Monday, December 31, 2012

Vatican launches swipe-card security system

Vincenzo Pinto / AFP - Getty Images

Members of the Pontifical Swiss Guard have long given Vatican employees their permission to enter. Starting in January, electronic cards will handle some of that duty.

By Claudio Lavanga, NBC News

ROME ? The Vatican is the only fully fortified state in the world, protected by 40-foot-high walls.?The few porte, the arched access gates into Vatican City, are manned by Swiss Guards dressed in their colorful Renaissance uniforms and carrying swords.

Visitors are asked to sign in and are allowed only upon invitation. But for Vatican employees, usually a nod of recognition will do. The Vatican is the smallest state in the world, and pretty much everybody knows each other.

But things are quickly changing.

This month, the Vatican is introducing an electronic badge for some of its thousands of employees. Workers will be expected to swipe in and out when entering and exiting.

Some of the world's media have linked the step-up in security directly to the "Vatileaks" scandal, the unprecedented security breach in which Paolo Gabriele, the pope's former butler, photocopied and leaked confidential documents to the Italian media.

Ex-butler sentenced in Vatican leaks case

Pope pardons ex-butler

So is the Holy Father turning into Big Brother?

No, a Vatican employee,?who spoke on the condition of anonymity,?told NBC News: "I haven't received my card yet, but I have seen swiping machines being installed at Porta Sant'Anna," the main gate for Vatican employees. "This is not a case of Big Brother, more like the Vatican coming in line with the modern world and issuing a badge like any other big company."

The Vatican employs roughly 3,000 people and generates tens of millions of dollars in revenue, mainly from tourism and donations. If it were a company, it would be a midsize business with a healthy income and solid assets, despite having recorded a $19 million loss in 2011. But unlike most private companies, the Vatican has allowed some employees an unprecedented degree of flexibility in their working hours.

Robert Mickens, the Rome Correspondent for The Tablet newspaper and a former employee at Vatican Radio, says that this self-governance in some cases has been abused:?"When a journalist asked Pope John XXIII how many people work in the Vatican, he replied: 'About half'."

"The Vatican has tried hard to check that people stick to their working hours for years," Mickens said. "At Vatican Radio they introduced electronic badges years ago because people would go for their coffee break and return hours later. So I think that this is more of a case of the Vatican trying to check that its employees do their job than to prevent them from leaking information."

Whether the new system is aimed at preventing a new Vatileaks or merely keeping tabs on employee hours, the Vatican's ancient walls are about to receive a modern twist.

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Worcester, MA - Home Sales and Real Estate Market Report (Dec ...

I always enjoy doing the Worcester reports. First off, there's so much DATA. Small towns with a only a little data can move around a lot, and can be hard to inference if there is a trend or just a blip in the market. But with Worcester, there's so much data there's not a lot of room for ambiguity.

It's also been excitingly recently as the Worcester market has really shown signs of the long climb back. Although much of eastern Massachusetts has seen an improving real estate market for years, Worcester lagged, buried in foreclosures and awash in debt. That is now changing. The go-go days of the 2000's are by no means back, but what we have is a normal, healthy market in Worcester. One where investors are oh-so-carefully wandering in to fix properties and get them back into the market. Let's take a closer look.

First thing I'd like to point out is the number of properties for sale, the orange line. It peaked at 679 and is now down to just over 400. That's a reduction in number of homes for sale in Worcester by 40%. Forty-percent!! Looking at the yellow line, we can see why - sales have climbed by about the same amount. The increase in sales has pushed down the available property, and as a result, good things happen for sellers.

Find Your Next Home or Check out the Competition!
Prices are just at a record (since I've been tracking them) in this report, at $113/ a square foot and rising.

More good news for Worcester: Foreclosures are down to just 22, about half what they have been since I started tracking. (they were consistently in the 40's). Short-sales houses are down by about 10%, so the bank impacted inventory is down across the board significantly.

All these factors have my Home Seller Index in Worcester at 92 - also a record - and squarely in a sellers market. What does that mean for sellers? It means you should reach for prices if you house is in good shape and popular locations. You may get more then your neighbor did just last year. Buyers will have to work harder to find what they want, but if Worcester is your goal, buy soon - before the market really starts to move, as it has in towns further east.

Happy new Year Everyone!

Worcester Houses For Sale and Sold Market Statistics - Raw MLS Data

  • There are 407 homes listed as For Sale.
  • There have been 591 houses sold in the last 6 months, and 327 homes sold in the last 3 months.
  • The Average number of Days on Market was 119 days for just SOLD homes.
  • There is an Average Market Time of 171 days of the homes For Sale (currently for sale).
  • The Dollars paid per Square Foot in Worcester is $113 (vs. $111 )
  • There was an Average Sold Price of $174,504 for sold homes.
  • Worcester has 22 properties (vs. 40 in the last report) advertised as lender owned/foreclosure (typically foreclosure) .
  • Worcester has 91 properties (vs 98) advertised as a short-sale is going to be needed by lender .
  • Worcester ?Home Seller Index? (HSI):92 Last Report: 90

*All statistics are for Single Family Houses and based on data in MLS.

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Read my Explanation for Massachusetts Home Data Reports.

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Schwarzenegger's Climate-Change Legacy

If the United States ever enacts a major climate-change law, it will owe a debt to Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Strange as it sounds, the Austrian-born bodybuilder, former California governor, and movie star has flexed more legislative muscle on climate change than President Obama--who ran for office on the promise of curbing sea level rise and creating millions of green jobs--and Al Gore, the former vice president who won a Nobel Prize for his advocacy on climate change. ??

Like Gore and Obama, Schwarzenegger, in his two terms as governor of the largest state in the nation, championed policies to promote clean energy and to fight climate change. Unlike those Democrats, Schwarzenegger, a Republican, succeeded in translating that passion into a major climate-change law. ?

(RELATED: Will California's Cap-and-Trade Law Be a National Model?)

In 2006, Schwarzenegger signed a pioneering climate-change and clean-energy law known as AB-32. Its centerpiece is an aggressive cap-and-trade program, the controversial market-based system that caps emissions of heat-trapping fossil-fuel pollution and creates a financial market in which polluters and financial players can buy and sell carbon-pollution credits.

On Jan. 1, 2013, the rubber meets the road for AB-32: The cap-and-trade program--the first of its kind in the nation--will be fully enforced, and the country and the world will be watching. If it succeeds in cutting California?s carbon pollution without harming the Golden State?s economy, the law could serve as a model for other state policies--and eventually a national law. If it fails, it could be the last nail in the coffin for efforts to enact a national climate law. ?

Schwarzenegger knows this. The California law was designed to be replicated by other states. Schwarzenegger, whose legacy was tarnished by California?s plunge into an economic recession under his watch and by a high-profile marital-infidelity scandal, has campaigned heavily since stepping down from office to encourage other states and regions to enact climate policies modeled after California?s, with the aim of building up momentum for national and international climate laws.

