Thursday, August 30, 2012

Video: Huckabee ensures Christian Conservative vote

Tiny mites on your face may cause rosacea

Scientists may have finally found what sparks the inflamed and reddened skin in people suffering from rosacea: tiny mites that crawl across most of our faces, unseen and unfelt. The new finding may eventually lead to more effective treatments, researchers say.


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Twin typhoons raise fears in disaster-prone NKorea

(AP) ? Twin typhoons are renewing fears of a humanitarian crisis in North Korea, where poor drainage, widespread deforestation and crumbling infrastructure can turn even a routine rainstorm into a catastrophic flood.

Typhoon Bolaven struck the North on Tuesday and Wednesday, submerging houses and roads, ruining thousands of acres of crops and triggering landslides that buried train tracks ? scenes that are all too familiar in this disaster-prone nation. A second major storm, Typhoon Tembin, is forecast to dump more rain on the Korean Peninsula on Thursday and Friday.

The storms come as North Korea is still recovering from earlier floods that killed more than 170 people and destroyed thousands of homes. That in turn followed a springtime drought that was the worst in a century in some areas.

Foreign aid groups contacted Thursday said they are standing by in Pyongyang, but had not received requests for help from the North Korean government. They had little information on the extent of damage and were relying on reports from state media. The country's wariness toward the outside world, as well as a primitive rural road system, means aid may be slow arriving, if it is allowed to come at all.

"These fresh storms, coming just a few weeks after the serious flooding ? they do raise concerns because we see parts of the countryside battered again that have already been left in a vulnerable state," said Francis Markus, spokesman for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in East Asia.

Heavy rains that could be little more than an inconvenience elsewhere can be calamitous in North Korea.

Downpours trigger landslides that barrel down the country's deforested mountains and valleys. For decades, rural people have felled trees because they have no other source of fuel or warmth, leaving the landscape barren and heavily eroded. Rivers overflow, submerging crops, inundating roads and engulfing hamlets.

Since June, tens of thousands have been left without clean water, electricity and access to food and other supplies. That leads to a risk of water-borne and respiratory diseases and malnutrition, aid workers say.

Because the North annually struggles to produce enough food from its rocky, mountainous landscape to feed its 24 million people, a poorly timed natural disaster can easily tip the country into crisis, like the famine in the 1990s that followed a similar succession of devastating storms.

A North Korean land management official acknowledged in an interview with The Associated Press that widespread deforestation and a lack of basic infrastructure have made the country vulnerable to the typhoons and storms that batter the peninsula each year.

"It's important for the future of our children to make our country rich and beautiful," Ri Song Il, director of external affairs for the Ministry of Land and Environmental Protection, said in June.

He said a campaign is under way to replenish forests, build highways and construct proper irrigation at the order of North Korea's new leader, Kim Jong Un. He held up a green pamphlet on land management that was the first official document Kim published after taking power from his father.

But it may be too little, too late, for this year's summer rains.

In Pyongyang, North Korea's showcase capital of grand monuments and broad boulevards, the rains have been little more than a nuisance for residents tromping about in rubber boots and umbrellas.

Outside the capital, it's a different story.

In villages without the luxury of paved roads, summer downpours have sliced through roadways and washed away bridges, all but cutting off already isolated communities from supplies, food and help.

Two weeks ago, AP journalists visited a flood-ravaged mining hamlet in South Phyongan province where gushing waters from an earlier storm swallowed a whole block of homes. The trip, a mere 40-mile (60-kilometer) drive northeast of Pyongyang, required a bumpy four-hour ride along rutted, muddy roads.

Along the way, workers piled stones along the roadside as a bulwark against landslides, but they were no match for the water rushing down mountainsides.

Villagers crouched in makeshift lean-tos and camped on the rubble where their houses once stood. They vowed to rebuild once the roads are restored and trucks can cart in cement. But there are concerns about how vulnerable their new homes would be if they rebuild at the foot of a mountain in the county of Songchon, which means "place where many waters come together."

North Korea has no clear long-term strategy to deal with disasters or climate change, the United Nations said in a report issued in June.

This year, North Korea is at a particularly dangerous juncture, said the Red Cross' Markus. Over the last two years, he said, "we've been seeing a gradual deterioration in the humanitarian situation."

The Red Cross works with villagers to prepare evacuation plans and other ways to protect themselves, their homes and their farmland in the event of a disaster, he said.

But severe weather remains an omnipresent threat, and poor infrastructure and massive deforestation are "a major factor in exacerbating these weather events," he said. "There's no doubt that the vulnerabilities in the countryside are considerable."


Associated Press writer Foster Klug contributed to this report. Follow Lee, AP's Korea bureau chief, at and Klug at

Associated Press


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Turkey urges U.N. to protect refugees inside Syria

ANKARA/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Turkey urged the United Nations on Wednesday to protect displaced Syrians inside their country but President Bashar al-Assad, battling rebels determined to overthrow him, dismissed talk of a buffer zone on Syrian territory.

Ankara fears a mass influx such as the flight of half a million Iraqi Kurds into Turkey after the 1991 Gulf War, and has floated the idea of a "safe zone" under foreign protection within Syria for civilians fleeing intensifying violence.

"We expect the United Nations to engage on the topic of protecting refugees inside Syria and if possible sheltering them in camps there," Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said.

France has supported Turkey's call for a safe zone in Syria, and pressure for action increased after the United Nations refugee agency said on Tuesday Syria's refugee exodus was accelerating. Up to 200,000 people could settle in Turkey alone if the conflict worsens, the UNHCR said.

