Thursday, March 28, 2013

New study analyzes the risk to endangered whales from ships in southern California

New study analyzes the risk to endangered whales from ships in southern California

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Researchers have identified areas off southern California with high numbers of whales and assessed their risk from potentially deadly collisions with commercial ship traffic in a study published in the scientific journal Conservation Biology.

Scientists from NOAA Fisheries, the Marine Mammal Commission and Cascadia Research Collective analyzed data collected over seven years by NOAA on marine mammal and ecosystem research surveys in the Southern California Bight. Maps predicting the density of endangered humpback, fin and blue whales were developed by merging the observed whale sightings with oceanographic conditions to identify the habitat preferred by the different whale species.

"We know several endangered species of whales occur in the waters off southern California," said Jessica Redfern, a NOAA Fisheries marine mammal biologist and lead author of the paper. "What we didn't know, and what this study helps provide, is an understanding of the areas with the highest numbers of whales."

Knowing where whales are more likely to be found in the ocean environment is vitally important to reduce human impacts. Although this information could be used to assess any number of human impacts, the study specifically looked at current and alternative shipping routes to and from the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and the risk to humpback, fin and blue whales from ship strikes.

Researchers selected four routes to study; the shipping route in the Santa Barbara Channel, which is the current shipping route; a Central route south of the northern Channel Islands; a Central Fan route, or just the eastern part of the Central route; and a Southern route, a course south of the Central route and constrained by the protected areas around Santa Barbara, Santa Catalina, and San Nicolas Islands. (See figure 1)

By overlaying the routes with the predicted whale densities, researchers found the route with the lowest risk for humpback whales (Southern route) had the highest risk for fin whales and vice versa. However, risk may be ameliorated for both species in one of the Central routes.

Blue whales, however, were at approximately equal risk in all routes considered because of their more even distribution throughout the study area. The authors' estimate of the number of blue whales likely killed by ships exceeds levels established by the Marine Mammal Protection Act to ensure sustainable populations. This result suggests that it is important to find ways to reduce the risk of ships striking blue whales.

"The Southern California Bight is an incredibly complex system with a diverse set of users, including the military, shipping industry and fishing industry. All users have specific needs and their input is necessary to plan the best and safest uses of these waters," said Redfern, "This paper helps to incorporate whale habitat use in the planning process so that their needs can be considered as well."


NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service:

Thanks to NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service for this article.

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Ahmadinejad roadshow: Pitching his political heir

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) ? During a celebration last week to mark the Persian new year, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did something quietly remarkable: He stood modestly to the side and let his favored aide have the spotlight.

The gesture was far more than just a rare demure moment from the normally grandstanding leader. It was more carefully scripted stagecraft in Ahmadinejad's longshot efforts to promote the political fortunes of his chief of staff ? and in-law ? and seek a place for him on the June presidential ballot that will pick Iran's next president.

In the waning months of Ahmadinejad's presidency ? weakened by years of internal battles with the ruling clerics ? there appears no bigger priority than attempting one last surprise. It's built around rehabilitating the image of Esfandiari Rahim Mashaei and somehow getting him a place among the candidates for the June 14 vote.

To pull it off, Ahmadinejad must do what has eluded him so far: Come out on top in a showdown with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the other guardians of the Islamic Republic. Ahmadinejad has been slapped down hard after bold ? but ultimately doomed ? attempts in recent years to push the influence of his office on policies and decisions reserved for the ruling clerics.

That has left him limping into the end of his eight-year presidency with many allies either jailed or pushed to the political margins. Mashaei is part of the collateral damage.

He's been discredited as part of a "deviant current" that critics say seeks to undermine Islamic rule in Iran and elevate the values of pre-Islamic Persia. The smear campaign has even included rumors that Mashaei conjured black magic spells to cloud Ahmadinejad's judgment.

The prevailing wisdom is that the backlash has effectively killed Mashaei's chances for the presidential ballot. The ruling clerics vet all candidates and, the theory follows, they seek a predictable slate of loyalists after dealing with Ahmadinejad's ambitions and disruptive power plays. In short: Friends of Ahmadinejad need not apply.

Khamenei and others, including the powerful Revolutionary Guard, also are hoping to quell domestic political spats that they fear project a sense of instability during critical negotiations with the West over Tehran's nuclear program.

Yet none of this seems to have discouraged Ahmadinejad, whose son is married to Mashaei's daughter. Ahmadinejad has been trying to groom Mashaei for years as his potential heir and now appears reluctant to toss his backing behind a less controversial figure.

To that end, the president has hit the road as a cheerleader for Mashaei under the slogan "Long Live Spring."

At one stop, Ahmadinejad described Mashaei as "a pious man." At another event he called him "excellent, wise," and at a third said his adviser has "a heart like a mirror."

At last week's event, both men burst into tears as they discussed the need to help children with cancer. Ahmadinejad then "thanked God for having the opportunity to get to know Mashaei."

Ahmadinejad appears to be banking on his populist appeal to force the Guardian Council ? the gatekeepers for the candidates ? to consider Mashaei too prominent to reject.

"Ahmadinejad doesn't want to go out with a whimper. That's not his style," said Mustafa Alani, an analyst at the Gulf Research Center based in Geneva. "He wants his legacy, his man, as his successor."

Tehran-based political analyst Sadeq Zibakalam also sees Mashaei as Ahmadinejad's last-ditch insurance policy. Without an ally as successor, Ahmadinejad fears he will be cast to the political sidelines.

"Ahmadinejad has no option but to get one of his loyalists into power," he said.

It will be more than a month before the candidate list is finalized. The presidential hopefuls will register from May 7-11, the semiofficial Fars news agency reported Monday.

Already, however, the general contours are taking shape.

There is Ahmadinejad's quest for Mashaei as the only active campaign roadshow.

Many conservatives, meanwhile, seem to be coalescing around a three-way alliance ? all apparently in the good graces of the ruling system ? of former Foreign Minister and current Khamenei adviser Ali Akbar Velayati; Tehran Mayor Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf and prominent lawmaker Gholam Ali Haddad Adel, whose daughter is married to Khamenei's son.

