduced diffusion anisotropy. Lower diffusion anisotropy values are consistent with aging."

The study included 152 elderly participants, mean age 81 years, from the Rush Memory and Aging Project, a large-scale study looking at risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. Participants were without dementia or mild cognitive impairment, based on a detailed clinical evaluation. Researchers asked the participants to rate on a scale of 1 to 5 the frequency with which they participated in a list of mentally engaging activities during the last year. Among the activities were reading newspapers and magazines, writing letters and playing cards and board games.

Participants underwent brain MRI using a 1.5-T scanner within one year of clinical evaluation. The researchers collected anatomical and DTI data and used it to generate diffusion anisotropy maps.

Data analysis revealed significant associations between the frequency of cognitive activity in later life and higher diffusion anisotropy values in the brain.

"Several areas throughout the brain, including regions quite important to cognition, showed higher microstructural integrity with more frequent cognitive activity in late life," said Dr. Arfanakis. "Keeping the brain occupied late in life has positive outcomes."

According to Dr. Arfanakis, diffusion anisotropy drops gradually beginning at around age 30. "Higher diffusion anisotropy in elderly patients who engage in frequent cognitive activity suggests that these people have brain properties similar to those of younger individuals," he said.

The researchers will continue to follow the study participants with an eye toward comparing the diffusion anisotropy results over time.

"In these participants, we've shown an association between late-life cognitive activity and structural integrity, but we haven't shown that one causes the other," Dr. Arfanakis said. "We want to follow the same patients over time to demonstrate a causal link."

Coauthors are Anil K. Vasireddi, B.S., Shengwei Zhang, B.Eng., David A. Bennett, M.D., and Debra A. Fleischman, Ph.D.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Radiological Society of North America.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

7 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Build a Home Based ...

Building a home based business, or an online business, around your passion is tough. There are a lot of mistakes you can make. And some of those mistakes can end up costing you thousands of dollars. On top of that, some of the things can lead to hundreds of hours of frustration.

I know, because I?ve been there and done that.

I banged my head against the wall for several years. Eventually things did click, and I am now making a living doing what I love, but it wasn?t easy. That?s why I want to share some of the most common mistakes with you, so you don?t have to make them.

So let?s jump right in.

1. Where?s the Problem?

Even if you find your passion, you still have to provide value. You have to help people in some way. You have to find the intersection between what you love to do , what people are willing to pay for, and what you?re good at.

In short, you have to find a problem to solve.

People don?t really care about you, they care about themselves. They are constantly asking themselves, ?What?s in it for me?? If you can answer that question, you?re on the right track.

2. Fear

You?re too old, too young, your voice is weird, you can?t write, you can?t market, whatever it is, it?s in your head and holding you back. Fear holds everyone back.

And fear can crush your dreams, if you let it.

Fear held me back for years, until I got so sick of it that I took action anyway. I was willing to at least try and see what would happen. And do you know what happened?


The fear eventually disappeared as I moved forward. The key is to jump in before you?re ready. Don?t wait for the stars to align.

Start now.

Not tomorrow. Not someday. But right now.

3. Technical Mishaps

The choice of software is huge when starting a?home based business around your passion, especially an online business. Picking the wrong software can cause frustration down the line.

For example, you need a website to attract customers, and that means you need something to run your website, unless you?re proficient at HTML and want to do it the old-fashioned way. The best option for this is WordPress.

Then you need to build your email list. The best option for this is Aweber, although there are a few others out there that are solid as well. The best way to pick the right software is often to go with what is the most popular. However, beware of spending too much time trying to get things perfect.

4. Impatience

Then we have impatience.

You?re most likely not going to build a 6-figure business in 6 months, no matter what some marketers promise you. If you want to build a real home based business, you have to be willing to put in the work. This is a long-term game, and if you?re looking for a quick-fix, you?re reading the wrong article.

Focus on building a business that sustains you, not on making a quick buck.

5. Not Seeking Help

Don?t try to reinvent the wheel.