"When we talk about figures in the hundreds of thousands, this problem no longer remains a problem of an internal conflict in any one country but becomes an international dangerous problem," said Davutoglu.

But the United States and other Western allies have shown little enthusiasm to provide the military and aerial support to police a no-fly zone which would most likely be needed to implement Turkey's proposal.

Assad, in his first television interview since a bomb attack killed four of his top security officials on July 18, brushed off the idea of international intervention.

"I believe that talk about a buffer zone is not practical, even for those countries which are playing a hostile role (against Syria)," Assad said, according to excerpts of an interview with Syria's Addounia TV broadcast on Wednesday.

Assad also took a swipe at Turkey's government which once cultivated good relations with Assad but turned against him over his violent response to the uprising in which at least 18,000 people have been killed, according to the United Nations.

"Will we go backwards because of the ignorance of some Turkish officials? ... (The Turkish people) have stood by us during the crisis," Assad said.

Turkey already hosts more than 80,000 refugees and the UNHCR said up to 5,000 people a day had crossed the Turkish border in the last two weeks. The flow of refugees arriving in Jordan has also doubled, it said.


Davutoglu was speaking shortly before going to New York to attend a U.N. Security Council meeting where foreign ministers are expected to discuss Ankara's proposal.

"We are studying the issue of buffer zones," said French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who will chair Thursday's meeting in New York.

"It's very complicated, we can't do it without the agreement of the Turks and other countries but we want to make progress," he told France Inter radio.

On Turkey's southern border, Syrian refugee Walid Abedeen said Syrians have been asking for a buffer zone and a no-fly zone since the revolt against Assad began.

"All Syrian people are with Turkey in this move," said the 56-year-old man, who left the northwestern town of Jisr al-Shughour more than a year ago.

But an elderly woman in a purple headscarf and a long black dress, who gave her name only as Hala, said a buffer zone could not be implemented.

"(Davutoglu) is asking for it, but it won't come to anything. Bashar al-Assad won't accept because Iran supports him and Russia supports him," she said, her back to rows of white tents which make up the Boynuyogun refugee camp.


The refugee flows to Turkey and Jordan have grown as fighting has worsened around Syria's northern city of Aleppo and across the southern province of Deraa, where anti-Assad protests first broke out, inspired by uprisings in other Arab countries.

The mainly peaceful protests were met with force by Assad's security forces, and the uprising has degenerated into a civil war with sectarian overtones. The mainly Sunni Muslim rebels are backed by regional Sunni powers. Assad, whose Alawite community is an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam, has Iranian support.

"We are engaged in a regional and global battle and it needs time to be resolved. But I can say.... that we are making progress and the situation, practically, is better. But it has not been resolved," the Syrian leader said.

Assad, who has vowed to defeat insurgents he describes as Islamist terrorists, praised the army and security forces who he said "are doing a heroic job in every sense".

Activists have accused Assad's troops and militia of slaying hundreds of people in Daraya, a town near Damascus, as the army tries to regain control of outlying areas of the capital.

Soldiers have also been fighting street battles with rebels in Aleppo, Syria's largest city, while helicopter gunships and jets have bombarded the mainly rebel-held towns nearby.

Rebels said on Wednesday they had attacked the military airport at Taftanaz, 40 km (25 miles) south-west of Aleppo, to try to stem the air strikes.

"The army fired back at us with artillery inside the airport but it wasn't enough to protect them from the assault. We hit several helicopters and one of the buildings," local rebel commander Abu Moaz al-Shami said.

While Assad remained determined to defeat the rebels, Fabius reiterated French calls for Syria's fragmented opposition to unite to form a unified transitional government.

"As soon as we have an alternative government that is very broad and which, I insist, recognizes and guarantees the Alawite, Christian and other communities, then we must recognize it and that, of course, will change everything," Fabius said.

But Assad's political opponents appear as divided as ever.

Basma Kodmani, a prominent figure in the Syrian National Council which once hoped to win international recognition, resigned on Tuesday, saying the council had failed to win either credibility abroad or trust at home.

(Additional reporting by Oliver Holmes in Reyhanli, Turkey, Catherine Bremer in Paris and Erika Solomon in Beirut; Writing by Dominic Evans; Editing by Alistair Lyon)


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Missouri Senate Race Becomes Three-Way Tug of War

The latest in Rep. Todd Akin's saga has turned into a tug of war between his candidacy and the Republican National Committee (RNC). Reince Priebus , chairman of the RNC, told interviewers at the Republican National Convention on Monday that the national party isn't "sending him a penny" for his campaign. Akin's campaign fired back.

What is at stake regarding Akin's relationship with the RNC?

Politico reports Akin could be the beneficiary of $5 million of campaign cash . Unfortunately, the National Republican Senatorial Committee is threatening to pull funding if Akin doesn't withdraw. The added cash benefits local media markets and brings more national attention to the Missouri race. Instead, that money may be spent elsewhere if the RNC follows through on its threat.

Why are national Republicans withholding money from Akin's campaign?

Priebus also asserted in the same interview that Akin should step aside and let someone else go up against incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill. The reasoning is that Republican leaders want to win that seat. The perception from the national committee is that Akin can't win now that his statements regarding "legitimate rape" have caused him to plummet in polls taken of Missouri voters.

What was the Akin campaign's response to Priebus' statement?

KSDK posted a statement by Akin's campaign. Perry Akin, the representative's campaign manager, called Priebus' comments "extremely disappointing ... This betrays his personal vendetta against Todd Akin. He is putting party power and political games ahead of the good of the country."