Schwarzenegger brings his global celebrity to the cause, but he also brings credibility, as the only American political leader to date who has succeeded in enacting a climate-change law. ??

It appears to be working. On Dec. 19, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon presented Schwarzenegger with the U.N. Correspondents Association?s global advocate of the year award. The award recognized work he has done with Regions20, his U.N.-affiliated climate-change advocacy group. The group aims to push cities, states, provinces, and other regions to create a network of bottom-up climate policies that will eventually lead to broader action.

On the evening he received the U.N. award, Schwarzenegger sat down with National Journal to talk about climate policy, his legacy, and bodybuilding. On his left hand, the former governor wore a massive knuckle-dusting ring bearing the seal of California. On his right hand, he wore an equally massive skull-shaped ring, with glittering diamonds in its eyes. Peeping out from his tuxedo jacket sleeves was a bracelet made out of a polished bicycle chain. ?

Sitting back in a walnut-paneled holding room while he waited to receive his U.N. award, Schwarzenegger propped an alligator-skin shoe up on the coffee table and held forth on the stakes of the California climate law.? ??

?The key thing is that we?re successful, so that others will join,? he said.

He likes to talk about the strategy of building up from the ?subnational? level--getting cities, states, provinces, and regions to adopt similar policies--taking action when a national government won?t.

?We?ve always tried to show leadership on the subnational level,? Schwarzenegger?said of California. ?Since the United States was not coming to agreement on anything, we didn?t want to wait. So we moved. But it?s not something that is for 38 million people. It?s supposed to have an effect worldwide. Because if we do well as a subnational government, then other governments are going to feel that they can also venture out and be more independent, and not wait for their capitals to create action.?

Already, California plans to link its cap-and-trade carbon market with a regional market in Quebec, and talks are beginning about connecting with a carbon market in Australia. China--which is today the world?s largest global-warming polluter and which has refused to take national-level action to cut its greenhouse-gas pollution without a national commitment from the U.S.--is now looking into enacting cap-and-trade programs in some provinces, which could also link up to the California carbon market. ??

?What [Regions20] is all about is, let?s not freeze--let?s move forward on the subnational level, let?s not be at a standstill,? Schwarzenegger said. He cited the California law's target--reducing carbon pollution 25 percent by 2020. ?Imagine if every state does that. This is the power that states have--they can do that. If states can do it, then provinces in Canada and China can do it. Cities in Italy can do it.?

That?s exactly what has happened with climate-change policy in the U.S., as ?Obama has tried but failed to enact a national law. In 2010, he pushed Congress to pass a cap-and-trade law similar to California?s. But the bill failed in the Senate, and Republicans turned ?cap-and-trade? into a toxic political catchphrase. Although Obama has said he would like to make climate change a top priority in a second term, it?s hard to imagine that he?ll be able to get congressional Republicans to embrace the return of a major climate-change bill--especially after a presidential campaign in which almost every GOP contender openly questioned the science of climate change.

?I think the president is pushing the issue as much as he can,? Schwarzenegger said. But that?s why, he said, the future of national climate policy will depend on building momentum from the state level.

Of Republicans who denounce climate science, he said, ?I pay very little attention to what they say before an election. The very people that screamed before the election that 'Over my dead body we?ll raise taxes' are the same ones that are now going to agree to raise taxes.? ???

Throughout his political and advocacy career, Schwarzenegger?s secret climate weapon has been Terry Tamminen, a California Democratic energy-policy strategist. When the movie star first considered running for governor, he recruited Tamminen to write his energy policy--including the cap-and-trade climate plan, which became the model for the 2006 AB-32 law.

After he won the governorship, Schwarzenegger appointed Tamminen to head his Environmental Protection Agency and to be his chief policy adviser--a job from which Tamminen took a sabbatical in 2008, to work on energy and climate policy for Obama?s first presidential campaign. In that role, Tamminen helped craft candidate Obama?s energy and climate plan--modeled after AB-32.

Tamminen sees California as an energy and environment pilot program, a state where landmark laws are tried and tested before being replicated in other states around the country--and eventually made national.

?When we passed AB-32, eight states copied us. When we passed our [renewable-electricity standard], 33 states followed. When I advised Obama during his first campaign, we thought, why not make these standards national?" Tamminen told NJ.

When California enacted a tough clean-air rule reining in global-warming pollution from vehicle tailpipes, the auto industry and its allies in Congress fought hard to have it overturned. ?

Instead, 14 other states passed tailpipe-emissions rules modeled on the California standard. ??

?That gave Obama the momentum and the political cover to say, 'There are enough states doing this--let?s federalize it,' ? Tamminen said.?

And in May 2009, Obama followed California?s lead, using the executive authority of the Environmental Protection Agency to make the tough California tailpipe regulations apply nationwide. ??

Schwarzenegger stood with Obama in the White House Rose Garden when the announcement was made.

Tamminen thinks the same thing can happen with cap-and-trade policy, as California?s carbon market links up to other state and regional markets around the country and the world. ?When you aggregate all that, it becomes a tidal wave,? he said. ??

Schwarzenegger is expanding his climate advocacy beyond the policy push. He is collaborating with James Cameron, who directed him in The Terminator, on the production of a new Showtime series that will begin airing in 2013?about the effects of climate change.

Asked if he believes his role on spurring global warming action will ultimately stand as his legacy, Schwarzenegger invoked his career as a bodybuilding trailblazer.

?It?s one of those things, when I got into bodybuilding, the last thing I ever thought of is that I would be out there leading the fitness movement, going around the world and talking about fitness and exercising,? he said.

?I was just interested in winning as many bodybuilding championships as possible--Mr. World, Mr. Universe. But it just happened to be that there was a vacuum, and people looked at me as the guy who should carry the ball, and all of a sudden, there I was--it became my legacy. When I stepped into the governorship, this is the last thing I thought I would do--that I would be successful in this area. But the opportunity came up. You don?t know ahead of time.?


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Yumi Yumi Art And Entertainment: How To Be A Great Song And ...

When I say the words "song and dance," I do not mean performance, I mean what all honest philosophers, pundits, and people have been saying throughout history. It is a big song and dance in comparison with the reality of what people have been doing throughout said history of the world. What I mean is, reality does not line up with the song and dance routines that have been done throughout history for honesty, reality and reason. What I mean is Jesus, the Buddha, Mohammed, Lao Tzu, Confucious, Socrates, Aristotle, Augustine, Rand, Aquinas, Plato, Spinoza, Hegel, myself included and all the rest of them. We are all just song and dance men who say one thing about honesty and living better lives, but humanity practices another thing altogether in the form of wars, disagreements, dishonesty, and things just get worse and worse. Indeed, we all are just song and dance men until humanity can practice a better way. "Honesty" throughout history has been the right hand operator friend of "it does not work and is not realistic but it sounds good in theory, but due to certain shortcomings, it will not work in practice."

