Thursday, June 7, 2012

Should Michigan Adopt This Law To Protect Pets? ? 99.5 WYCD ...

Priscilla, Elvis & "Miracle"

Priscilla, Elvis & ?Miracle?

New Jersey drivers who fail to buckle up their cat or dog could face criminal charges as well as fines totaling up to $1,000. State officials are teaming up with the NJ Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to enforce laws requiring motorists to properly restrain their pets. The law forbids dogs from hanging out windows ? and also from riding in the bed of a pickup truck. Drivers who fail to do so could face fines from $250 to $1,000 ? for each offense. I personally think Michigan should definitely adopt this law to help protect our 4-legged friends!

I know not everyone will agree with me, and some people think that pets are not as important as people. I just hope that the people who think that way, do not own a pet themselves. I feel sorry for dogs and cats that are treated like ?possessions? and not given the same love, care and respect that we give our human loved ones.

The New Jersey lawmakers added that pet owners who fail to protect their pets while traveling in vehicles, could also be charged with disorderly conduct under New Jersey?s animal cruelty statutes. I think that will add legal incentive to comply with this pet protection law! My 3 dogs travel have always traveled with us, in a car seat that is buckled in for their safety and my peace of mind! They also wear life jackets when traveling in our boat!

Do you think Michigan should adopt this law to protect our four-legged friends in motor vehicles?

mike james red tails red tails heidi klum heidi klum red tails trailer joe pa dead

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