Further, USA Today posted a partial text of an interview Akin did with a local television station. The candidate said he will keep moving forward "as a matter of principle." Akin also said, "The people of Missouri did speak" and his the choice for Republican voters in his state.

What new advertisements are running for Akin despite the lack of funds?

The newest advertisement run by the conservative candidate compares Akin's six-second mistake to McCaskill's six-year record in the nation's capital. In the end, Akin asks, "What's this election about? Saving our country." Politico got an early look at the advertisement before it aired across Missouri. Akin also slammed McCaskill for voting for Obamacare and siding with President Barack Obama's policies 98 percent of the time.

What do new polls say about Akin's favorability rating?

Two new polls are out this week. A survey conducted by Wenzel Strategies interviewed 829 people. Akin led McCaskill 45 percent to 42 percent with 13 percent undecided. Akin held a 10 percent advantage among independent voters. Politico reports the Wenzel poll was commissioned by the Family Research Council , a group with close ties to the conservative candidate. Despite his lead over McCaskill, half of the voters surveyed had an unfavorable impression of Akin. The margin of error is 3.38 percent.

William Browning is a research librarian specializing in U.S. politics.


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ISIS to debut in September, claims report - News - Know Your Cell

The ISIS mobile payment service will reportedly launching nationally in September, according to a new report Tuesday. The service, which has been rumored for quite sometime, will launch on T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon Wireless smartphones.

For those in the dark here, ISIS is comprised of T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon Wireless. The partnership was formed in April?2010 to help foster the growth of using NFC-technology for mobile payments. ISIS will let customers use any of the most common credit cards, stored as part of an encrypted "digital wallet" inside his or her smartphone.

Word of the launch comes straight from the mouth of Verifone CEO Doug Bergeron, whose company has apparently been working diligently with carriers to supply terminals that ISIS can use. Bergeron did not provide too many details, but just enough to leave us wanting more.

While news of ISIS launching soon is excting, it's hardly suprising, especially considering field trials have been taking place in Texas and Utah. The trials are due to wind down soon, with the full launch starting after.

Besides ISIS, Amazon, Google, RIM, Apple, and several retail organizations have all been working on creating their own systems for letting customers use smartphones to authorize payments. ISIS, however, may beat them all to the punch as the company partnership its strategy for debuting NFC payments before the end of 2011. Impressive.

Besides those details, not much else is known about ISIS. Very little has leaked in regards to the service or its app, which I am sort of surprised at. I hope it does well, though, because mobile payments are a huge opportunity.

With ISIS getting out the door first, it should give them a huge advantage. Let the games begin.



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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nokia rolling out Symbian Belle Refresh with new web browser, home screen widgets

Nokia rolling out Symbian Belle Refresh with new web browser, home screen widgets

Good news for Nokia owners, as the company has begun the phased rollout of Symbian Belle Refresh. First and foremost, the OS update brings a new web browser with support for HTML5 web apps. Users will also discover new home screen widgets, and for those who've yet to snag 'em, Microsoft Office and Nokia Maps Suite 2.0 are also made part of the update. Symbian Belle Refresh is supported by the Nokia N8, E7, C7, C6-01, X7 and Oro, and will also include new imaging apps that are specific to the N8. The vanilla version of the software is now available, and Nokia expects that operator and country specific updates will be up for grabs in the coming weeks.

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Nokia rolling out Symbian Belle Refresh with new web browser, home screen widgets originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 28 Aug 2012 16:41:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The one HUD listing larger than 2,000 square feet that is available in Lakewood is located just north of 6th Ave off of Kipling in the Lakewood Heights Neighborhood. The home is a brick ranch with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and a 2 car garage. This home has a lot of potential with a little effort.

Bids for this home are being accepted through August 30th, so if you'd like to see it, or any of the available Denver HUD homes, call us at 303-726-1874 today.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Variety is more than the spice of life | Self-Help Happiness Blog ...

If you live a varied life, you will keep growing in so many ways. You want your health, your mind, your wallet, your experience ? everything ? to keep growing. So get out of the rut and into something new.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Rob Portman to play Barack Obama in debate prep

Rob Portman and Mitt Romney (Justin Sullivan/AP)

TAMPA?Ohio Sen. Rob Portman will play the role of President Barack Obama during practice debates with Mitt Romney, multiple sources told Yahoo News.

Portman is the Republican Party's go-to man for high-profile debate preparation. Since 1996, national political campaigns have tapped him to play the role of Democrats and even some Republicans. In mock debates, Portman has assumed the identity of Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Al Gore and Joe Lieberman. In 2008, he played Barack Obama in a practice debate against John McCain.

Campaign staffers who have seen Portman in action say he approaches the exercise like a method actor, imitating the voice, mannerisms and cadence of the politician he's playing.

"He was not just [playing] the positions of Barack Obama?he became Barack Obama," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the chief economic policy director for McCain's presidential campaign in 2008, to Yahoo News earlier this summer. "Physical mannerisms, parsing of his voice, everything. He's obviously the white guy from Cincinnati, but Obama has a particular set of vocal rhythms. Rob got all of that."

In addition to his work as debate guru for the Romney campaign, Portman will continue his work as Romney's Ohio state chairman.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Obama-Romney race is focused on 7 states

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? On the eve of their national party conventions, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are locked in a close race to amass the requisite 270 Electoral College votes for victory. And the contest is exactly where it was at the start of the long, volatile summer: focused on seven states that are up for grabs.