"Should we win, our coalition will form the backbone of the future government," Velayati told a press conference earlier this month, suggesting that the potential winner would seek key posts for the other two.

A separate roster of establishment-friendly candidates is getting bigger by the day. It includes former Intelligence Minister Ali Fallahian; parliament's vice speaker, Mohammad Reza Bahonar, and a former Revolutionary Guard commander, Mohsen Rezaei, who ran against Ahmadinejad in his disputed re-election in 2009.

Reformists remain undecided whether to fall behind a potential candidate or boycott the vote in protest of the 2009 outcome ? which they claim stole the election from Green Movement leader Mir Hossein Mousavi ? and the crushing pressures on dissent that followed. Mousavi and fellow reformist candidate Mahdi Karroubi have been under house arrest for more than two years.

But the most unpredictable element is still Ahmadinejad's push for Mashaei, whom he bills as his ideological heir and supporter of populist initiatives such as government stipends to poor families.

"Ahmadinejad will travel city to city and tell the public that they should vote for me if they want Ahmadinejad's plans to be pursued," Mashaei was quoted as saying by Iranian media.

The president ? the same man who calls for the destruction of Iran's enemies ? is often musing and sentimental as Mashaei's pitchman.

"I testify that this man loves all human beings," Ahmadinejad said of his in-law.

Mashaei, however, has been a political lightning rod for years. In 2009, Ahmadinejad appointed him as his first vice president, but was forced to backtrack on orders from Khamenei.

Mashaei is believed to have been Ahmadinejad's adviser in a stunning feud with Khamenei over the choice of intelligence chief in 2011. The president boycotted Cabinet meetings for 11 days ? an unprecedented show of disrespect to Iran's supreme leader ? but finally backed down.

In December, Ahmadinejad named Mashaei to a top post in the Nonaligned Movement, a Cold War holdover that Iran seeks to revive as a counterweight to Western influence. The appointment was seen as an attempt to raise Mashaei's political profile and give him some international experience.

While it's not possible to rule out any candidate until the vetting process is complete, one conservative cleric gives Mashaei no chance.

"The exalted supreme leader ordered that Mashaei is not qualified to serve as first vice president." said Qasem Ravanbakhsh. "So will the Guardian Council approve for president a man was not qualified to be the first vice president? Never."


Murphy reported from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

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Mar 26 (Reuters) - Leading money winners on the 2013 PGATour on Monday (U.S. unless stated): 1. Tiger Woods $3,787,600 2. Brandt Snedeker $2,859,920 3. Matt Kuchar $2,154,500 4. Steve Stricker $1,820,000 5. Phil Mickelson $1,650,260 6. Hunter Mahan $1,553,965 7. John Merrick $1,343,514 8. Dustin Johnson $1,330,507 9. Russell Henley $1,313,280 10. Kevin Streelman $1,310,343 11. Keegan Bradley $1,274,593 12. Charles Howell III $1,256,373 13. Michael Thompson $1,254,669 14. Brian Gay $1,171,721 15. Justin Rose $1,155,550 16. Jason Day $1,115,565 17. Chris Kirk $1,097,053 18. ...


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8 Reasons Why Every Health Tech Startup Should Use Crowdfunding

Why not explore what?s to gain from crowdfunding when there?s nothing to lose? MedStartr?s co-founder and CEO Alex Fair explains.

8 Reasons Why Every Health Tech Startup Should Use Crowdfunding

Alex Fair, Co-Founder & CEO of MedStartr

Thinking about joining the crowd? We know, your mother probably told you not to get mixed up with the wrong kind. But according to MedStartr?s Alex Fair, there?s a lot right with the mob mentality growing among today?s entrepreneurs; crowd communities are creating equitable springboards for promising startups. That?s right, we?re talking about crowdfunding. After all, there is strength in numbers? especially from those that come with dollar signs.

Last April, things became a bit easier for US startups and small businesses thanks to the JOBS ACT and its legalization of rewards and donation-based crowdfunding and the near-term promise of equity-based crowdfunding legalization. The ink on the Act may be less than a year old, but the positive impact deriving from the emergence and explosion of such funding sites and online platforms is already evident and quite substantial for some. And it looks promising for those in healthcare as well.

Take the success of Misfit Wearables, for instance, a startup developing slight and simple activity-tracking devices (Think pedometers only with far more technical sophistication and substantially less bulk.) has raised more than $750,000 via Indiegogo, an international crowdfunding platform. Even more impressive is the funding for Pebble (a smartwatch that connects to iPhones and Androids), which raised more than $10 million via Kickstarter in early 2012.

Pebble was the most successful project supported by Kickstarter last year, but the project wasn?t officially positioned as a health project. However, when Pebble and Runkeeper (a fitness tracking app) joined forces with plans to integrate the two technologies, the project adopted a more health-focused agenda. Had it been slated as such in the beginning, Pebble most likely would not have been supported by Kickstarter.

Surprisingly, the popular crowdfunding site doesn?t permit health, fitness, or medical projects. Pebble may have walked the fine line to receive its funding, but healthtech startups that were not as nimble were not as lucky. So, why not fund healthcare startups? That was the question Alex Fair, organizer of the NYC Health 2.0 chapter, asked when he noticed Kickstarter?s rules specifically proscribed healthcare projects while he considered.? He wanted to crowdfund his ? project: an online platform where patients and providers can meet and agree on fair prices for healthcare services.? He looked at other sites and found that while others did allow healthcare projects, they weren?t often funded and when they were it was for something like a movie.

With hundreds of companies in his meetup group that could use a ?Crowd Round? and needing one himself, Fair saw the need and inherently knew why generalist DIY platforms would not work well for crowdfunding,. Instead of being detered, the serial entrepreneur was inspired to build a crowdfunding platform specifically designed for healthcare innovators. A few weeks later, Fair launched MedStartr last July after partnering with Mike Pence, founding product manager of Kickstarter. Thanks to MedStartr, healthtech startups now have the ability to throw their hats in the crowdfunding ring, crowns facing up to collect those desired dollars, of course.