So, Bob Dylan in an interview, once said, "I am a song and dance man along with all the rest of them." With the paragraph above, I am delineating exactly what he meant by that statement. I mean the same thing. Why do I put this under "Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy," because this article is the ultimate song and dance, like Richard Gere playing the dancing lawyer in the movie version of "Chicago". We can all dance and be silly until we dance our way out of it, "it" meaning, the real meaning of reality, but we pay a great price for that. We pay by skipping over things we need to deal with.

So, I repeat, in my mind we are all just good sounding song and dance men until humanity can be evolved enough to put it all into practice. Sweat, sing and dance are the words that come to mind, like James Brown doing his dancing until everybody is in the heat of sweat and excitement entertained out of their troubles for a few minutes. Sure, I can dance around reality with the best of them, and sing a good song with the best of them. But ultimately it does all come down to how sane you are enough to sing and dance with us instead of sit in the audience and go, "Wow, he has got some song and dance routine. Is that for real?" I have to say that my song and dance is real, otherwise I would not be doing it and doing it consistently. So, am I just a song and dance man? No. But, until there is something better humanity can do than the great song and dance, that is what I am with every other conscious master. I am a big time song and dance man along with all the rest of them.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.


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5 killed in Oregon tour bus crash on I-84

LA GRANDE, Ore. (AP) ? A tour bus crash crashed Sunday on an icy stretch of interstate in Oregon, killing five people and injuring about 20 others, authorities said.

Police say the bus lost control around 10:30 a.m. on the snow- and ice-covered lanes of Interstate 84 in eastern Oregon. The bus crashed through a guardrail and went down an embankment a few hundred feet.

Rescue workers were using ropes to help retrieve people from the crash scene. State police said the charter bus was carrying about 40 people, but they did not say where the vehicle was traveling to or from.

The bus crash was the second fatal accident in Oregon on Sunday morning due to icy conditions. A 69-year-old man died in a rollover accident

State police have not released information on the company that owns the bus.

Associated Press


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FBI investigating Trenton housing developments started under former mayor Douglas Palmer

TRENTON ? The FBI is investigating federal Community Block Development Grant funds used for six to eight major housing developments in Trenton started under former Mayor Douglas Palmer?s administration, the city?s CDBG coordinator said yesterday.

Federal subpoenas have been issued regarding the CDBG money and FBI agents recently visited the office, said Mark Leckington, the city coordinator. While the projects being reviewed may have continued into Mayor Tony Mack?s administration, Leckington said an FBI agent who visited his office last week said the corruption case against Mack, who has been indicted on multiple counts of alleged bribery and extortion, is not the origin of the probe.

?He made a point of saying it had absolutely nothing to do with the situation with the mayor,? Leckington said. The subpoenas served on the city this month identified a ?person of interest? in the federal investigation, Leckington said, though he declined to identify the target.

Palmer said yesterday that the FBI has not approached him about the CDBG investigation and he did not know who could be the subject of the investigation.
?I have no knowledge of anything, no one has contacted me,? Palmer said. ?There?s nothing I did wrong.?

Leckington said the FBI was seeking to obtain updates of information from an investigation started several years ago, when agents had subpoenaed the CDBG data in an earlier probe.

Palmer said he was unaware of any FBI investigation into the city during his 20 years in office, and said he was never interviewed by agents.

?They can look all they want,? Palmer said. ?They?re welcome. They never talked to me, or anyone on my staff.?

Leckington, who started working for the city in October 2011, said he has found many CDBG project records from both the Mack and Palmer administrations to be incomplete.

However, at present the FBI?s interest is limited to housing projects initiated under Palmer, Leckington said.

Much of his work since joining the city government has involved piecing together CDBG records that were poorly compiled and maintained, he said.

?I have no paperwork on a lot of projects going into the ?90s and 2000s,? Leckington said. ?In some cases, files are missing completely on the project, like they got activated and are not accessible.?

The FBI case is considered open even though it is several years old, Leckington said.

The subpoenas for all information about the use of the CDBG money on Trenton housing development arrived earlier this month, and the data must be provided by mid-January, Leckington said.

When Leckington was hired, he was tasked with organizing the city?s CDBG records.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development gave Leckington a late September deadline to complete the records on 100 projects dating back to the 1990s. He said he could not find the full documentation for 20 projects.

Leckington got a new list of 168 HUD requests two weeks ago and has been asked to account for the money involved, he said.

Failure to provide the necessary documentation that the money was properly spent could mean the city will be forced to pay some of it back.

?They said if we don?t hit some of these time lines they will recover some of the money,? Leckington said. ?It could be several million dollars.?

While Mack is not the subject of the CDBG investigation, some of the projects being reviewed by authorities continued into his administration.

Mack is currently facing federal corruption charges accusing him of accepting bribes to help a developer with a city parking garage project. The project, however, was actually a sting orchestrated by FBI agents, authorities have said.

Macks? brother Ralphiel Mack, and a longtime supporter Joseph ?JoJo? Giorgianni also are charged in the scheme. Mack has steadfastly denied any wrongdoing.

Leckington said that the latest investigation into the CDBG money could cost the city.

While public officials have been prosecuted in the past for misuse of CDBG money, that was only when they also were accused of performing illegal acts such as bribery, fraud and bid-rigging. In cases of the money being mismanaged, the grant is more frequently ordered to be repaid, Leckington said.

?If you misuse CDBG money ? as long as it?s not criminal ? HUD will ask you to repay the money out of the next year?s award,? he said.

Contact Alex Zdan at or (609) 989-5705.


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To Save Wildlife, and Tourism, Kenyans Take Up Arms

[unable to retrieve full-text content]In Kenya, people are so eager to protect their wildlife ? and the tourism dollars that safaris bring ? that civilians are risking their lives to confront poaching gangs.


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New Year's Resolutions: 8 Ideas For Better Sleep In 2013

Finding yourself making the same tired resolution to get fit or lose weight or eat more nutritious foods?

You're not alone. New Year's resolutions are successful 39 percent of the time among young people, and only 14 percent of the time among people who are 50 or older.

But there's a reason -- or a few -- why you didn't reach your goal this go round. Maybe your plan was too complex or not measurable or too vague. Or maybe you've been struggling with healthy living because you've been ignoring an essential (yet often overlooked) pillar of good health: sleep.

Sleep, just like physical activity and a balanced diet, is crucial for optimal health, HuffPost blogger Russell Rosenberg, Ph.D., CEO of the Atlanta School of Sleep Medicine and chairman of the board of the National Sleep Foundation, told HuffPost. "It's an important piece to the overall health puzzle."

And yet, more than 40 percent of Americans say they "rarely or never" get a good night's sleep on a weeknight. And 60 percent report experiencing some sleep problem every or almost every night.

That's why we think it's time for a different approach. In the slideshow below, you'll find eight potential New Year's resolutions you could adopt (today!) for better sleep in 2013. Let us know in the comments below how you plan to prioritize sleep in the year ahead.

