Friday, April 6, 2012

Fitting It All In ? Help! Should I Change My Name?

So I alluded to this, but I?m considering re-branding my blog. I started Fitting It All In back in September 2010 and chose the name because I thought it would always be applicable to my life. This is still true and I love that the name doesn?t limit my content, but now that I am graduating IIN and wanting to dive more into my health coaching / speaking / consulting business I?m a little stuck.

Right now the name of my health coaching business is ?Fitting It All In Wellness?. Since the blog and the business are related, and I get a lot of referrals and awareness for the business through the blog, I wanted them to remain consistent. However, I don?t know that ?Fitting It All In? fit as well with a health coaching business as it does with a blog. I really like the idea of something more uplifting and beautiful for a health coaching business, so I?m considering re-branding both.

I?ve talked to lots of people in my IIN class and am getting very mixed responses. Some say to stick to my current name, some say that having my OWN name in the name of my business is the way to go, and others say not to include my name and just to think of something unique. I?m going to go through my current options and I?d love to get your opinion!


1. Stick with Fitting It All In and Fitting It All In Wellness.

Pros: Keep the brand equity (if any, ha) and readers that I?ve gotten in the past year and a half.??The name also allows me to still blog about any and everything, even things outside of health and fitness like fashion and career. A far as health coaching, I think it applies to my target market of ?college grads trying to find balance in their new working life.

Cons: ?Fitting It All In? doesn?t really read ?health? or ?holistic? or ?happy? to me. It doesn?t apply as well to my other target market of people recovering from eating disorders. I?m also just really not satisfied with the design of my logo, but don?t know how to change it to make it prettier or better.

2. Clare Creates Health

Pros: This was the first new name that popped into my head in the middle of a work meeting the other night. I liked the alliteration and the fact that it uses my first name (not my last since that will likely change at some point). Since I am offering a service, people are really buying ?me?, so having my name in there could be good. I like that it contains the word ?health? since that?s what I?m all about!

Cons: The name isn?t as applicable to my blog, but though it seems limiting I?d likely still write about whatever I wanted to. The word ?creates? throws me off a bit since that?s not REALLY what I?m doing. In health coach I?m assisting and guiding, not purely creating something out of thin air. I was also told by a few people to keep my name out of it for potential legal issues that could come up in the future.

Here?s my first (very rough!) logo design idea. After hearing the quote ?Just when the caterpillar thought life was over, he became a butterfly?, I couldn?t get the idea of new life and rebirth out of my head. I think it definitely applies to finding health, particularly after an eating disorder, and so love the idea of a butterfly logo and the tag line ?a beautiful new life begins..?

?Clare Creates Health

3. New Wings Wellness

Pros: This is the name I came up with after it was suggested to not include my own name in my business name. I didn?t want to lose the butterfly/rebirth aspect and I still really like the tag line, and ?New Wings? is a way to keep those. I like that it implies growth, freedom and happiness, and it also has the alliterative ring which is a plus to me:). For the blog I?d likely just make it ?New Wings? or ?New Wings Blog? and I don?t know that the name is really limiting for writing purposes which is good.

Cons: Quite honestly I was really satisfied with this name until more people started telling me I SHOULD put my name in my business (and even just make my business my name). Another con here would be that I would lose followers and things initially.

Here?s that same logo design but with the new name. Again, I?m not dead set on this design, it was just the first easy one I came up with. Totally open to suggestions.

New Wings Wellness

4. Clare Brady Wellness/Health/just Clare Brady

Pros: It?s me! It?s my name. I would likely just use for my blog and for my health coaching. It?s simple, doesn?t try too hard, and is not limiting at all. Like I mentioned earlier, with a blog and health coaching people are really buying YOU as a brand so this makes sense.

Cons: First, the last name issue. I know many people just continue using their business name even if their last name changes, but that seems complicated and I?d prefer to avoid it. Also, it just doesn?t SAY anything. For the blog that might be fine, but for health coaching and speaking purposes, I think a name can say a lot. I also don?t know if a tag line or logo would work with this (or if it?s even needed). There is also the potential legal issues that were brought to my attention (namely that people can claim the business is YOU even if it?s registered as an LLC and is technically separate).

So that?s where I am right now. I already have people lined up to do a site redesign and hosting switch whenever I?m ready, I?m just really stuck right now! You guys are my big focus group, so I thought I?d get your opinions. I?m also very open to any NEW ideas you have so please throw them out there.




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