8 Reasons Why Every Health Tech Startup Should Use Crowdfunding isn?t all that different from other crowdfunding sites. What sets it apart, however, is its understanding of the challenges in the healthcare market, according to Fair. Furthermore, the site doesn?t just target consumers, but also reaches patients, physicians, hospitals, and medical device and big pharma companies.

For those of you seeing green, don?t get carried away just yet. Money may seem to be the main attraction of crowdfunding, but most young startups won?t obtain oodles of cash from it, said Fair. So, is there more to gain from crowdfunding besides a little extra spending money?

According to billionaire investor Mark Cuban, crowdfunding isn?t just about virtually garnering funds; it?s about proving that your ideas are worth having, and product worth pursuing, in the first place. Thus, Cuban believes crowdfunding should play a part in the early stages of business development. He sees crowdfunding as a rite of passage for startups, giving them the opportunity to not just demonstrate their potential, but also test their ability to achieve marketable appeal.

?It?s a way for you create demand and sell the product without giving up any equity. That is a compliment to what an investor might do,? said the formidable Shark Tank judge during a NextMarket podcast. ?In terms of PE (price to equity), there are strategic investors and then there?s just money. I?m not a big fan of money investors, which is what most angel investors turn out to be, because they just want their money back. I try to be very strategic, I try to add value, or I don?t make the investment.?

Fair seems to agree with Cuban?s sentiments; there is much more to crowdfunding than funds, especially for those in healthcare where the gaps between innovation and generation are far more challenging to bridge. So, if there are good reasons for healthcare startups to crowdfund, what are they? We at HIT Consultant turned to Fair for the answers.

Here are 8 reasons why every health tech startup should use crowdfunding:

1.???? ?Insightful Feedback

Sometimes an idea isn?t ready for primetime; new concepts need work. Using a crowdfunding platform to engage you an audience can also create the perfect environment for instant feedback. Often times, those communications lead entrepreneurs to face some hard truths and difficult decisions. However, those willing to listen to their audience also have the opportunity to refine their product and form new partnerships to be successful.

?Take Dr. Jen Dryer?s EndoGoddess (a diabetes management app), for example,? said Fair. ?The product changed names to EndoGoal, became integrated with AgaMatrix, and partnered with Genomera for their clinical trial. All of that was figured, formulated, and funded on MedStartr and from the feedback received there.?

2.??? Market Testing

For zero cost, startups can quickly learn how potential customers want to buy their products or services. ?You can offer up your product a dozen ways and see how people buy it.?This is market-testing gone wild, and we often see whole new product offerings and business models grow very quickly on the platform,? said Fair.

3.??? Online Fundraising

The average project on MedStartr is receiving more than $7,000. While Fair said this may not seem like much, startups need to think of it as being paid to advertise. ?How much would you have to pay Google AdWords to get 4,000 people to watch your video?? he said. ?Every scrappy entrepreneur should crowdfund for this reason alone.? Some people raise millions, but honestly, they are the outliers. You have to be realistic.?

4.??? Massive Exposure

Who knows about your company??That?s a question crowdfunding platform can help you answer and build upon, according to Fair. ?When 4,000 people watch your video, great things happen. Generally, we see a news story or two for most projects, helping millions hear about our projects. Literally, we or our clients get at least one story a week ? everywhere from MedGadget to ABC News to the New York Times.?

5.??? Find and Form Partnerships

Partnerships are crucial in healthcare, and without them, most healthcare startups will fail. The average successful project on MedStartr gains at least two partners, according to Fair. Some stand to gain even more partners. For example, Fred Trotter?s DocGraph has received more than two dozen in less than eight weeks while the company raised over $45,000 on MedStartr.

6.??? Customer Acquisition

Did you ever meet with a Venture Capitalist and they say something like, ?Come back when you have 100 customers.? But how do you get 100 customers pre-product, pre-funding, pre-marketing budget? The answer is crowdfunding.

Startups that don?t have a marketing budget can still attract customers through crowdfunding sites. ?If you make the rewards a promise of your product at cost when it is available, you could find yourself with?thousands of customers?who have just funded your really cool idea into existence,? said Fair. ?And best of all, you didn?t give up a scrap of equity and changes the conversation with much more interested VCs and Angels.?

7.??? Offline Fundraising

According to Fair, the average successful project garners more than $300,000 in offline funds, more than twenty times the figure startups are raising online. However, those offline opportunities are often spurred by the preliminary exposure created by online sites such as crowdfunding platforms.

Fair gives the example of David Chase and his Avado (a patient relationship management tool). Chase raised $7,585 on MedStartr, a humble and average online sum. After hitting his mark on MedStartr, however, Chase went on to received hundreds of thousands in offline grants and raised another million on AngelList. Fair doesn?t see Chase?s success as a coincidence, and frankly, neither does Chase.

?The bar is very high to get a health-tech startup rolling in terms of market adoption; most healthcare customers will only buy if there?s meaningful market traction and VCs will only invest if there?s market traction,? said Chase in a written comment on a TechCrunch article featuring MedStartr.? Chase went on to outline his reasons for his company?s participation with the crowdfunding platform, which included the platform?s aim to bridge the gap between market inefficiencies and innovative providers looking for innovative solutions and its unique partnering angle.

?The biggest reason to participate was to support the healthtech startup ecosystem,? added Chase. ?It?s tough to get something like this off the ground but someone like Alex who has built a huge health 2.0 community in New York is the right guy for the job.?

8.?? Get Faster Results, Whatever They Are

Whether you win or lose in crowdfunding, Fair says it will happen at an accelerated pace.?If it is good, you will find your company accelerated and all sort of good things happening.

If it is bad, you will quickly figure out that you need to work on something else or modify the idea significantly. It may not be good news, but it is efficient news, nonetheless: ?If your project fails, you know what not to work on faster. That?s just as important as knowing what to work on.? This happened with our FairCareMD project which we switched to an advertising-only model and is now finally profitable? said Fair.