  • Power Down An Hour Before Bed

    Nearly all Americans -- as many as 95 percent, in fact -- use some tech gadget in the hour before bed at least a couple of nights a week, according to the National Sleep Foundation's <a href="">2011 Sleep In America poll</a>. But the <a href="">blue light emitted</a> from TV, laptop, tablet and smartphone screens disrupts the brain's natural melatonin production and can trigger alertness, keeping you awake later. Experts recommend going screen-free about an hour before bedtime and picking a less disruptive way to unwind during that time instead. In 2013, why not try a warm bath, a good book or some <a href="">nighttime yoga</a>?

  • Leave The Cell Phone Outside The Bedroom

    <a href="">Half of Americans sleep next to their cell phones</a>, according to a Time magazine poll. More than 80 percent of 18-24 year olds are guilty of this sleep no-no. Not only is the blue light emitted a problem, but middle-of-the-night texts and emails can disrupt your sleep as well. In the new year, resolve to leave your phone charging in another room so you're not tempted to check it when you stir. If you must keep it nearby, turn it to a mode that allows only emergency calls to wake you. <a href="">Invest in a regular alarm clock</a> so you have no excuses.

  • Commit To At Least 7 Hours

    It's true that there's no magic number of hours of sleep that every adult must get, but in general, <a href="">most people require about seven to nine hours</a> to feel and function their best. Risk for a number of the serious consequences of short sleep, like heart problems and obesity, increases dramatically when people get <a href=",,20573185,00.html">fewer than six hours a night</a>. Calculate seven hours back from the time you need to wake up, then hit the hay as close to that time as possible. Take into consideration <a href="">how long it takes you to fall asleep</a> and whether or not you wake up frequently throughout the night.

  • Stick To The Schedule

    Both staying up past your bedtime for a Saturday night out and staying in bed late on a Sunday morning can wreck havoc on your sleep. Throwing off your bedtime and wake up schedule even by just an hour <a href="">disrupts the body's natural clock</a>, called circadian rhythms. Researchers have given a name to this practice of adopting different sleep habits for the weekdays and the weekends: "social jet lag." If you're guilty of this practice, come Monday morning, you'll likely feel as if you're adjusting to a different time zone. <a href=""> Social jet lag has been linked to higher body mass index</a>, and may also raise risk of obesity or diabetes, like shift work has been shown to, reported. As much as possible, set a sleep and wake schedule that works for you -- seven days a week.

  • Consider What (And When) You Eat And Drink

    If you rely too heavily on that 4:30 p.m. cup of coffee or that glass of wine before bed, consider committing to healthier eating and drinking habits for sleep in the coming year. Experts recommend <a href="">ditching caffeine six to eight hours before bed</a> to make sure it's out of your system by lights out time. Alcohol, while it <em>can</em> help lull you to sleep, is <a href="">only disruptive later on in the night</a>. It's also a good idea to <a href="">steer clear of fatty foods</a> too close to bedtime, since they can lead to fewer hours of sleep, and sleep-disrupting issues like indigestion and <a href="">acid reflux</a>.

  • Stop Badmouthing Sleep

    When's the last time you heard someone brag about cutting a night short in order to hit the hay? It's much more likely you've heard something along the lines of "I'll sleep when I'm dead." But short sleep isn't a sign of bravery or competence or toughness. In fact, <a href="">sayings like this send messages about sleep</a> that all too often paint a negative picture of good rest. Continuing to spread belittling messages about sleep hurts us all -- in 2013, commit to doing your part to change our national attitude toward sleep.

  • If You Really Can't Sleep, Get Up

    Getting out of bed may be the last thing you feel like doing when counting sheep just won't work, but it can actually help you fall back to sleep faster -- and reduce the stress of staring at the clock. "When a person stays in bed and they can't sleep, the bedroom can induce a certain level of anxiety," Michael Decker, Ph.D., an associate professor at Georgia State University and spokesman for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, <a href="">told HuffPost earlier this year</a>. "We say after 15 or 20 minutes, get out of bed, sit in another part of the house until you feel a little groggy, then go back to sleep. Staying in bed can condition you to become anxious in bed."

  • Talk To A Doctor

    If you've been told you snore, or you constantly feel tired or can fall asleep the minute your head hits the pillow, and no <a href="">home remedies</a> seem to help, commit to <a href="">getting expert help in 2013</a>.

Also on HuffPost:

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BC's York breaks NCAA hockey win record with 925

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) ? Boston College coach Jerry York became the NCAA hockey career victory leader Saturday, directing the top-ranked Eagles to a 5-2 win over Alabama-Huntsville on Saturday in the Mariucci Classic.

The 67-year-old York is 925-558-95 in 41 seasons to move past former Michigan State coach Ron Mason for the record. In 19 seasons at Boston College, York is 458-223-61.

York downplayed the accomplishment.

??I've always been about the team,?? York said. ??When I was a player, I was like that. Since I've been a coach, I've been like that. I've never really sought individual goals.??

York began his career as a 26-year-old head coach at Clarkson in 1972, then took over for Mason at Bowling Green before heading to Boston College. He has won four national titles with the Eagles to go with one at Bowling Green.

York?s teams have a record 37 wins in the NCAA tournament. They have won the Hockey East tournament nine times and five Beanpot titles ? including the last three in a row.

York said his thoughts Saturday were on beating the Chargers.

??Our focus is on our team,?? he said. ??We have a chance to win a trophy. We?re focused squarely on our team.??

York said he plans to keep coaching as long at Boston College will let him.

??I feel good. I feel healthy. I enjoy what I do,?? York said. ??As long as BC feels as though I'm doing a good job, I'll keep on moving.??

York?s team got off to a fast start. Cam Spiro scored his first college goal 2:53 into the game, and the Bill Arnold and Danny Linell added goals for the Eagles in the opening period. Brendan Silk and Steven Whitney also scored for BC (12-2-1), and Parker Milner made 26 saves.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Twitter users flaunt guns brought by Santa: 'I'll shoot more than my eye out'

5 hrs.

Last year, much of the Web's post-Christmas ire was directed at Twitter users who, like ungrateful brats, complained that Santa brought the wrong color iPhone?or failed to deliver a car. This year, Internet denizens are upset that some people?are?bragging about their new guns???on Twitter and Instagram.

In the wake of?the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.,??gun control has once again?become a topic of national debate. Yet?the?controversy?isn't preventing those who are excited about the?firearms Santa brought from joyfully posting about them on social media.

No matter which side of the gun control debate you're on, these images ??first noticed by?the Verge's T.C. Sottek?and?the Atlantic Wire's Rebecca Greenfield?? could?make you uncomfortable.?There are plenty of men and women ? some who appear to be teenagers???who appear to be disregarding the NRA's three fundamental?rules of gun safety, particularly keeping fingers away from triggers, and pointing the guns only in safe directions. It's especially problematic?since these posts are often accompanied by the #NRA hashtag.