If you want to make rapid progress, find a coach or join a training course. Learn from those who have gone before you and know what they are doing. I?ve worked with people in every field I?ve gone into. When I started off as a professional poker player, I read books, I took courses, and I worked with successful poker players.

When I ventured into online business, I made the mistake of trying to learn everything myself at first. I eventually came to my senses and found someone I could learn from. Invest in your education and progress. You don?t have to spend years banging your head against the wall.

6. Lack of Focus

Another big mistake is not knowing what to focus on.

This is one of the reasons I recommend you learn from someone who knows what they are doing. They can help point you in the right direction. They can help you focus on tasks that give you the most results.

When I work with clients, the first thing we do is simplify everything. We eliminate what isn?t necessary, and we focus on what produces results. For example, when you start your business, you need to focus on one metric, and that is revenue. You need to bring in more money.

Obviously, you can?t focus everything on making more money, because you?re dealing with human beings. But that?s a topic for another article.

7. Fear of Failure

Last, but not least, you have to fail in order to succeed.

You cannot figure out the perfect formula before you start, so don?t even try. You?ll drive yourself insane. Most successful entrepreneurs aren?t better or smarter than you are. They just don?t give up. They keep trying until they succeed.

And that?s exactly what I did. I spent the first 2-3 years failing until things clicked. If you want to build a successful home-based business around your passion, you have to be willing to fail, and you have to be willing to take action.

And most of all, you have to be willing to face your inner demons.

Featured photo credit: ?Young man at home using a computer?via Shutterstock


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Becoming an electrician starts with getting the right schooling. One can start quite early, even in High School. Many vocational programs in secondary schools have an electrical program. Following High School graduation, one can enter a program at a college to further their learning. Community colleges often have excellent trades program, including electrical. In addition to their typical general education courses like math and English, students will take practical courses where they learn both the science behind the trade and also get to apply and learn new skills in hands-on work. If one desires to learn more about the scientific end of things, they can attend a four year college that offers advanced programs like electrical engineering or similar majors. Community colleges are great because they offer students practical experience.

One can also do some extra work on their own to increase their skills and education. It is a great idea to find an experienced individual who works in the field and get close to them. An experienced worker can offer electrician training in the form of an apprenticeship or might be able to hire a student to work for them. They can also share the pros and cons of the industry, as well as stories from on the job. This will give the young student a better idea of what daily life is like as an electrical worker, and help them decide if this is really the field that they want to devote their life to. Working with a professional can help one meet others in the field and perhaps potential future customers. The pro may also have some suggestions for training programs or courses that the aspiring electrician can take advantage of. They can serve as a reference for the student's resume.

Before one can be successful in industry, they must have to proper education and training. Fortunately, budding electrical workers have many options to help them reach their goals and better themselves.


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving steals sales from Black Friday

Shoppers pick through stacks of discounted jeans beside a giant aquarium inside Bass Pro Shops after the doors opened at 5 a.m., kicking off "Black Friday" and the holiday shopping season in Memphis, Tenn. Friday Nov. 23, 2112.. Some bargain-hunters waited outside the store for four and a half hours in the rain for the chance to be first in line. For the first time many retailers opened as early as 8 p.m. on Thursday sparking some criticism for shortening their employees' Thanksgiving holiday. (AP Photo, Brandon Dill, Commercial Appeal)

Shoppers pick through stacks of discounted jeans beside a giant aquarium inside Bass Pro Shops after the doors opened at 5 a.m., kicking off "Black Friday" and the holiday shopping season in Memphis, Tenn. Friday Nov. 23, 2112.. Some bargain-hunters waited outside the store for four and a half hours in the rain for the chance to be first in line. For the first time many retailers opened as early as 8 p.m. on Thursday sparking some criticism for shortening their employees' Thanksgiving holiday. (AP Photo, Brandon Dill, Commercial Appeal)