Fair?s reasons to embrace crowdfunding may seem biased, but they are also convincing, even if they come with the sobering reality that most funds earned online aren?t substantial. But so what?? Maybe crowdfunding isn?t the most direct means of getting your healthcare startup off the ground, but it certainly will drive awareness and customer acquisition, and what startup doesn?t need that? Perhaps, the question to ask is not why to embrace crowdfunding, but why not?

Even if your project doesn?t stand out in the crowd, it?s possible that you will gain something far more valuable than the almighty dollar from being a part of one?like understanding if your ship will sail before you even build it. Positive results or not, crowdfunding seems like the perfect catalyst to produce such swift conclusions. Thus, perhaps crowdfunding?s greatest value comes not from what it earns, but what it saves; You may not make millions from it, but it could prevent you from wasting a great deal of sweat equity and time. And what?s more valuable than that?

Image courtesy of iStockphoto/s_john79

Erica Garvin is the Contributing Editor at HIT Consultant and a freelance writer and editor. Most recently, she was a spotlight editor, speaking with notable executives within the healthcare industry and drafting feature stories for Inside Healthcare magazine.

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pakistan appoints caretaker prime minister

ISLAMABAD (AP) ? Pakistan's election commission has chosen a former high court chief justice nominated by the country's outgoing ruling party to serve as caretaker prime minister in the run up to a historic national election this spring.

The head of the election commission, Fakhruddin Ebrahim, announced the decision to appoint Mir Hazar Khan Khoso on Sunday.

Khoso served as the chief justice to the high court in southwest Baluchistan province and also briefly served as the acting governor of the province.

The election commission chose Khoso out of four nominees, two submitted by the recently ruling Pakistan People's Party and two by the main opposition Pakistan Muslim League-N.

Pakistan is scheduled to hold parliamentary elections on May 11 ? the first transition between democratically elected governments in the country's history.


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How will climate change affect the Himalayas? Scientists trek to find out.

A group of American scientists have finished expeditions to Himalaya to study how global warming has affected glaciers there.

By Tanya Lewis,?LiveScience / March 22, 2013

Rinchen Zoe plateau, Bhutan Himalaya.

David Putnam


The distribution of water in Asia's highest mountains and driest deserts tells an important story of climate change.

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Almost half the world's population gets its water from glacier melt and rainfall in the Himalayas and other lofty peaks, yet little is understood about how climate change will affect these water sources. Now, using sophisticated technology and old-fashioned fieldwork, scientists are looking into the past to solve this mystery.

"We're trying to understand the relationships between climate and glaciers and Earth's water resources from the perspective of Earth's paleoclimate," geologist Aaron Putnam of the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory said in a talk at the Columbic Club in New York on March 12. He described his recent expeditions along the Silk Road, from the Tien Shan Mountains to the Taklamakan Desert to the Bhutanese Himalayas.

Tien Shan Mountains

Putnam and colleagues set out in 2010 to the Tarim Basin in Northwest China, right in the center of Asia. Within the Tien Shan Mountains, a range that extends some 1,740 miles (2,800 kilometers), the scientists studied masses of soil and rock debris built up by glaciers, called moraines, which held clues to the past climate. [Stunning Scenes: From the Himalayas to the Taklamakan Desert]

To determine the ages of the moraines, the researchers used a technique known as beryllium-10 exposure dating. Cosmic radiation constantly bombards the Earth's surface, changing the form of some of the elements, like beryllium, in rocks. Based on these changes, the scientists could determine how long the moraines had been there, which allowed researchers to reconstruct the glaciers' past positions. "We can see what the ice looked like and know exactly when the ice was there," Putnam said.

Deep in the desert

Next, Putnam and colleagues ventured to the Taklamakan Desert. New roads have made the desert accessible, "so we were able to access lands people had died trying to visit even a decade ago," Putnam said. He described the area as a parched, desolate landscape with endless expanses of sand dunes.

As the researchers trekked through the desert, they noticed silts, mud cracks, remnants of trees, even shells ? all telltale signs of water. To find out when this wet period took place, the scientists used radiocarbon dating, a technique that measures the ratio of different forms of carbon to find an object's age. The scientists also used dendrochronology, a method of determining trees' ages based on their growth rings. The results suggested the wet period occurred from the mid-1100s to the late 1800s.

Putnam and his team then traveled to the easternmost part of the desert to an enormous dry lakebed called Lop Nor. They did radiocarbon dating of shells on the lake's shoreline, finding the shells' ages matched those of the other samples from formerly wet areas. That span of time, from the 12th century to the 19th century, was a cold period in North Atlantic regions. "When it got cold in the North Atlantic, it got wet in the mid-latitude desert regions," Putnam said.

The onset of wet conditions in the Taklamakan Desert corresponds with the rise of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous land empire in history. The Mongols relied heavily on horses, which would have needed lots of grass to eat. Putnam and his team think the wetting of the desert allowed grasslands to expand, enabling the Mongols to spread throughout Asia. [10 Surprising Ways Weather Changed History]

Atop the Himalayas

Next, Putnam and his colleagues headed south to the Himalayas of Bhutan, an area swept by the monsoon. "We don't know how the monsoon will affect glacier behavior in the Himalayas," Putnam said, adding, "We just needed to go there and use good old-fashioned fieldwork to figure it out." The team made a six-day trek to their study site, a glacier-laden plateau.

The journey wasn't easy; it took 25 horses and mules to carry all of the supplies from the deep jungles up to the icy peaks. The team hiked over 15,400-foot-high (4,700 meters) mountain passes, home to creatures like the Himalayan blue sheep, or bharal.

Finally, the team crested Bhutan's Rinchen Zoe plateau. They ventured out onto the glaciers and took ice sample to measure the amount of melt. The scientists used the same beryllium dating method as before to determine the age of the glacial deposits, work that is currently in progress. The team had to leave before the snows came with the approaching winter.

Though the scientists haven't finished their analysis yet, it's clear that the glaciers have substantially receded over the last century, Putnam said, and this will have an impact on the many people who depend on the mountains for water.