Not that the recipients seem to care.?"I got just what I wanted," one Twitter user wrote. "An Armalite semi-automatic AR-15 rifle. It's like the Christmas Story, but I'll shoot more than my eye out."

"Aw what a nice #assultRifle #santa left me haha (plus a box of 1200 bullets)," the caption on a young woman's Instagram photo said,?next to the image of a rifle resting on the hearth?next to a pile of wrapped Christmas gifts. (The girl later claimed, in a comment under her own post, that the gun was her dad's.)

Another Instagram user proudly posed in what appear to be fur-lined boots and a fur vest while holding her prized present. "Furs & Guns," she writes, "yes, it was a red-neck Christmas."

Searches for hashtags such as #AR15, #NRA, #Bushmaster, #gun and #SecondAmendment reveal plenty of photos of folks posing with their new firearms in front of Christmas trees and declaring how much they love their gifts.

One does have to wonder whether we'd pay as much attention to these images if it weren't for the recent national?focus on firearms and the anticipation of tighter gun control measures. It's also worth asking if this apparent?surge in gun pride isn't a side effect?of the Newtown?tragedy as well.?As a prior report points out, while "a spike in gun?sales is common after a mass shooting," and "the latest rampage has generated record sales in some states."

Between those sales statistics and social media's never-ending?craving for drama, perhaps it was inevitable that last year's whiny gift?recipients?surrendered the spotlight to this year's gift-wrapped rifles.

Want more tech news?or interesting?links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.


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Nervous retailers hope for post-Christmas rush

7 hrs.

The biggest holiday of the season is over, but retailers are hoping that you aren?t done with your holiday shopping quite yet.

?The next few days are critical for retailers. They?ve got some catching up to do,? said Marshal Cohen, retail industry analyst with NPD Group.

On Wednesday, big chains including Macy's were already pushing their post-Christmas bargains, while major discounters?including Wal-Mart were encouraging shoppers to redeem their gift cards right away. But the fallout from a big Christmas storm could hurt their efforts if shoppers decide they prefer a cozy rest of the week at home instead.

Retailers had started off the all-important holiday shopping season in a much cheerier mood, as Black Friday shoppers appeared to gobble down turkey and rush to the stores ? and their computers ? in search of holiday gifts and bargains.

But then, a combination of factors including Superstorm?Sandy and the political upheaval over the fiscal cliff appeared to dim shoppers? moods. Experts also?said the stronger start to the season may have been a sign that people finished up early and had fewer last-minute shopping trips to make.

?The early start certainly looked like it meant that the consumer was in full spirits,? Cohen said. ?But in reality just because they had a front-loaded holiday didn?t mean there was going to be that much more spending to come.?

It's too early to paint a complete picture of how retailers fared so far in the most crucial season of the year. But early indications have some fretting that the year will end up being weaker than many had initially hoped.

Holiday-related sales rose 0.7 percent from Oct. 28 through Dec. 24, as compared to last year, according to data from Mastercard Advisors SpendingPulse. That was the lowest growth rate for that period?since 2008, at the depths of the recession. The same?survey showed a 2 percent increase in 2011.

The SpendingPulse data is based on estimates of payments made through the MasterCard network as well as by cash and check. It tracks holiday-related purchases including apparel, electronics and jewelry.

Research firm ShopperTrak, which compiles sales estimates based on foot traffic, said last week that it expects holiday sales to increase by 2.5 percent. That?s down from?its previous estimate that sales would increase by 3.3 percent.

But other researchers have not changed their initial forecasts for the season.

On Wednesday, the International Council of Shopping Centers, which produces an index of chain store sales along with Goldman Sachs, said it was holding to its estimate that holiday sales at chain stores would rise 3 percent this year.

?The ICSC?s chief economist, Michael Niemira, said in a note that sales in the last week of December could benefit from a calendar shift that put Christmas Eve on Monday this year.

A National Retail Federation spokeswoman said in an e-mail Wednesday that it also was sticking with its forecast that holiday sales would grow 4.1 percent to $586.1 billion.

Experts caution that it?s hard to say just yet what the final data will show, especially once post-holiday bargains are factored in.

?There?s no question that we saw a lot of (the) momentum slow down. How much did it slow down? We don?t really know yet,? Cohen said.

Holiday sales are considered crucial to retailers, and some can expect to make as much as half their profits, and 30 percent of their sales, during the two-month period.

The fiscal cliff, Superstorm?Sandy and other external factors are partly to blame for souring shoppers? moods toward the end of the season. But experts say shoppers have in recent years also become more savvy about sussing out bargains.

They?ve also become more bargain-conscious. C. Britt Beemer, retail analyst with America?s Research Group, said in a research note that major discounters appeared to fare best in keeping their customers.

?Consumers were very frugal this year, as we said all along,? Beemer said in the note.

The increasing shift to online shopping also may not be helping retailers pick up any extra sales. That?s because when a person shops online, they tend to seek out the best bargain and then buy that item. An in-store shopper may be more tempted to walk the other aisles, pick up a few things for themselves or do some other impulse shopping they hadn?t planned on.

?The consumer didn?t spend a lot of time this year buying those extra gifts. They didn?t spend a lot of time spending on themselves instead of others,? Cohen said.

Information from Reuters was included in this report.


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Weird Science 2012: Sex, drugs and doomsday

Videos from the University of California at San Francisco show how researchers studied the alcohol consumption habits of lovelorn fruit flies in one of 2012's weirdest experiments.

By Alan Boyle

Sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll and the Apocalypse: 2012 had it all. But only 10 stories about the past year's strangest scientific research can make it into our Weird Science hall of fame???so we're going to need your help.

Past winners of the Weird Science Awards include glow-in-the-dark kittens and puppies, a 2,700-year-old marijuana stash, meth-crazy fruit flies, reattached rabbit penises and the corpse-dissolving machine. The Maya apocalypse came in for honorable mention last year?and the year before, but this could be an even bigger year for end-of-the-world weirdness.

There are lots of other contenders from 2012, however. It's hard to beat the story about the sex-starved flies who drowned their sorrows in alcohol while researchers watched. That covers sex and drugs. It also can make you feel sorry for the scientists who had to watch all that fly-sized heartbreak. (They might want to compare notes with the researchers who studied why alcohol makes people feel good.)

The sixth annual Weird Science Award competition follows the precedent we've set in past years: We offer up 30 nominees from the past year, and it's up to you to pick the top 10. We've included a couple of studies that have won?Ig Nobel awards ? which are given annually to recognize?"research that makes people laugh ? and then think." That's a fine criterion for the Weirdies as well. Or you can go with research that makes you laugh ? and then makes you wonder, "What on earth were they thinking?"

Write-in votes and second-guessing are encouraged; you can register them in your comments. If a write-in vote gets enough support from commenters, the research in question will be added to the ballot.