Doris Leyva (from left), Midory Leyva and Lilia Castro rest, surrounded by shopping bags, in a seating area at Wolfchase Galleria on Black Friday in Memphis, Tenn. Friday Nov. 23, 2112.. They had driven from Oxford, Miss. on Thursday night to be at the mall in time for early-opening sales. For the first time many retailers opened as early as 8 p.m. on Thursday sparking some criticism for shortening their employees' Thanksgiving holiday. (AP Photo, Brandon Dill, Commercial Appeal)

Sheree Paloutzian, from right, her mother, Raelene Macdowell, and sister Sydnee Crawford, make their way through the Mt. Shasta Mall in Redding, Calif., on Friday, Nov. 23, 2012. The group had been shopping since 4 a.m. Friday. They have participated in Black Friday shopping for 10 years. (AP Photo/Greg Barnette, Record Searchlight)

Thanksgiving shopping took a noticeable bite out of Black Friday's start to the holiday season, as the latest survey found retail sales in stores fell slightly from last year.

Saturday's report from retail technology company ShopperTrak finds consumers spent $11.2 billion at stores across the U.S. That is down 1.8 percent from last year's total.

This year's Friday results appear to have been tempered by hundreds of thousands of shoppers hitting sales Thursday evening while still full of Thanksgiving dinner. Retailers including Sears, Target and Wal-Mart got their deals rolling as early as 8 p.m. on Turkey Day.

Online shopping also may have cut into the take at brick-and-mortar stores: IBM said online sales rose 17.4 percent on Thanksgiving and 20.7 percent on Black Friday, compared with 2011.

Yet ShopperTrak said retail foot traffic increased 3.5 percent, to more than 307.67 million store visits, indicating at least some shoppers were browsing but not spending freely.

"Black Friday continues to be an important day in retail," said ShopperTrak founder Bill Martin. "This year, though, more retailers than last year began their doorbuster deals on Thursday, Thanksgiving itself. So while foot traffic did increase on Friday, those Thursday deals attracted some of the spending that's usually meant for Friday."

The company estimated that shopper foot traffic rose the most in the Midwest, up 12.9 percent compared with last year. Traffic rose the least, 7.6 percent, in the Northeast, parts of which are still recovering from Superstorm Sandy.

ShopperTrak, which counts foot traffic and its own proprietary sales numbers from 25,000 retail outlets across the U.S., had forecast Black Friday sales would grow 3.8 percent this year, to $11.4 billion.

While consumer confidence has been improving, many people are still worried about the slow economic recovery, high unemployment and whether a gridlocked Congress can avert tax increases and government spending cuts ? the so-called "fiscal cliff" ? set to occur automatically in January.

And some would-be shoppers said they weren't impressed with the discounts, or that there wasn't enough inventory of the big door-busters.

"As far as deals, they weren't there," said Tammy Stempel, 48, of Gladstone, Ore. "But business have to be successful, too. I'm hoping they extend the deals through December."

She was waiting in line outside an Ikea in Portland on Saturday to buy pots and pans for her 18-year old daughter ? as a hint that it was time to move out. Stemple and her husband went shopping at two Targets, Michaels and other stores Friday, but failed to find any amazing deals, even on a flat-screen TV they wanted for themselves.

Target, Best Buy and other stores near the Ikea seemed to have few customers, and traffic at the nearby Lloyd Center Mall also was light, even for a normal weekend.

Many shoppers around the country were armed with iPads and smart phones, to check prices as well as buy.

Online auction and shoppping site eBay reported more the 2.5 times the number of mobile transactions as last year.

Online retailers worked as hard as brick-and-mortar stores to draw customers, sending each of their subscribers an average of 5.9 promotional emails during the 7 days through Black Friday. That's an all-time high, according to marketing software company Responsys.

IBM, which tracks more than 1 million transactions at 500 online retailers each day, said its data showed 24 percent of online shoppers used a mobile device to check out a retailer's site and about 16 percent of online purchases were made on a mobile device. But while total online spending rose sharply, the value of the average online order dipped about 5 percent to $181.22.