With the current global warming trend, Putnam expects to see a northward expansion of the deserts. The insights gained on these expeditions were only possible through fieldwork, Putnam said. "In my opinion, there's no substitute for collecting fundamental data from the natural world," he said.

Follow Tanya Lewis @tanyalewis314. Follow us @livescience, Facebook?or Google+. Original article on

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Ford's Euro-legal 1.0-liter EcoBoost racer is faster around the 'Ring ...

Whoa Nelly! Ford has done it again and built another great car we?ll probably never see in the U.S.

It?s called the FF1. It?s powered by the 1.0-liter three-cylinder turbocharged EcoBoost engine and it?s street legal ? well, at least in Europe.

Ford aims to officially unveil this one-seater Ariel Atom rival at the 2013 Goodwood Festival of Speed in July, according to MotorAuthority.

The version Ford will sell the European public will have 123 horsepower. Ford has a 202 horsepower version it?s been testing though. This highly tuned FF1 will round the Nurburgring in seven minutes and 22 seconds. That?s faster than the Pagani Zonda and the Ferrari Enzo.

Try not to get too excited, though. The FF1 doesn?t meet U.S. airbag safety standards, as it has none. So it?s unlikely the little track day car will make it Stateside, unless sold exclusively for the track like the Mustang Cobra Jet.

We?d love to see it in North America, though. Ford says if drivers can keep their foot out of the throttle, the FF1 is capable of 80 miles-per-gallon, which would make it green car by anyone?s standards.

We?re disappointed Ford has no U.S. plans for the little FF1. With the new ?One Ford? global mission, we figured the days of European-only performance models were over.

Check back closer to Goodwood?s July kick-off for info on the FF1 and more. Here?s a photo we snapped at Ford?s CES display in January:



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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Vankoryth Detente

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GOP pillories administration's sequester prep

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., center, and committee member Rep. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., left, talk with Lynne Halbrooks, Principal Deputy Inspector General, Defense Department, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday March 19, 2013, after Halbrooks testified before the committee's hearing: ?DOD and DHS: Implementing Agency Watchdogs? Recommendations Could Save Taxpayers Billions?. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., center, and committee member Rep. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., left, talk with Lynne Halbrooks, Principal Deputy Inspector General, Defense Department, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday March 19, 2013, after Halbrooks testified before the committee's hearing: ?DOD and DHS: Implementing Agency Watchdogs? Recommendations Could Save Taxpayers Billions?. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Homeland Security Undersecretary Rafael Borras testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday March 19, 2013, before the House Oversight Committee hearing: ?DOD and DHS: Implementing Agency Watchdogs? Recommendations Could Save Taxpayers Billions?. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

(AP) ? House Republicans are accusing the Obama administration of poorly preparing for the $85 billion in automatic spending cuts while at the same time scaring people about their potential impact.

"Agency after agency acts surprised that a law signed by the president 19 months ago actually meant what it said," Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said Tuesday.

Issa's committee conducted two hearings that touched on the impact of the budget cuts known as a "sequester" and the administration's preparation for them. Both hearings turned into forums for lawmakers in each party to blame the other side.

"When you cut $85 billion out of a budget over a course of seven months there are consequences ? duhhh," said Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the committee's senior Democrat. "They want people to think these are the choice of the administration. It isn't true."

Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., former chairman of the House Transportation Committee, ripped the Homeland Security Department and its Transportation Safety Administration as among the worst offenders. While attacking the department's lack of planning for the spending cuts, he singled out Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's predictions of long waits at airport security lines as "her form of torture."

"We should have the secretary out there screening people," Mica said. "This is one of the most shameful things I've ever seen the administration do."

Rafael Borras, the department's undersecretary in charge of its budget, said there was no effort to scare people.

"There was an expectation that the sequester would not come to pass," Borras said. "We're doing everything we can to limit the impact."

During October's presidential debate between President Barack Obama and GOP nominee Mitt Romney, Obama said sequestration cuts "will not happen," though his aides then tried to back off the remark.

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Michael Young, the budget director for the Agriculture Department, that the USDA should have anticipated potential cuts. He also put up slides showing the department's budget over the last four years, noting it had been relatively flat.

"You've had 20 months to get ready for this," Jordan said. "August 2011. It seems to me you should be able to deal with this."

Jordan asked Young if anyone had directed him to make the cuts more painful. Young said the opposite was true, that Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack had instructed him to implement cuts in an "equitable manner and the least disruptive manner."

In February, Vilsack warned that budget cuts mandated by the sequester would force the USDA to furlough meat inspectors for up to 15 days. Because meatpacking plants require a federal inspector, his warning implied that it could cause an industry-wide slowdown.

Young told Jordan he did not yet know how long meat inspectors might be furloughed.

Democrats expressed frustration that the committee was asking questions about the impact of the sequester before agencies had fully grappled with it.

"Did we expect (the sequester) to kick in within 19 days?" said Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va. "No!"

Associated Press


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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How Social SEO Proves to be a Boon - Search Engine Journal

SEO and SocialGone are the days when the webmasters did not give much prominence to the Social SEO. The traffic was driven to the website with the help of the SEO by putting in the most effective keywords and meta tags. However, thanks to the recent changes in the Google algorithm, various popular social media channels such as the Facebook, Google+, Twitter and YouTube have gone on to greatly influence the search engine results. Many businesses and the SEO industry have now started to formulate a well-planned marketing strategy to optimize the presence of website or business online.

?How Social SEO Impacts Your Business?

It can be rightly said that an effective social media marketing strategy has really gone on to become an intrinsic part of the SEO industry, particularly after the Penguin and Panda updates. This can be analyzed from the fact many social networking websites are getting a good ranking in the search engine result pages.

You may be surprised to know that the popularity of your website on the various renowned social media channels can go on to increase the ranking or visibility of your website. This can be better understood with the help of an example. For instance, if many Facebook users like your website page, then the search engines consider that it must be a very pivotal site. If large numbers of people are mentioning your website, then it is really a great sign for your business. The search engine giant Google takes into the consideration all your online social activity and combines it into its search results.