The 10 nominees that get the most votes as of noon ET Jan. 2 will be the 2013 winners of the Weirdy Awards. Later that day, we'll discuss this year's crop of weird science with Ig Nobel?creator Marc Abrahams?on "Virtually Speaking Science," a talk show that plays out on the Web and in the Second Life virtual world. Tune in at 9 p.m. ET Jan. 2.

Johan Ordonez / AFP - Getty Images

Maya shamans take part in a ceremony on Dec. 21, celebrating the end of the calendar cycle known as Baktun 13 - and the end of the hype over a 2012 doomsday. Click on the image to watch a video about the phenomenon.

Here are the nominees, in chronological order. May the oddest science stories be ever in your favor!


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

U.S. gun support runs far deeper than politics

BRYAN, Texas (AP) ? Adam Lanza's mother was among the tens of millions of U.S. gun owners. She legally had a .223-caliber Bushmaster rifle and a pair of handguns, which her 20-year-old son used to kill 20 children and six adults in 10 minutes inside a Connecticut school.

In the raw aftermath of the second-worst school shooting in U.S. history, countless gun enthusiasts much like Lanza's mother complicate a gun-owning narrative that critics, sometimes simplistically, put at the feet of a powerful lobby and caricatured zealots. More civilians are armed in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world, with Yemen coming in a distant second, according to the independent Small Arms Survey in Geneva.

Take Blake Smith, a mechanical engineer who lives near Houston and uses an AR-15 style rifle in shooting competitions.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who famously claimed to have shot a coyote while jogging with a pistol holstered to his running shorts, has signed a half-dozen certificates applauding Smith as one of the state's top marksmen. "But I won't call myself a fanatic," said Smith, 54, whose father first let him handle a gun around age 6.

"I sit at a desk all day. And when I get out to the range, I don't hear any gunfire going on," said Smith, who likens his emotional detachment to his guns to the way he would feel about a car or any other machine. "I'm so intent on my sight alignment, my trigger pull, my position. I don't worry about anything. I don't think about anything. It's relieving. It's therapeutic. Everybody has to have their Zen."

Since the school shooting, President Barack Obama has asked for proposals on reducing gun violence that he can take to Congress in January, and he called on the National Rifle Association, the country's most powerful gun-rights organization, to join the effort.

Gun laws in the U.S. vary from state to state ? for instance, as of last month it is now legal to carry a gun in public view in Oklahoma ? and are defended by the firearms industry and the NRA. On Friday, the NRA broke a weeklong silence since the Connecticut massacre by calling for armed volunteers at public schools, prompting criticism from many quarters.

But in the U.S., gun-control advocates are up against a sizeable bloc of mainstream Americans for whom guns are central to their lives, whether for patriotism or personal sense of safety, or simply to occupy their spare time.

Dave Burdett, who owns an outdoors and adventure shop across the street from the sprawling Texas A&M University campus in College Station, says his affinity for guns is rooted in history, not sport.

"It isn't about hunting. Everyone says, 'Well, I can understand having a sporting rifle, but not an AR-15," Burdett said. "But wait a second ? the idea of the Second Amendment was to preserve and protect the rights of individuals to have those guns."

"Remember that the (American) revolution was fought by citizen soldiers," he added. "To this day, that's one of the cornerstones of our military defense. We have an all-volunteer military."

An NRA poster picturing a bald eagle is taped to the glass door of his office. He started as a lawyer, dabbling in everything from commercial land to trying to block the deportation of an illegal immigrant, before seguing into selling guns.

When his daughter graduated with a business degree from Texas A&M, Burdett figured she would move somewhere cosmopolitan like Dallas and work in a downtown high-rise. She instead went to work in the store, built her own AR-15 out of spare parts and used it to join what her father described as the "let's-go-pig-hunting-tonight circuit." Those feral hog hunts often include high-powered rifles as well as night-vision goggles.

"The other thing is, shooting is fun. It really is," Burdett said.

Many think so. Smith, the mechanical engineer, said that includes teenage girls. At national shooting competitions, Smith has run into a group of girls around 13 or 14 years old who call themselves "The Pink Ladies," firing high-powered rifles at targets. He also recalls meeting Australians, whose country bans guns, who told him, "I love to shoot, so I'm going to the U.S."

Others add safety to the list of reasons for allowing people easy access to guns.

"To me it's obvious ? the more people that have guns, or at least in their homes, it's more of a criminal deterrent," said Bill Moos, a local taxidermist in the small town of Bryan, near College Station. Moos, who owns more than 30 guns, can be spotted any given morning, prowling his roughly 40-acre (16-hectare) ranch with his dogs and a shotgun slung over his shoulder.

He tells a story of standing in the post office one day and hearing about a suspect driving around, wanted by the police. He thought of the woman behind the counter near him.

"My first thought was, 'How are you going to protect yourself?' Does she have a gun, in case someone tries to rob her?" he said. "It's the first thing you think of: How are you going to defend yourself?"

On the television in the corner of his workshop, above a stuffed gray fox and a clutch of animal jawbones dangling on a ring like a set of keys, Obama is holding his first press conference since the Connecticut tragedy. He's promising to send Congress legislation tightening gun laws and urging them to reinstate a ban on military-style assault weapons, like the one used by Lanza.

Moos turns down the volume.

"I guess it's something you get used to," he said of guns. "That you grow up around, and you enjoy them, and you accept the fact that you can own. It's a privilege. It's a whole different way of life. I guess I don't need three pick-ups and a Corvette. But I have them."


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Guest Blogger: Outdoor Lighting Ideas to Dress Up Your Backyard

?Entry #1959, December 24, 2012

More and more people these days are looking for ways to make the most of their outdoor home property they have, mainly because it?s such a bad time to try to sell it off in order to upgrade to a larger house. For this reason, plenty of homeowners are looking to increase their usable square footage. Some will do this by finishing the basement or attic to create a new room, or even converting the garage to a bedroom, man cave, or spacious home office. But not everyone has these options. Instead, you might turn your eye towards the backyard with a mind to design an outdoor living space that acts as a valuable extension to your home. And while it?s simple enough to throw in some outdoor furniture and a pre-fab fountain, you?ll have to do a bit more work if you want to create a truly useful space. So you might want to add some lighting to your outdoor lounge, and here are just a few illuminating options to consider.

backyard lighting

Backyard lighting idea

Image via: KBC Developments

Outdoor lighting ideas

If the back porch light is too weak to reach even the edge of the patio, much less the rest of the backyard, but your flood lights are bound to blind anyone unfortunate enough to turn towards them after dark, then you might be looking for a happy medium that leaves your space adequately lit without trying to mimic the glare of high noon in an artificial medium. And there are several different styles of lighting that can deliver the effect you seek. The only problem is that you may have to do some prep work, running electrical wiring to ensure that there?s enough juice to light the entire yard without blowing a breaker or starting a fire, as well as potentially putting up poles and a webbing of wires to hold the lighting aloft.