Neither candidate has a significant advantage in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Nevada, New Hampshire and Virginia, which offer a combined 85 electoral votes, according to an Associated Press analysis of public and private polls, spending on television advertising and numerous interviews with Republican and Democratic strategists in battleground states.

The analysis, which also took into account the strength of a candidate's on-the-ground organization and travel schedules, found that if the election were held today, Obama would have 19 states and the District of Columbia, offering 247 votes, solidly in his column or leaning his way, while Republican Romney would have 24 states with 206 votes.

Obama won all seven of the too-close-to-call states in 2008, and they are where the race will primarily be contested in the homestretch to the Nov. 6 election.

Ten weeks before Election Day, the AP analysis isn't meant to be predictive but rather is intended to provide a snapshot of a race that's been stubbornly close all year.

Among the unknowns that could shake up the electoral landscape before November: the latest unemployment figures that come out early next month, an unexpected foreign policy crisis in Syria or Iran and the outcome of the candidates' October debates.

Both sides are working to persuade the 23 percent of registered voters who said in an Associated Press-GfK poll that they are either undecided about the presidential race or iffy in their support for a candidate.

To woo them, the campaigns and political parties, along with allied groups with access to unlimited financial contributions, have already spent an astounding $540 million on television advertising, according to ad spending reports provided to the AP. And there's more to come.

Over the past three months, the campaign took a sharply negative turn, at times becoming nasty and personal.

Obama sought to define Romney early as a ruthless corporate raider for his time at the head of a private equity firm in Boston, and as an out-of-touch rich man keeping secrets about his wealth. Romney, in turn, worked to cast Obama as a failed president on a host of fronts, primarily the economy.

Both candidates have hit road bumps: Obama saw the unemployment rate rise to 8.3 percent and gave Republicans an opening to argue that he was unfriendly to small business. Romney had a widely panned foreign trip and made a series of potentially problematic comments, most recently joking about the debunked conspiracy theory regarding Obama's citizenship.

The national party conventions, starting with Republicans here, who convene Monday and start with a full schedule on Tuesday, and ending with Democrats the following week in Charlotte, N.C., will set the parameters of the fall campaign, and could provide each side with at least a temporary surge of support in national, if not battleground state, polls.

While Obama has a clear advantage given his incumbency, Romney does have a path to victory ? though it's a steep climb.

He must win most of the seven most competitive states ? Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Nevada, New Hampshire and Virginia ? in order to reach the magic number. For instance, he can lose Ohio's 18 electoral votes and still become president if he wins the other six and hangs onto those already in his grasp. It's difficult to see a scenario where Romney wins without a victory in Florida, which offers 29 electoral votes.

Neither side expects a dramatically different playing field this fall.

"You know the states that are in play," said Obama's campaign manager Jim Messina. "I don't think there's going to be a surprise."

Romney's political director Rich Beeson makes the same point: "I don't think you're going to see the map go crazy."

Still, once their conventions are over, both campaigns will commission polls in the hardest-fought states to determine whether to shift their strategies. The candidates and their allied outside groups will pull money and manpower from states that are moving out of reach while relocating it to others they may now think they have a shot at winning.

"We're in a holding pattern," said Charlie Black, a veteran Republican campaign strategist and informal adviser to Romney.

Perhaps not for long.

With a huge cash advantage, Romney is considering trying to put more states in play ? and creating more state-by-state paths to reach 270. He's closely watching to see whether it's worth it to compete aggressively in Wisconsin, now that native son Rep. Paul Ryan is on the ticket.

The Republican National Committee and GOP allies have been advertising in the state in hopes of making it competitive; at least one poll shows they've had some success and the race appears close. Obama, who has a formidable campaign on the ground that includes the state's active labor and minority blocs, hasn't advertised there but might be forced to do so.

Romney also is eyeing a deeper investment in Michigan, where he campaigned Friday, and Pennsylvania, where Ryan was last week. Obama carried both states in 2008, but the GOP sees promise in the economically struggling northern industrial states, especially among working-class, white voters.

The Republican may have the money to expand the map.

August financial reports show that Romney's overall fundraising apparatus ? his campaign, the RNC and a separate joint-fundraising committee ? had roughly $177 million in the bank at the end of July. The reports are the most recent public data.

And to a greater degree than Obama, Romney also has amassed an untapped stockpile of general election money that he plans to use this fall. He can begin spending it immediately upon accepting the nomination for president at the convention's close Thursday night.

Obama and his comparable committees, in turn, had only about $127 million on hand, according to the most recent report.

He also must wait until he accepts his party's nomination on Sept. 6, the close of the Democratic convention, to start spending his general election money.

Unlike Romney, Obama isn't focused on expanding the map in earnest.

He's mostly looking to hang onto as many of the states he won four years ago, with Ohio being of particular focus. In recent months, Obama's standing there has strengthened, the unemployment rate has dropped and last week General Motors announced a $200 million expansion of a northeast Ohio plant to continue building the Chevrolet Cruze there.

Beyond playing defense, Obama's team is watching to see whether the political terrain becomes more favorable to him in Missouri in the aftermath of controversial abortion and rape comments by Rep. Todd Akin, a GOP Senate candidate.

The backlash has been fierce, and polls show Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill ? arguably the most vulnerable Senate Democrat ? having gained ground. Obama competed for Missouri four years ago but lost and hasn't run ads there this year. Romney has had a comfortable advantage there.

If they have the money to do it, both sides will engage in head-faking: spending money in places simply to force the other side to defend their home turf. For example, if Romney goes after Pennsylvania, which has voted Democratic in all recent presidential elections, Obama would likely have to spend money to defend it, limiting the amount of cash he'll have available to spend in more competitive states, like Florida or Virginia.