In spite of all the TV reports showing shoppers carting away laptops and giant flat-screen TVs, IBM said combined sales of consumer electronics, printers and other office supplies were up only 8 percent, with average order prices of $326.05.

Sales of appliances and other home goods rose the most, up about 28 percent from Black Friday last year. Clothing sales rose 17.5 percent, department store sales grew just under 17 percent and sales of health and beauty products rose 11 percent.

Despite the throngs in stores Thursday night and Friday, many shoppers held off until Saturday, hoping for shorter lines and less drama.

"I can't deal with all that craziness," said Miguel Garcia, a 40-year-old office coordinator who was at a Target in the Bronx, New York, on Saturday. "Compared to what I saw on TV yesterday, this is so much more comfortable and relaxed. I can actually think straight and compare prices."

Garcia was checking prices for phones and tablets at various stores, and planned to delay any purchases until Cyber Monday when he'd have a better sense of the best deals. As money has gotten tighter over the years, Garcia said he comparison shops more.

"It forces you to become a good consumer," he said.

Tanya Dunham, a 32-year-old patient coordinator representative, likewise avoided the crowds on Black Friday and was shopping at the same Target Saturday.

"I don't like to wait (in line) just to save $15 or $20," said Dunham.

For the entire holiday sales season of November and December, ShopperTrak has predicted sales should rise 3.3 percent over last year. Those two months are crucial for retailers and can account for up to 40 percent of stores' annual revenue.


AP Business Writers Candice Choi in New York and Sarah Skidmore in Portland, Ore., contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Thursday, November 22, 2012

GateGuru Looks To Improve The Holiday Travel Experience With New Design, Last-Minute Rental Car Deals

Screen shot 2012-11-21 at 12.27.42 PMHoliday travel season is underway, and, though it comes with the promise of turkey hangovers and time spent with loved ones, it also means having to endure high gas prices, inclement weather, traffic and crowded airports. GateGuru?is releasing a new version of its iPhone app today with a revamped interface and several new features aimed at taking some of the anxiety out of security lines and getting to and from the airport.


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Monday, November 19, 2012

deliver wilburn: Why You Should Get Insect Pets for Your Future ...

We all know that nature has had millions of years to adapt, and we have 100s of thousands of species on Earth which have adapted to specific niches to exploit what?s available; Life will always find a way. Perhaps, it is for this reason that so many of our technological advances are based on our observations of nature. After all, it?s had quite a head start and adaptation and evolution are a brilliant master of engineering.So much so, that I?d like to make a recommendation for you if you are a parent with a curious child who you?d like some day to grow up and become a top rated engineer amongst the human civilization. My recommendation is this; when considering a pet why not consider an arthropod, or arachnid. Say what ? you ask? Why not get them an exotic type insect?Now you think I?ve totally lost it right. Well, I haven?t and let me explain. In finding an early curiosity and interest in the movements of insects, your child may develop a better sense of engineering our future robotics. You see, nature has already figured out many of the most efficient ways of moving around, and evolution has had a lot more practice at designing things than humans have. Borrowing ideas and concept for engineering from nature makes sense.It?s a good place to start. It is possible to better nature?s designs. In fact, we are already making more efficient solar cells than the photosynthesis process used by the leaves on trees. Now then, did you know that spider?s webs pound for pound are stronger than steel? Did you know that there are beetles species which can live where there is no rain or water by collecting the moisture from the morning dew as it rolls off their backs?Have you ever marveled at the giant ant colonies and how they build their habitat, consider this for a moment. How is it that all these creatures are so highly adapted? What can your child learn from observing them, the way they walk, hunt, operate ? their structure, mobility, strength, etc? There is a lot to be learned and if your child studies these pets and thinks about it, I just bet they?ll come up with future designs which will best the best that mankind has yet to come up with on our own.Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. Maybe I?ve convinced you, maybe I haven?t, but it?s something worth your consideration.


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