String lighting ideas

For overhead illumination you should think about hanging anything from strings of globe lights (bare or covered with paper lanterns) to icicle holiday lights. You can crisscross them through the yard space in order to create a romantic and festive atmosphere. Or if you have plenty or hearty foliage and trees in the yard, you may consider stringing them up from these instead for a more organic feel. You could also add rainfall lights for a neat effect, or hang colorful and ornate glass lanterns found at your local imports store. And if you?re feeling really crafty, consider buying some fishing floats, still in the netting, and having holes cut in the top to accommodate a bulb for some cool, custom lighting.

backyard lighting idea

backyard lighting idea

Image via: Pedersen Associates

Of course, you could probably save yourself some time and money by taking an old-school approach to the lighting, and?here are more outdoor light?options that could fit the bill. Just place cocktail tables around the yard with lanterns or candles for lighting sans electricity. You could even add tiki torches. Or look into the wide variety of solar powered lights available. They not only come on short rods that can be stuck in the ground to illuminate pathways, but you can also find small, portable globes to set on tables, as well as solar powered string lights to hang around the yard. You could illuminate your entire space via the power of the sun if you live in a temperate climate.

For more outdoor lighting ideas on Stagetecture, click here.


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Teachers with guns is a crazy idea (CNN)

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Having A Great Commercial Real Estate Agent Is ... - Maynas Eric

Commercial property is similar to a double-edged sword. It can make you big profits, but it may also be financially devastating. The trick is to choose wisely, know what property is marketable, and have the means to get the money for the transaction. This article can provide you with some of the information that you need to succeed in real estate.

Think about any environmental concerns that the property poses. A thing that people are often worried about is that your commercial property may have hazardous waste problems. Regardless of whether or not you caused the problem, as the landowner it is your responsibility to fix it.

You should go ahead and advertise any commercial property for both far and local people. Many make a mistake in assuming that the only people who want to buy their commercial real estate property are those who are local buyers. There are many private investors who will buy affordable priced property in any area.

TIP! Unlike a home loan, you will need a higher percentage down payment for a commercial real estate loan. Looking for good lenders and great investments through the resources you can utilize will help you qualify for the loans you seek.

Your investment might prove to be time-consuming in the beginning. First you will need to find a property that you think is worth purchasing, and you may have to remodel or repair it. Do not become discouraged due to the time-consuming nature of this process. Your efforts will be rewarded.

If you are selecting a broker, ascertain the amount of experience they have had within the commercial real estate market. Make sure that they are experts in the area in which you are selling or buying. Also, consider entering into an agreement that will be exclusive between you and that broker.

TIP! You should meet with a tax adviser before you buy anything. A tax adviser can let you know how much money the buildings will cost you, and the amount of your income that will be taxable.

Carefully peruse the disclosure statements issued by the real estate agency you intend to hire. Never neglect the fact that you may be dealing with a ?dual agency.? When dual agency exists, the agency advocates for both parties in the transaction. When dual agency happens the Realtor on behalf of both parties. It should be disclosed if there?s a dual agency, along with an agreement by both parties.

Keep your eyes open for motivated sellers. Finding them should be your goal, particularly the ones most ready to offer you a below market deal. When you find the right deal, it really helps if the seller is motivated to sell quickly.

If inspections are included in your real estate transaction, as they usually are, make a request to see the inspectors? credentials. This guideline is especially important when working with people who deal in pest management; these specific fields are often populated by practitioners who lack proper credentials. By hiring an experienced professional, you?re less likely to run into problems after you buy the property.

TIP! Get yourself set up online before you buy any property. These days, a website is a must as are accounts on professional networking sites like LinkedIn.

Those who invest in commercial real estate should be aware that higher-than-usual inflation can wreck and otherwise-good investment. In the past, most leases had various built-in clauses that had their price adjusted to the CPI, which protected those who signed from inflation. Unfortunately, in today?s market, this practice is very seldom used. This can make you defenseless against the consequences of inflation.

Look for the opportunity to buy something big. Although you may feel overwhelmed by the number of units you will be responsible for in a large building, it actually doesn?t take more work to take care of large buildings successfully. Plus, larger buildings are cheaper in the long run?you pay less for each unit if the building has more units.

Remember that size is everything when you are shopping for a permanent space for a growing business. Purchasing a larger space that can accommodate growth ensures that you are not forced to repeat the shopping process in the near future.

TIP! If you plan to finance your commercial investments, you must first ensure that you are backed by a competent legal adviser. It is best to always be protected by a trustworthy, knowledgeable legal professional who can help you to resolve any issues that may arise.

As mentioned in this article, investing in commercial real estate takes work and should not be considered free money. It takes effort, time, and a lot of money (initially) to be successful. You will also have to take some risks.


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Monday, December 24, 2012

The Sexiest Ads Of 2012 - Business Insider

Dolce and Gabbana

Dolce and Gabbana stuck to its typical ad strategy of pushing the limits this year.

Companies tend to take full advantage of the old adage, "sex sells."

While most of the companies on our list, like Dolce & Gabbana and Calvin Klein, often go the sexy route, others, like a flower-delivery company and a car maker, may surprise you.

We also got to see the steamy side of celebs like Michael Phelps and Katie Holmes.


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Egypt: New constitution approved, parties say

Nasser Nasser / AP

An Egyptian election worker shows his colleagues an invalid ballot.

By NBC News staff and wire reports

CAIRO - A constitution drafted by an Islamist-dominated assembly was approved by a majority of Egyptians in a referendum, rival camps said on Sunday.

The Muslim Brotherhood, which propelled President Mohamed Mursi to power in a June election, said 64 percent of voters backed the charter after two rounds of voting that ended with a final ballot on Saturday. It cited an unofficial tally.

An opposition official also told Reuters their unofficial count showed the result was a "yes" vote.

Official results are not expected until Monday. If the outcome is confirmed, a parliamentary election will follow in about two months.

Mursi's Islamist backers say the constitution is vital for the transition to democracy, nearly two years after the overthrow of autocrat Hosni Mubarak in an uprising. It will provide stability needed to help a fragile economy, they say.

But the opposition accuses Mursi of pushing through a text that favors Islamists and ignores the rights of Christians, who make up about 10 percent of the population, as well as women. They say it is a recipe for further unrest.

"According to our calculations, the final result of the second round is 71 percent voting 'yes' and the overall result (of the two rounds) is 63.8 percent," a Brotherhood official, who was in an operations room monitoring the vote, told Reuters.

His figures were confirmed by a statement issued shortly afterwards by the group and broadcast on its television channel.

Regional news channel Al Jazeera also reported that early indications suggest the draft constitution will be approved.

"It appears at the moment that in the region of 68 per cent of voters have approved the draft constitution, some 32 percent have voted against," said reporter Mike Hanna in Cairo.

The Brotherhood and its party, as well as members of the opposition, had representatives monitoring polling stations and the vote count across the country.

The opposition said voting in both rounds was marred by abuses and had called for a re-run after the first stage. However, an official said the overall vote favored the charter.