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PFT: Cardinals not ready to name starting QB

Ryan Tannehill,  Jonathan Babineaux,  Mike Pouncey,  Richie IncognitoAP

Dolphins quarterback Ryan Tannehill is starting his second consecutive preseason game tonight, and for the second consecutive week he?s failed to complete 50 percent of his passes.

At halftime, Tannehill has completed 11 of 25 passes for 112 yards, with no touchdowns, one interception, one fumble and a passer rating of 40.8. Tannehill?s best play was a 15-yard run.

Tannehill?s accuracy has been a problem, although he hasn?t had a lot of help, either from his offensive line or from his receivers. Davone Bess has been solid, with four catches for 59 yards, but Tannehill hasn?t had many open wide receivers other than Bess, and tight end Anthony Fasano has dropped three passes.

The Falcons, who lead 9-3 at halftime, have gotten more going in their passing game, with Matt Ryan completing 12 of 18 passes for 162 yards, and Julio Jones catching four passes for 90 yards. Tannehill may be looking at Jones and wondering why he doesn?t have any receivers with that kind of talent.


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Shooting Reported at NY Empire State Building (Voice Of America)

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ohio man pleads not guilty in hospital shooting

FILE - This undated file photo provided by the Summit County Sheriff Department shows John Wise. Wise, accused in the suspected mercy killing at an Ohio hospital, is due to be arraigned Friday, Aug. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Summit County Sheriff Department, File)

FILE - This undated file photo provided by the Summit County Sheriff Department shows John Wise. Wise, accused in the suspected mercy killing at an Ohio hospital, is due to be arraigned Friday, Aug. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Summit County Sheriff Department, File)

(AP) ? A man pleaded not guilty Friday to shooting his wife of 45 years in a hospital intensive care unit in what may have been a mercy killing.

John Wise appeared before a judge via video from jail on several charges, including aggravated murder charge. Magistrate John Shoemaker reduced Wise's bond from $1 million to $500,000 at the request of his attorney who said he was not a flight risk.

Wise was charged with shooting his wife in the ICU unit of Akron General Medical Center on Aug. 4. She died the next morning.

His case has raised questions about what kind of punishment prosecutors should pursue when a relative is suspected of killing a loved one to end their suffering.

A friend said Barbara Wise had been disabled by a stroke and that the couple had agreed they never wanted to become disabled in a nursing home. Wise's attorney said his client had always acted toward his wife with love.

Police say Wise calmly walked into his 65-year-old wife's room without drawing any attention and shot her at her bedside.

A woman who identified herself as a nurse told a 911 dispatcher that people in the ICU heard a popping sound and ran to Barbara Wise's room where they saw a man dressed in black.

A doctor who confronted Wise said that he repeatedly asked him to give up his weapon after the shooting.

"He said to me, 'Please tell me she's dead,'" Dr. Michael A. Passero Jr. said.

Wise never surrendered the weapon to the doctor and within minutes security officers entered, forcefully ordered him to drop the weapon and then tackled him, Passero said.

Associated Press


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E-hobby Japan and Transformers Collectors Club Collaboration Program Begins

Some news just in about the collaboration between E-hobby Japan & Transformers Collectors Club. The have posted a page with an update in-language that states the E-hobby limited edition collaboration with Fun Has finally started! There is an image showing the Earth and both the E-Hobby and Fun Publications logos. The inscription in German and Japanese refers to a dark story that will be told. Japanese fans can subscribe to the newsletter for information. Check out the in-language page HERE.

We are dedicated to being to be the best resource for all your Transformers news and reviews every day. Keep your browser dialed to for updates as they happen.


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President decorates successful Olympics athletes

?TK |

24 August 2012

Prague, Aug 23 (CTK) - Czech President Vaclav Klaus decorated ten successful Czech participants in the London Summer Olympic Games with commemorative medals at Prague Castle Thursday while another four medalists could not come because they are currently taking part in international events.

The missing Barbora Spotakova (javelin, gold) and Zuzana Hejnova (hurdles, bronze) are currently taking part in the Diamond League in Lausanne, and Lucie Hradecka and Andrea Hlavackova (tennis doubles, silver) are currently playing in the United States.

Klaus praised the athletes. He attended the opening part of the games in London, but saw no medal.

"I think the best I could do was to leave London after three days because we lost everything during the three days," Klaus said.

He said he will send the commemorative medals to the four athletes who could not come to Prague Castle Thursday via Czech Olympic Committee (COV) chairman Milan Jirasek.

"I could hand it to Lucie Hradecka personally, we are in the same club," said Klaus, an ardent tennis player, who is I.CLTK Praha tennis club president.

Jirasek handed to Klaus a COV publication, London 2012, and thanked him for his years-long support to sport.

Czech athletes won ten medals in London, including four gold, three silver and three bronze ones. In the most successful games until then, in Atlanta, USA, in 1996, the Czechs won 11 medals.

Copyright 2011 by the Czech News Agency (?TK). All rights reserved.
Copying, dissemination or other publication of this article or parts thereof without the prior written consent of ?TK is expressly forbidden. The Prague Daily Monitor and Monitor CE are not responsible for its content.


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Silicon Valley's Favorite Hacker Hangouts Are At ... - Business Insider

The very first "office space" where Pinterest was born is now at risk of being shut down.

Hacker Dojo, one of Silicon Valley's most prized collaborative workspaces, is in the process of raising money to retrofit its office and avoid being shut down, The New York Times reports.