Is Social SEO Really a Necessity for the Businesses?

This is a question that most of the businesses are trying to find out an answer. YES, with the new algorithm and latest SEO updates coming up on the regular basis from Google and to survive in the stiff competition, it is essential that you concentrate upon creating a very effective social SEO strategy.

It doesn?t matter at all whether your business is small or large, it is imperative that you must create a well-maintained Facebook or a Google+ account to benefit from it. The posts that you make must be relevant and clear to your followers. A well managed Facebook account can really go on to work magic for your business.

Therefore, integrating the social SEO with the basic SEO strategies can really open the window of new opportunities for companies to promote their products and enhance the productivity of their business.


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KEXP's Community Partnership & Benefit Show: Amara

This month, KEXP?s Community Partnership Initiative, is proud to spotlight Amara, a local nonprofit that prepares and supports loving, adoptive families for children in foster care. For 90 years, Amara has been providing services to families and children, pioneering programs to meet the changing needs of our community?s children, youth and families. Because every child needs and deserves the safety, well-being and permanency that a forever family provides. Amara?s mission is to create and support stable, loving homes for vulnerable children. Their vision and wish for the future is ?A Home for Every Child.?

On Saturday, March 23rd, Chop Suey will host our monthly Audioasis Community Partnerships Benefit Show featuring performances by River Giant, BellaMaine, and The Comettes. Each band has generously donated their performances to benefit Amara.

Five things you can do right now to help support Amara:

  • Attend one of our free Adoption Information Meetings to learn more about the children in foster care and the adoption process
  • Join us on April 29 for Amara?s annual luncheon, From Hope to Home, as we celebrate permanency for children in foster care.
  • Be a voice for children in foster care by challenging myths and stereotypes in your community.
  • Host an event at your home, workplace or community organization to inform your friends and colleagues about the need for lifelong homes for children in Washington state. Contact Us!
  • Help support new parents by dropping off infant supplies and other items from our wish list.

Connect with Amara:

Facebook /?Twitter / Blog

See you at Chop Suey on Saturday, March 23rd! Ticketing information here.?


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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Argentina: HSBC helped launder money, evade taxes

People walk in front of an HSBC branch in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Monday, March 18, 2013. Argentina's government tax chief, Ricardo Echegaray, accused the local subsidiary of the British banking giant HSBC of creating an illegal scheme that helped its clients evade more than US$100 million in taxes. (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)

People walk in front of an HSBC branch in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Monday, March 18, 2013. Argentina's government tax chief, Ricardo Echegaray, accused the local subsidiary of the British banking giant HSBC of creating an illegal scheme that helped its clients evade more than US$100 million in taxes. (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)

(AP) ? Argentina's government on Monday accused the British banking giant HSBC of facilitating money laundering and tax evasion.

Tax chief Ricardo Echegaray said HSBC's Argentina subsidiary created an illegal scheme enabling its clients to hide more than $100 million. He said the scheme included a criminal organization and fake receipts used to launder money for various companies.

HSBC's Latin America spokeswoman, Lyssette Bravo, issued a statement that did not deny the accusations and promised to cooperate.

"HSBC takes compliance with the law, wherever it operates, very seriously and strongly supports the efforts of governments and regulators to detect unlawful activity and take appropriate action," the statement said.

Echegaray said that since February, the bank "had been rolling out a fraud-enabling platform" that he called "a maneuver to hide bank account information from tax collectors."

He named three companies: Mas Distribuidora SA, Recaudaciones y Servicios del Sur SRL and Red de Multiservicios SA.

"They evaded taxes and laundered money through the purchase of fake receipts that were later used to justify the issuance of checks whose amounts were deposited under a generic tax identification number," Echegaray said, adding that HSBC never informed the AFIP tax agency about it.

The three companies used "phantom operations" to deposit checks laundering $76 million and evaded taxes on an additional $44 million, he said.

The tax agency is pursuing a criminal investigation against HSBC in Argentina's courts.

"They have to pay what they owe and break up this band of crooks, which involved private figures as well as public authorities in the purchase of fake receipts," Echegaray said.

HSBC's statement said Argentina's allegations were a matter of great concern. "We are committed to working cooperatively with authorities to ensure a thorough review and appropriate resolution of the matter."

Associated Press


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T-Mobile planning March 26th press event, hints at strategy change

T-Mobile planning March 26th press event, hints at strategy change

It's been a slow news day for most of the tech industry, but it's been a helluva Monday for T-Mobile. First the carrier announced expansion plans for its fledgling LTE network, and said that the Galaxy Note II would be getting an over-the-air update allowing it to take advantage of T-Mo's new 4G speeds. Now, Big Magenta is planning a press event for March 26th in New York City, reports AllThingsD. As you can see, the invite promises the wireless operator will no longer be acting like one, which makes us think a splashy product launch isn't in the cards. Given the teaser, we have to wonder if T-Mo is finally ready to elaborate on its plan to offer Value plans only, under which customers pay for their phones outright in exchange for lower monthly fees (and no contracts, of course). If we were betting types, that's where we'd be putting our money, but it'll be another eight days before we know for sure.

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Source: AllThingsD


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Nikkei: Panasonic may end plasma HDTV production soon

While we've heard rumors of the death of plasmas before, Japanese business paper The Nikkei is reporting that Panasonic may stop using the technology in fiscal 2014. Without citing sources, it claims Panasonic will shut down production at its main Amagasaki plant, reducing production gradually to avoid angering partners and retailers. A Panasonic spokesperson tells Reuters that the company has not made any decisions on the future of its TV business yet. The Nikkei's info indicates it will downsize the entire TV business, including reductions in LCD manufacturing, over the next three years.

What's next? OLED, as Sony and Panasonic are partnering on developing the technology and according to the report it plans to outsource manufacturing to keep costs down. We'll find out how much of this turns out to be true in the coming months, but for now we'll just appreciate the company's latest round of Viera plasmas.