"They (Islamists) are ruling the country, running the vote and influencing the people, so what else could we expect," the senior official from the main opposition coalition, the National Salvation Front, told Reuters.

Opponents of Egypt President Morsi say he's betraying the revolution, but his supporters say he wants to guarantee human rights with a controversial referendum on a new constitution. NBC's John Ray went onto the streets of Cairo to hear from both sides of the deepening divide.

The vote was split over two days as many judges had refused to supervise the ballot.

"I'm voting 'no' because Egypt can't be ruled by one faction," said Karim Nahas, 35, a stockbroker, heading to a polling station in Giza, in greater Cairo, in the last round.

At another polling station, some voters said they were more interested in ending Egypt's long period of political instability than in the Islamist aspects of the charter.

Related content:
At polling stations, strong sentiments for and against?
Analysis: Egypt is rapidly approaching its own 'cliff'
Christians, liberals left out as Islamists back Egypt's draft constitution

"We have to extend our hands to Mursi to help fix the country," said Hisham Kamal, an accountant.

The build-up to the vote witnessed deadly protests, sparked by Mursi's decision to award himself extra powers in a decree on November 22 and then to fast-track the constitution to a vote.

Hours before polls closed, Vice President Mahmoud Mekky announced his resignation. He said he wanted to quit last month but stayed on to help Mursi tackle the crisis that blew up when the Islamist leader assumed wide powers.

Mekky, a prominent judge who said he was uncomfortable in politics, disclosed earlier he had not been informed of Mursi's power grab. The timing of his resignation appeared linked to the lack of a vice-presidential post under the draft constitution.

The new basic law sets a limit of two four-year presidential terms. It says the principles of Islamist sharia law remain the main source of legislation but adds an article to explain this. It also says Islamic authorities will be consulted on sharia - a source of concern to Christians and others.

In the first round of voting last week, the district covering most of Cairo voted "no," which opponents said showed the depth of division.

"I see more unrest," said Ahmed Said, head of the liberal Free Egyptians Party and a member of the National Salvation Front, an opposition coalition formed after Mursi expanded his powers on November 22 and then pushed the constitution to a vote.

At least eight people were killed in protests outside the presidential palace in Cairo this month. Islamists and rivals clashed in Alexandria, the second-biggest city, on the eves of both voting days.

Reuters contributed to this report

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Five Best Photo Filter Apps

Five Best Photo Filter Apps Whether photo filter apps are fun ways to share your mobile photos with friends or you use them to add a touch of personality and custom flair to your snapshots, one thing is for sure: iTunes and Google Play are both full of them. Some of them offer heavy editing tools, others have great social aspects to back them up. We asked you which ones you thought were the best for someone looking into trying a new one, and here are the top five based on your nominations.

When we asked you earlier in the week which photo filter apps were the best, some of you pointed out that you hated photo filter apps and would never use them. That's fine?but many more of you weighed in with your app of choice, whether it let you edit your photos on the go, make minor corrections, or just share with your friends. Here are your favorites.

Five Best Photo Filter Apps

Instagram (iOS/Android, Free)

Now that the whole terms of service fiasco is behind us, many of you called out Instagram as being one of the best photo filter apps available, not because of the number of features or the editing tools available for your photos, but because of the massive social network behind it. Attention goes where your friends are, and that's definitely the case for Instagram. The app does have a few editing tools, like the ability to rotate or apply color-correction to your photos before sharing, but Instagram's strength isn't in making your photos look better, it's in letting your personalize them and share them quickly.

Five Best Photo Filter Apps

Snapseed (iOS/Android, Free)

Snapseed, a photo free editor we love on iOS and that recently landed on Android, is the product of Google's recent acquisition of Nik Software, the company that originally built the app. Call it an Instagram competitor if you want, but Snapseed's focus is on making your photos look fantastic and putting high-quality editing tools in your pocket, not necessarily on being social (although you can do that too.) Snapseed comes loaded with photo filters and personalization tools so you can give your shots that sepia, old-timey look, but it goes further than that. You can tweak and edit entire photos, or just sections of your photo that you'd like to clean up, use the Tune Image feature to tweak everything about your shot, or just hit Auto Correct and let the app handle everything.

Five Best Photo Filter Apps

Pixlr-o-matic (iOS/Android, Free)

Available for iOS and Android (and the web!), Pixlr-o-matic does away with the social aspects almost entirely (although you can certainly share your photo creations after you've finished with them.) The app offers hundreds of photo filters, borders, and other tweaks you can apply to your photos as you take them or afterwards, complete with the ability to overlay multiple effects and filters, preview how the final product will look, and make subtle adjustments along the way. All in all, the app offers something like five million permutations of filters and borders, so you actually can create something unique. If you prefer not to fiddle with your photos in real-time, you can always save them, play with them later, then share them with your friends.

Five Best Photo Filter Apps

Camera+ (iOS, $2)

Our pick for the best camera app for iPhone, Camera+ does much much more than just let you customize your photos. The app was?and many will argue still is?vastly superior to Apple's built-in camera app, and includes tools that help you take better, faster photos. On the customization side however, Camera+ does offer several photo borders, custom filters, and other personalization effects you can apply before or after saving your photo to your Camera Roll. As with other apps, you can layer effects and filters on top of one another, edit your photo, rotate it, crop it, and make it just right before you share it with the world. If you're looking for a complete camera app replacement for the iPhone or iPad, Camera+ is a worthwhile download.

Five Best Photo Filter Apps

Camera ZOOM FX (Android, $3)

Our pick for the best camera app for Android, Camera ZOOM FX is another app that's much more than just a tool for personalizing and adding filters to your photos. Camera ZOOM FX is a complete replacement camera app for Android, one that's fast, lightweight, and offers tools to help you take better shots, take burst shots, line up your photos, and then edit them when you're finished. The app even lets you import previously taken photos to tweak and edit them. It packs dozens of after-effects, color filters, borders, distortions, and other after-effects you can add to your shots before saving them and sharing them with your friends. If there aren't enough in the app for you, you can download add-on packs for more options.

Now that you've seen the top five, it's time to put them to a vote.

No honorable mentions this week, since the majority of you cast your nominations for one of the above five. Still, we're betting that there are more than a few great apps that didn't make the nomination round, or just didn't make the cut. Let us know about your favorite and why it's as good or better than these in the discussions below. Don't just tell us you're "surprised it's not on the list," tell us why you think it should have!

Have something to say about one of the contenders? Want to make the case for your personal favorite, even if it wasn't included in the list? Remember, the top five are based on your most popular nominations from the call for contenders thread from earlier in the week. Make your case for your favorite?or alternative?in the discussions below.

The Hive Five is based on reader nominations. As with most Hive Five posts, if your favorite was left out, it's not because we hate it?it's because it didn't get the nominations required in the call for contenders post to make the top five. We understand it's a bit of a popularity contest, but if you have a favorite, we want to hear about it. Have a suggestion for the Hive Five? Send us an email at!

Title photo by Vernon Chan.


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