Hacker spaces like Hacker Dojo (nestled in the heart of Silicon Valley) and Noisebridge (in the edgy Mission District in San Francisco, an up and coming startup-heavy neighborhood) are beloved among entrepeneurs because they bring a bunch of smart developers under a single roof. Whenever you have that many smart people in the same room, great ideas tend to emerge.

Hacker Dojo charges rogue developers $100 a month to have access to the space, which includes office supplies, bike racks and other perks.?Often they'll hold makeshift classes, such as a beginner's session on the Python programming language ? resources you would never have access to otherwise.

As a result, founders and curious would-be entrepreneurs can lean on these "dojos" instead of having to go through the arduous process of finding funding for an office space or getting accepted into Y Combinator or other incubators, and won't have to give up equity.

The other option is to work from home, which in addition to being lonely and devoid of other entrepeneurs, can be disheartening and have an annoying lack of resources. You hear stories about entrepeneurs scraping together a prototype while eating dried ramen ? with places like the Dojo, the reality is much softer and much more welcoming.

In short, hacker havens like the Hacker Dojo actually lead to more entrepeneurs being willing to venture out on their own and try to build companies.

But given that it's just a retrofitted warehouse, it doesn't have the requirements of an office building ? like fire escapes and wheelchair-accessible bathrooms.?That's led city officials to come down on the hacker space, which also served as the west coast office of the designers of the Pebble watch, the Times reports.

?If they can?t comply, they can?t use the building as they want to,? said Mountain View's chief building officer Anthony Ghiossi told the Times.

The Dojo has so far raised more than $170,000 for retrofits amounting to about $250,000 ? from Google included, the Times reports. It also has a Kickstarter campaign running, which has raised more than $40,000.

Granted, it's for safety precautions, and it sounds like Mountain View is trying to work things out with the Dojo. But having visited a number of these spaces, getting snagged by a technicality is a horrible way to go down.


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Microsoft permanently lowering Kinect price in the US to $110, slightly reducing it in other parts of the world

Microsoft permanently lowering Kinect price in the US to $110, slightly reducing it in other parts of the world

Well, it certainly looks like the news of that Xbox Essentials Pack isn't the only thing coming out of Redmond today. As the communicative Major Nelson unequivocally notes, Microsoft's officially dropping down the price of its "You Are the Controller" Xbox 360 add-on in the US to a mere 110 bucks. Additionally, he's also said there's a "permanently reduced" pricing scheme coming to other countries in North America, Latin America and the Asia Pacific regions (save for Japan) where the company's Kinect is available for purchase; meanwhile, folks in the Middle East, Europe and Africa seem to be out of luck for now, since there are no price-slashing plans for the time being.

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Microsoft permanently lowering Kinect price in the US to $110, slightly reducing it in other parts of the world originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 22 Aug 2012 14:30:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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2013 Western Joint Summer Deans & Directors Meeting Info ...

The Western Joint Summer Deans & Directors Meeting will be held in Coeur d?Alene, Idaho at the Coeur d?Alene Resort on July 15-17, 2013.? Hotel reservation can be made by calling Reservations at 800-688-5253.? Reserve your reduced rate rooms by June 3, 2013 especially if you plan to arrive early. Room rates are Lake Tower ? $319/night and Park Tower ? $269/night.

The following link is a video about the resort and summer activities in the area:

The Coeur d?Alene Resort has been rated as one of the ?Best Hotels in the World? by Travel & Leisure.? You can enjoy golf, lake cruises, eagle-watching, 80-miles of bike trails through railroad tunnels and wildlife-filled wilderness.

For more details about the meeting, go to More information will be added to the website throughout the coming months.

The theme of the 2013 summer meeting will be Partnerships: Public and Private.


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Toronto festival adds David Geffen, Johnny Depp, Javier Bardem

LOS ANGELES ( - David Geffen will discuss his life and career, Johnny Depp will appear to support a documentary about the West Memphis 3 and Michael Haneke's "Amour" has joined the extensive lineup of films at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival, TIFF organizers announced on Tuesday.

In a series of releases that completed programming at the 11-day September festival, TIFF unveiled a lineup of guest speakers that will also include actors Javier Bardem and Jackie Chan, director Ken Burns and HBO documentary chief Sheila Nevins.

And the festival added an extensive lineup of new films from acclaimed international directors, including Haneke, as well as two dozen features from up-and-coming filmmakers.

The announcement of TIFF's Masters, Discovery and Mavericks programs completes the festival's programming, which includes 146 world premieres and films from 72 different countries, seven more than last year.

The totals, according to a TIFF fact sheet: 372 films, 289 features and 83 shorts, drawn from 4,143 submissions.

Mavericks, TIFF's annual series of conversations with filmmakers and entertainment industry figures, will include conversations with mogul David Geffen, actor Jackie Chan and Canadian filmmakers and humorists Graydon Sheppard and Kyle Humphrey.

Javier Bardem, Johnny Depp and Danny Glover will also participate in post-screening discussions - Bardem on behalf of the documentary "Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony," Depp with the West Memphis 3 doc "West of Memphis" and Glover with "Casting By," a film about casting directors in Hollywood.

The Masters program has added a dozen films from notable international auteurs, including the Cannes Palme d'Or winner, "Amour." Also in the program are films from Michael Winterbottom ("Everyday"), Abbas Kiarostami ("Like Someone in Love"), Bernardo Bertolucci ("Me and You"), Olivier Assayas ("Something in the Air") and Hong Sang-soo ("In Another Country").