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Via: Reuters

Source: Panasonic


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Monday, March 18, 2013

The Self-improvement College System: The ... - Fund Managers

The concept of school-to-school assistance is nothing fresh. Since school development present the method onto the well known policy plan inside the nineteen eighties, the thought of colleges offering the other person assist have been flying about, usually in a low-key style.

But headteachers are getting to hand orientation with the informative landscape where what has become referred to as self-improving college method (SISS) is actually taking centre phase. SISS, using the emphasis on the system instead of the school because self-improving, envisages the actual creation of any community of schools giving environmentally friendly benefits inside pupil accomplishment.

To a level, it is the item associated with need. For instance a local authorities disengage coming from immediate involvement in college enhancement : beneath the combined stress regarding budget cuts and a rise in the amount of colleges outside community power handle : headteachers are already forced to look for alternatives. But it is likewise given birth to in the perception that this best supply of support often is situated within some other universities.

In accordance with Professor Brian Hargreaves, a professional in this model of college improvement, you will find several issues that really must be achieved: the particular development of the bunch regarding universities; universities offering their particular solutions; the congruence associated with beliefs, goals and methods, and also the commitment of important leaders to operate toward a common goal.

One of these of how this specific works basically is By Schools Regarding Schools, an organisation produced in Better Stansted operates along with around 150 universities. All of us intended be an inclusive product. The only real certification for account will be the deal with assisting and taking advantage of the system, states Vicky Beverage, headteacher at kunne Ashton-on-Mersey College in Cheshire and also the organizations co-chair. A part of our own remit is around sharing capability as well as understanding so it will become self-sustaining.

Members register each to supply as well as receive help, through Colleges Regarding Colleges behave as the brokering and a the high quality assurance assistance. In addition, it evolves some programmes under one building, like how to move from best to exceptional.

Whilst headteachers usually disseminated, Light beer says the existence of the formal facilities have been essential in embedding this specific collaborative method so that it grows beyond an advert hoc way of working and will not just become dependent on a single or maybe more individuals using the lead.

It offers certainly not recently been with out its problems. Beverage confesses that this demands punctually may be substantial, by Schools With regard to School choices offers utilized task management supervisor to shoulder the actual work load. Presently there also need to become handles in place to make sure colleges do not profiteer from marketing their particular solutions and this person schools become overwhelmed with demands with regard to assist.

The actual companies quality assurance part risks ruffling feathers. We now have got a few challenging discussions with colleagues about quality assurance, Beer claims. But it will result in a more open-discussion.

Though benefits are already encouraging inside schools that have been backed, and a lot of repeat enterprise, Beer says among the actual tests regarding whether or not this approach includes a long lasting upcoming is going to be when heads still place by themselves toward get involved with the actual companies guiding party.

Any perennial concern about the performance of the type of co-operation is the effect of competitors between schools, particularly inside areas where roles are declining. Naturligvis Appleyard, brain regarding Elmridge Primary inside Trafford and a person in the By Universities Regarding Universities guiding party, says that relies on mind going for a larger view. There is competition, we must regarding, she says. But which doesnt imply you must close your current doorways. There are some heads which will take it on and some heads that are quite happy to work within their own silo.

There are some additional models for delivering enhancement, such as schools dining establishments and also training college alliances. Yet you will find a threat which a few schools can find on their own omitted, in accordance with Vivienne Porritt, assistant director for school relationships at the Start of Education in uk. When colleges are certainly not in a bunch or perhaps a good alliance or a school string and then in which would they choose exterior assistance? she shares.

There are also issues close to SISS learning to be a top-down approach exactly where a couple of universities require a ruling role, Porritt adds. Other medication is worried there has to be an overview in position to make sure the method delivers for those pupils ? a job usually popular among private sector organisations.

Though most of this process continues to be becoming exercised, and there is no facts however of the performance of a national SISS, comes from the actual London, uk Challenge institution development plan are guaranteeing. Identifying and also assisting minds to do business with additional schools has been one of the most considerable strategies for causing the enormous enhancement in uk, Porritt says.

Travis Lathan, professional primary of George Betts and also Shireland Lounge primaries inside Smethwick out west Midlands, believes that although the prosperity of the particular SISS depends on the readiness regarding classes to function collectively, it gives more versatility and much more opportunities compared to local authority-led school enhancement model.

You are able to focus on a requirement as well as react to that very rapidly, without needing to undergo a neighborhood power brokering service or even wait for consultant to become obtainable, he says. Nor tend to be colleges limited to working within community expert boundaries, he or she gives.

In 04 the school choices may sign up for the particular Elliot Base, a great academy trust specializing inside main universities, that has a bunch associated with colleges out west Midlands. Sometimes we will have got arguments however, you have to be parent regarding it, he admits that. Should you be investing a certain means of operating, the idea might not be right for you, but the point is you get which commitment.

Since Rulers Surge School within Luton became a member of the particular Elliot Foundation in November, it has gained from support in improving improvement in Yr 3, whilst expressing its own knowledge within guarding. The advantage of this method is that everyone can study on one another, claims headteacher Paul Edgerton.

With various models building across the country, the long run form of this approach remains emerging. But while the result can be a miscuglio of various nearby solutions, Vicky Beer at By Schools With regard to Colleges indicates it may but confirm more efficient.

At a single point all of us reviewed regardless of whether we would end up being needed since there is a coaching institution model, she says. Yet we require this particular sloppy photograph to avoid folks slipping through the incidents.

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Tips On How To Always Keep Yourself Secure Throughout ...

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Making use of the subway through the late hours isn?t perfect because of security concerns. The same thing goes with buses. Meanwhile, night travels were nearly impossible for me to avoid. Often, I needed to do night as well as early-morning shifts at work. This was how I began thinking of protection that then encouraged me to buy Mace defense spray further.

Self-defense sprays, as non deadly weapons, is going to leave a burning experience on someone?s skin and within his eyes when utilized. The assailant would be hurt temporarily and the discomfort which he would experience could give me the opportunity that I required to get away.