The Discovery section has added 24 more films to its lineup of first- and second-time features. The section, which in the past presented directors like Steve McQueen and Athina Rachel Tsangari, will include world premieres of Pablo Berger's' "Blancanieves," Ramaa Mosley's "The Brass Teapot," Emil Christov's "The Color of the Chameleon," Michiel ten Horn's "The Deflowering of Eva van End" and Rola Nashef's "Detroit Unleaded."

The festival also announced its fourth TIFF Docs Conference, a two-day series of documentary-themed panels, conversations and screenings that will for the first time be open to the public. It will include a keynote conversation with HBO's Sheila Nevins, a panel with filmmakers Ken Burns and Shola Lynch, and screenings of "The Last White Knight" and the works-in-progress "The Fruit Hunters" and "Fight Like Soldiers, Die Like Children."

TIFF also announced a list of directors and actors who are expected to attend the festival. The list includes actors Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jackie Chan, Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Bill Murray, Robert Redford, Riz Ahmed, Ryan Gosling, Robert De Niro, Stephen Dorff, Dennis Quaid, Jennifer Connelly, Billy Bob Thornton, Bradley Cooper, Penelope Cruz, Marion Cotillard, Colin Firth, Kate Hudson, Kiefer Sutherland, Gwyneth Paltrow, Viggo Mortensen, James Franco, Javier Bardem, Hiroshi Abe, Elle Fanning, Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Zhang Ziyi, Greta Gerwig, Helen Hunt, Laura Linney, Logan Lerman, Keira Knightley, Mads Mikkelsen, Jake Gyllenhaal, Zhang Ziyi, Jennifer Lawrence, Julianne Moore, Greg Kinnear, Gael Garc?a Bernal, Sridevi, Saoirse Ronan, Selena Gomez, Salman Rushdie, Sam Rockwell, Naomi Watts, Will Smith, Johnny Depp, Terence Stamp and Vanessa Redgrave.

Filmmakers presenting world premieres at the festival include Rian Johnson, Noah Baumbach, Deepa Mehta, Derek Cianfrance, Sion Sono, Joss Whedon, Neil Jordan, Lu Chuan, Shola Lynch, Barry Levinson, Yvan Attal, Ben Affleck, Marina Zenovich, Costa-Gavras, Laurent Cantet, Sally Potter, Dustin Hoffman, Francois Ozon, David O. Russell, David Ayer, Pelin Esmer, Tom Tykwer, Lana Wachowski, Andy Wachowski, Andrew Adamson, Michael McGowan, Bahman Ghobadi, Ziad Doueiri, Alex Gibney, Stephen Chbosky, Eran Riklis, Edward Burns, Bernard ?mond, Zhang Yuan, Michael Winterbottom, Mike Newell, Miwa Nishikawa, Margarethe Von Trotta, David Siegel, Scott McGehee, Gauri Shinde, Goran Paskaljevic, Baltasar Korm?kur, J.A. Bayona, Rob Zombie, Peaches and Paul Andrew Williams.

The full festival schedule is now online at the TIFF website.


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Location Intelligence: Driving Competitive Advantage in the Retail ...


If you?re in retail, you probably already collect data. Lots of it. You want to know who your customers are, what they buy, how often they buy and where they come from. You also need to manage your products, stock levels ? on the shop floor and in the warehouse ? and relationships with your suppliers. And, of course, store performance ? which are your best performing stores, staff, regions and product types or categories by store and region? The list is almost limitless.

So, you have a lot of data. But data on its own is worthless. What do you do with it? How do you explore your different data types, sets and share it with those who matter most ? your decision-makers and stakeholders ? to gain new insights and discover previously hidden opportunities?

You need to be able to map your location-based data. You need Location Intelligence (LI) ? over 80 percent of your data has a spatial element, according to global analyst and advisory firm IDC. But what?s LI, and what?s it got to do with you, your business and your data?

Register for our LI Best Practices Webinar to find out >

Well, LI enables you to apply geographic contexts to business data ? LI combines location-based data with traditional metrics captured within a Business Intelligence (BI) system. It helps solve business problems by providing context to business data. LI also enables you to see, understand and act on new business opportunities by uncovering previously unidentified patterns in your data, or crucial relationships between different data sources and types.

Or, as IDC put it: ?Location intelligence is defined as the capacity to organize and understand complex data through the use of geographic relationships. LI organizes business and geographically referenced data to reveal the relationship of location to people, events, transactions, facilities, and assets.?

8 ways Location Intelligence can empower retailers to achieve competitive advantage

You?re an area manager for retail conglomerate Mega Store. The northern sector of your region is underperforming. The situation demands your personal attention. All options must be considered ? including store closures or relocations.

The ability to understand the ?where? of your retail data ? not just that ?what?, ?how?, ?when? and ?why? ? gives you capacity to develop ultra-effective marketing and operational strategies via multi-layered maps. And, applying LI to logistical data enables you to unite customers, suppliers and infrastructure, to ensure the most effective use of resources.

Using LI to understand your location-based information, you?re able to:

  • Uncover relationships between stores, products and customer types that affect sales performance
  • Identify marketplace gaps, opportunities, threats and level of market penetration or saturation (by adding in an element of time, it is also possible to track and predict growth and changes in customer preferences, behavior and demography per region)
  • Assess the sales of particular items by store and region to underpin future planning, determine effective and efficient sales campaigns and stock distribution strategies
  • Track stock levels of individual retail operators to help coordinate warehouse deliveries to ensure individual shop fronts are always well stocked
  • Assess customer purchase habits, frequency and residency to help new marketing campaigns boost store traffic and sales
    • Segment customers in a multi-dimensional way via purchase history, demography as well as location, to develop highly effective and personalized relationships
    • Identify the location of customers, as well as potential customers, and target them with specialized marketing messages via location-specific mediums
    • Analyze location-based marketing metrics to develop lucrative and sustainable customer loyalty programs
  • Maximize market share and individual store performance
    • Detect and mitigate unnecessary competition between company stores
    • Forecast and redevelop store-specific budgets and expectations based on the size of surrounding populations and other location specific information
  • Select site locations for new outlets or warehouses based on the geographic spread of your most profitable customers, proximity of competing stores, public transport and general transport routes, and how the local populous compares to your ideal customer profile
  • Detect and categorize underperforming stores to assess their ongoing viability, ability to raise profits, and develop strategies for rectifying the situation

But strangely, despite the plethora of potential LI applications within the retail industry, retailers are falling behind when it comes to LI adoption.

Retailers wasting data, missing opportunities

According to recent research by Vanson Bourne and Google?s Enterprise division, the retail industry lags behind many other sectors in its adoption of enterprise mapping technologies, with only 46 percent of retailers currently utilizing mapping tools to visualize their data.

The survey defined ?mapping technology? as technology that can be used by companies to present geographical information regarding the business to customers and/or staff.

?We live in an increasingly visual age and people expect to be able to digest information quickly rather than spending time trying to decipher it,? said Head of Enterprise GEO - EMEA at Google, Sanjay Patel. ?It?s important that marketers are aware of the potential of mapping technology to help them visualize their data within a geographical context. Mapping technologies are being used for far more than just showing your customers where you?re located.?

Early adopters reaping the benefits of location-aware reporting

The September 2011 Vanson Bourne study of 250 marketing managers ? from across a number of countries ? found that those retailers already using the technology had experienced improved customer engagement (66%), increased Web traffic (49%) and higher sales (47%). Sixty-two percent of those early adopters within the retail industry also said that the information gleaned from the technology had forced them to reconsider their product strategy.

Other major benefits listed by respondents included increased productivity, the ability to map the flow of stock orders, attract more customers, drive brand loyalty, analyze trends regarding product selection and customer location, and generate highly targeted location-based marketing campaigns.

Laggards realize paybacks, playing catch-up

Perhaps it?s no wonder then that all of the 54 percent of retail respondents not currently utilizing technologies to map their organizational data said that they planned on implementing such capabilities within the next year.

?We have a saying in the geography world which is that data is king,? said Patel. ?Data is the most valuable asset that any company has. If you open up that data and make it available to the end user ? whether that end user is a consumer or a business ? you as a company begin to progress.?

Ninety percent of all survey participants from a wide range of industries ? including the transport, finance, retail and public sectors ? said that they are using, or planning to implement, geospatial technologies to underpin strategic decision-making and achieve competitive advantage during 2012.

?Organizations in all sectors are harnessing the power of mapping technologies to get a better view of their customers, improve business processes, and most importantly of all, drive sales,? said Patel.

The global GIS market will reach $10.6bn by 2015, according to Global Industry Analysts Inc.

Lack of awareness a barrier to LI adoption

In fact (as mentioned in our previous blog post Experts: Location Intelligence unlocks the power of your data), only 11 percent of 180 business and IT managers interviewed for TechTarget?s 2012 Revealing the ?Where? of Business Intelligence using Location Analytics report were even familiar with the term ?Location Intelligence?. The same report also revealed that only 13 percent of organizations had a data-mapping tool within their BI solution. And, whilst familiarity with location-aware analytics remains low, demand for its benefits is ironically high, with 75 percent of respondents from the same survey stating that it?s ?somewhat important? or ?very important? to utilize maps to view business data such as store locations, distribution networks, sales territories, revenue by region and competitor locations.

To further emphasize this point, Gartner?s 2012 BI Magic Quadrant survey revealed that many organizations, across a diverse range of industries, are beginning to apply BI and analytics to new business areas. As a result, respondents listed ?geographic-intelligent functions? as the standout new product requirement for 2012.

Where to next?

As a retailer, LI offers you the ability to discover fresh insights and new relationships within and between your most important information ? your sales, marketing, operations, CRM, finance, HR and procurement data ? and to analyze and compare crucial business dimensions such as product, region, store, customer, department, supply chain, risk management; and of course, location.

Merging your location-based and traditional BI information provides context to your business data and enables you to see new opportunities.

So register for our Webinar event ? Location Intelligence Best Practices ? and learn how to harness advanced mapping capabilities to advantage your organization by effectively aligning business development and strategy.


Let Yellowfin show you how to remove investment risk and outline strategies that allow you to continue to grow with confidence. Let Yellowfin show you how LI can increase your profits and assist you to realize sustained competitive advantage.

What the experts say

But it?s not just us pushing the potential benefits of LI. The globe?s most respected and revered enterprise IT research and advisory analysts also know the power of LI:

  • ?Many are now looking to capitalize on location data in their BI to better leverage the ?where? in operational and strategic decision making. LI can make BI sizzle? ? Ovum
  • ?LI can lead to the execution of precise customer decision strategies and a new level of enterprise performance. In fact, there are location and geographic contexts to every element of business ? and organizations overlook it at their peril? ? Ventana Research
  • ?New tools and access to data are now allowing the power of location to be unleashed across many more business areas and to a much broader base of users? ? Deloitte
  • ?By linking location to corporate information, organizations can use location intelligence to make better decisions, enhance planning capabilities, and achieve real business benefits? ? Gartner



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