Defense sprays would not cause anybody long-term injury. And, since I was not quite interested in harming another person, having one for self-defense wouldn?t leave me with unwanted guilt.

Having these motives in mind, I opted to look for something small, not complicated to make use of and easy to carry throughout travels. I would like an item which I could place inside my pouch or bag and this was at this point that my close friend introduced to me mini self defense sprays.

Small Self defense sprays were ideal for I could also simply hide one in my hand, thus leaving virtually any attacker clueless. He would never even suspect that I had with me a tiny item which could somehow leave him extremely hurting.

The key chain defense sprays that I found were good choices. I could just hang one in my bag and grab this if necessity arose.

Purchasing a Mace personal model hot pink 10% defense spray was an excellent decision for this provided me just what I wanted as protection. The 10-gram unit got 10 one-second bursts that it could spray for as much as eight to twelve feet. It had a flip-top safety cap and also key chain for additional usefulness.

Facing a tough and also surprising situation requires having the ability to act on it on instinct. And the notion to buy Mace pepper spray was my clever first step.

Keven B Wizdom has been training people how to operate self defense products to defend themselves for years. There are many options, like stun guns, pepper sprays and personal alarms. He offers complete help and instruction on how to operate the products. More Information

Related Reading:

Personal Defense for WomenPersonal Defense for Women

Fight back?with Personal Defense for Women.

Statistics show that violent crimes against women are at an all-time high. Don't be the next victim! In Personal Defense for Women, author Gila Hayes shows you how to build awareness to avoid confrontations?and how to fight back when necessary. If you're concerned about your personal safety and security in your home, in your car, in your workplace and on the campus, there's no better guide than Personal Defense for Women.

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In Defense of Self: How the Immune System Really WorksIn Defense of Self: How the Immune System Really WorksWe live in a sea of seething microbial predators, an infinity of invisible and invasive microorganisms capable of setting up shop inside us and sending us to an early grave. The only thing keeping them out? The immune system.

William Clark's In Defense of Self offers a refreshingly accessible tour of the immune system, putting in layman's terms essential information that has been for too long the exclusive province of trained specialists. Clark explains how the immune system works by using powerful genetic, chemical, and cellular weapons to protect us from the vast majority of disease-causing microbes-bacteria, viruses, molds, and parasites. Only those microbes our bodies need to help us digest food and process vitamins are admitted. But this same system can endanger us by rejecting potentially life-saving organ transplants, or by overreacting and turning too much force against foreign invaders, causing serious--occasionally lethal--collateral damage to our tissues and resulting in autoimmune disease. In Defense of Self covers everything from how antibodies work and the strategies the body uses to distinguish self from not self to the nature of immunological memory, the latest approaches to vaccination, and how the immune system will react should we ever be subjected to a bioterrorist attack. Clark also offers important insights on the vital role that the immune system plays in cancer, AIDS, autoimmunity, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies and asthma, and other diseases.

Of special interest to all those suffering from diseases related to the immune system, as well as their families, In Defense of Self lucidly explains a system none of us could live without.

Tags: crime, Defense, personal protection, safety, security, self defense, Women


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Sunday, March 17, 2013

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No man does it all by himself (Unqualified Offerings)

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Cameron's allies dismiss talk of leadership threat to PM

By Andrew Osborn

LONDON (Reuters) - Two senior members of Prime Minister David Cameron's ruling Conservative party spoke out to calm growing talk of a leadership challenge against him on Friday, days before a closely watched budget.

Halfway through a five-year term, Cameron's Conservatives are trailing the opposition Labour party by 10 percent in the polls, the economy is stagnant, some MPs say they are unhappy with his leadership, and one of his ministers is being touted as a possible replacement.

But on Friday, two senior party figures insisted Cameron's leadership was not under threat ahead of a general election in 2015, dismissing media stories which have suggested others may be positioning themselves to usurp him.

"David Cameron is more popular than all of us ... more popular than all of the party in the country, which is a key point that lots of people do recognise," said Conservative Party Chairman Grant Shapps.

Talk of a leadership challenge was "for the birds and certainly not for today," he told political magazine The House.

London Mayor Boris Johnson, who has himself been tipped as a leadership candidate, agreed. "People need some sort of political drama so they're inventing one. I think it's complete nonsense," he told The Sun newspaper.

Cameron is going through a bruising time politically.

His party was beaten into third place in a vote for a parliamentary seat earlier this month, half of his party rebelled against him over a gay marriage law last month, he is at odds with his junior coalition partner on press regulation, and is being criticised for his ambiguous stance on an alcohol control law.


Most analysts believe the malcontents are in the minority and would have scant chance of unseating Cameron if they chose to try. No serious rivals have emerged, they say, and even most internal detractors think Cameron should remain leader.

But, as his Chancellor, George Osborne, prepares for a budget on Wednesday that will give the Conservatives a chance to tip the political scales in their favour, Cameron's position remains the subject of almost weekly speculation.

This week, Theresa May, the home secretary or interior minister, delivered a speech that went well beyond her brief, prompting media speculation she was angling for Cameron's job.

Labour taunted Cameron over the speech in parliament as Conservative party strategists told MPs to curb their criticism of Cameron on social media and to decide if they were commentators or participants in the battle to win the next election.

Johnson said it was time for the party to unite.

"If ministers are setting out their stall now, it strikes me as being very odd," he said. "They should save their breath and cool their porridge. Put a sock in it and get on and back the Prime Minister."

In a party political TV broadcast earlier this week, Cameron shrugged off the speculation about his leadership as "rubbish".

"It's so vital that you look to the horizon and not tomorrow's headlines, because there is a sort of daily battle of this story and that event," he said. "It's all rubbish."

Several Conservative MPs disenchanted with his leadership have said they would judge him by five "key tests".

In their eyes, he has already failed two of them after his party lost a vote for a parliamentary seat in the constituency of Eastleigh earlier this month and the country lost its top-notch AAA credit rating in February.

Three tests remain: setting out a successful budget on Wednesday, avoiding a triple-dip recession, and performing reasonably well in local elections in May.

(Editing by Robin Pomeroy)


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